enhance(ui): add the shui select for the schema types

charlie 2024-03-06 17:46:34 +08:00
parent 35c71c9ca4
commit e71c4c8c50
1 changed files with 27 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -222,21 +222,33 @@
:disabled false}
(ui/select schema-types
(fn [_e v]
(let [type (keyword (string/lower-case v))
update-schema-fn (apply comp
#(assoc % :type type)
;; always delete previous closed values as they
;; are not valid for the new type
#(dissoc % :values)
(fn [attr]
(when-not (db-property-type/property-type-allows-schema-attribute? type attr)
#(dissoc % attr)))
[:cardinality :classes :position]))]
(swap! *property-schema update-schema-fn)
(components-pu/update-property! property @*property-name @*property-schema))))
(fn [v]
(let [type (keyword (string/lower-case v))
update-schema-fn (apply comp
#(assoc % :type type)
;; always delete previous closed values as they
;; are not valid for the new type
#(dissoc % :values)
(fn [attr]
(when-not (db-property-type/property-type-allows-schema-attribute? type attr)
#(dissoc % attr)))
[:cardinality :classes :position]))]
(swap! *property-schema update-schema-fn)
(components-pu/update-property! property @*property-name @*property-schema)))
:default-value :default}
{:class "!px-2 !py-0 !h-8"}
{:placeholder "Select a schema type"})
(shui/tabler-icon "selector" {:class "opacity-30"}))
(for [{:keys [label value disabled]} schema-types]
(shui/select-item {:value value :disabled disabled} label)))))
(ui/tippy {:html "Changing the property type clears some property configurations."
:class "tippy-hover ml-2"
:interactive true