fix: Update create scripts to use :classes instead of :class

For schema script, changed property type detection and added all classes
For inferred script, also fixed a db/id issue caused by previous negative num
Gabriel Horner 2023-09-07 15:47:46 -04:00
parent 651866ba0b
commit e63b9716b4
2 changed files with 41 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -12,12 +12,13 @@
[nbb.core :as nbb]))
(defn- create-init-data []
(let [[actor-id person-id comment-id attendee-id duration-id] (repeatedly random-uuid)]
(let [[actor-id person-id comment-id attendee-id duration-id] (repeatedly random-uuid)
person-db-id (create-graph/new-db-id)]
{:block/name "person"
:block/type "class"
:db/id -1
:db/id person-db-id
:block/uuid person-id}}
{:block/name "movie"
@ -25,30 +26,30 @@
:block/schema {:properties [actor-id comment-id]}}}
{:block/original-name "Matt-Damon"
:block/tags [{:db/id -1}]}}
:block/tags [{:db/id person-db-id}]}}
{:block/original-name "Ben-Affleck"
:block/tags [{:db/id -1}]}}
:block/tags [{:db/id person-db-id}]}}
{:block/name "meeting"
:block/type "class"
:block/schema {:properties [attendee-id duration-id]}}}
{:block/original-name "Tienson"
:block/tags [{:db/id -1}]}}
:block/tags [{:db/id person-db-id}]}}
{:block/original-name "Zhiyuan"
:block/tags [{:db/id -1}]}}]
:block/tags [{:db/id person-db-id}]}}]
{:block/uuid actor-id
:block/schema {:type :object
:class person-id
:classes #{person-id}
:cardinality :many}}
{:block/uuid attendee-id
:block/schema {:type :object
:class person-id
:classes #{person-id}
:cardinality :many}}
:comment {:block/uuid comment-id}
:duration {:block/uuid duration-id}}}))

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
* All classes with their name, url, parent class (namespace) and properties
* Some classes are renamed due to naming conflicts
* All properties with their property type, url, description
* Property type is determined by looking for the first range value that is
a subclass of and then falling back to :object.
* Some properties are skipped because they are superseded/deprecated or because they have a property
type logseq doesnt' support yet
* assumes no cardinality. For now, only :object properties are given a :cardinality :many"
@ -72,16 +74,25 @@
"Schema datatypes,, that don't have Logseq equivalents"
#{"schema:Time" "schema:DateTime"})
(defn- ->property-page [property-m prop-uuid class-map class-uuids {:keys [verbose]}]
(defn- get-range-includes [property-m]
(let [range-includes (as-> (property-m "schema:rangeIncludes") range-includes*
(map (fn [m] (m "@id"))
(if (map? range-includes*) [range-includes*] range-includes*)))
(if (map? range-includes*) [range-includes*] range-includes*)))]
;; Prioritize (sort first) DataType subclasses because they are easier to enter in the app
(sort-by #(if (schema->logseq-data-types %) -1 1) range-includes)))
(defn- get-schema-type [range-includes class-map]
(some #(or (schema->logseq-data-types %)
(when (class-map %) :object))
(defn- ->property-page [property-m prop-uuid class-map class-uuids {:keys [verbose]}]
(let [range-includes (get-range-includes property-m)
schema-type (get-schema-type range-includes class-map)
;; Pick first range to determine type as only one range is supported currently
schema-type (some #(or (schema->logseq-data-types %)
(when (class-map %) :object))
_ (when (and verbose (> (count range-includes) 1))
(println "Picked first property type for" (pr-str (property-m "@id"))))
(println "Picked property type:"
{:property (property-m "@id") :type schema-type :range-includes (vec range-includes)}))
_ (assert schema-type (str "No schema found for property " (property-m "@id")))
schema (cond-> {:type schema-type}
;; This cardinality rule should be adjusted as we use more
@ -90,8 +101,14 @@
(property-m "rdfs:comment")
(assoc :description (property-m "rdfs:comment"))
(= schema-type :object)
(assoc :class (or (some class-uuids range-includes)
(throw (ex-info (str "No uuids found for range(s): " range-includes) {})))))]
(assoc :classes (let [invalid-classes (remove class-uuids range-includes)
_ (when (seq invalid-classes)
(throw (ex-info (str "No uuids found for range(s): " invalid-classes) {})))
datatype-classes (set/intersection (set range-includes) (set (keys schema->logseq-data-types)))
_ (when (seq datatype-classes)
(throw (ex-info (str "property " (pr-str (property-m "@id"))
" has DataType class values which aren't supported: " datatype-classes) {})))]
(set (map class-uuids range-includes)))))]
{(keyword (string/replace-first (property-m "@id") "schema:" ""))
{:block/uuid prop-uuid
:block/schema schema
@ -183,6 +200,13 @@
(defn- generate-properties
[select-properties property-uuids class-map class-uuids options]
(when (:verbose options)
(println "Properties by type:"
(->> select-properties
(mapv (fn [property-m]
(get-schema-type (get-range-includes property-m) class-map)))
(apply merge
(mapv #(->property-page % (property-uuids (% "@id")) class-map class-uuids options)