fix: query dsl

Tienson Qin 2021-05-25 20:12:50 +08:00
parent 1f17da3b1f
commit e7879c5388
6 changed files with 144 additions and 139 deletions

View File

@ -1048,7 +1048,8 @@
(rum/defc block-children < rum/reactive
[config children collapsed? *ref-collapsed?]
(let [ref? (:ref? config)
collapsed? (if ref? (rum/react *ref-collapsed?) collapsed?)]
collapsed? (if ref? (rum/react *ref-collapsed?) collapsed?)
children (filter map? children)]
(when (and (seq children) (not collapsed?))
(let [doc-mode? (:document/mode? config)]
[:div.block-children {:style {:margin-left (if doc-mode? 12 21)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.set :as set]
[frontend.template :as template]))
[frontend.template :as template]
[ :as property]))
;; Query fields:
@ -218,16 +219,18 @@
(and (= 'property fe)
(= 3 (count e)))
(let [v (nth e 2)
v (if (or (string? v) (symbol? v))
(some-> (name v)
(let [k (string/replace (name (nth e 1)) "_" "-")
v (nth e 2)
v (if-not (nil? v)
(property/parse-property k v)
v (if (coll? v) (first v) v)
sym (if (= current-filter 'or)
(uniq-symbol counter "?v"))]
(uniq-symbol counter "?v"))]
[['?b :block/properties '?prop]
[(list 'get '?prop (keyword (nth e 1))) sym]
[(list 'missing? '$ '?b :block/name)]
[(list 'get '?prop (keyword k)) sym]
[(list '= sym v)]
@ -235,8 +238,11 @@
(and (= 'property fe)
(= 2 (count e)))
[['?b :block/properties '?prop]
[(list 'get '?prop (keyword (nth e 1)))]]
(let [k (string/replace (name (nth e 1)) "_" "-")]
[['?b :block/properties '?prop]
[(list 'missing? '$ '?b :block/name)]
[(list 'get '?prop (keyword k)) '?prop-v]
(or (= 'todo fe) (= 'task fe))
(let [markers (if (coll? (first (rest e)))
@ -280,20 +286,23 @@
[['?b :block/page [:block/name page-name]]])
(= 'page-property fe)
(let [[k v] (rest e)]
(if v
(let [v (some->> (name (nth e 2))
(let [[k v] (rest e)
k (string/replace (name k) "_" "-")]
(if-not (nil? v)
(let [v (property/parse-property k v)
v (if (coll? v) (first v) v)
sym '?v]
[['?p :block/name]
['?p :block/properties '?prop]
[(list 'get '?prop (keyword (nth e 1))) sym]
[(list 'get '?prop (keyword k)) sym]
[(list '= sym v)]
[(list 'contains? sym v)])])
[['?p :block/properties '?prop]
[(list 'get '?prop (keyword (nth e 1)))]]))
[['?p :block/name]
['?p :block/properties '?prop]
[(list 'get '?prop (keyword k)) '?prop-v]
(= 'page-tags fe)

View File

@ -183,29 +183,7 @@
v (if (coll? v)
(let [v (string/trim v)
v (cond
(= v "true")
(= v "false")
(util/safe-re-find #"^\d+$" v)
(util/safe-parse-int v)
(and (= "\"" (first v) (last v))) ; wrapped in ""
(string/trim (subs v 1 (dec (count v))))
(contains? @non-parsing-properties (string/lower-case k))
(if (and k v
(contains? config/markers k)
(util/safe-parse-int v))
(util/safe-parse-int v)
(text/split-page-refs-without-brackets v true)))]
(property/parse-property k v))
k (keyword k)
v (if (and
(string? v)

View File

@ -417,9 +417,10 @@
([node pos]
(scroll-to node pos true))
([node pos animate?]
(.scroll node
#js {:top pos
:behavior (if animate? "smooth" "auto")}))))
(when node
(.scroll node
#js {:top pos
:behavior (if animate? "smooth" "auto")})))))
(defn scroll-to-top

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
[clojure.set :as set]
[frontend.config :as config]
[medley.core :as medley]
[frontend.format.mldoc :as mldoc]))
[frontend.format.mldoc :as mldoc]
[frontend.text :as text]))
(defonce properties-start ":PROPERTIES:")
(defonce properties-end ":END:")
@ -321,3 +322,29 @@
(vector? block)
(contains? #{"Property_Drawer" "Properties"}
(first block))))
(defonce non-parsing-properties
(atom #{"background-color" "background_color"}))
(defn parse-property
[k v]
(let [k (name k)
v (if (or (symbol? v) (keyword? v)) (name v) (str v))
v (string/trim v)]
(= v "true")
(= v "false")
(util/safe-re-find #"^\d+$" v)
(util/safe-parse-int v)
(and (= "\"" (first v) (last v))) ; wrapped in ""
(string/trim (subs v 1 (dec (count v))))
(contains? @non-parsing-properties (string/lower-case k))
(text/split-page-refs-without-brackets v true))))

View File

@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ tags: [[page-tag-1]], page-tag-2
parent: [[child page 1]]
- DONE 26-b1 [[page 1]]
created_at:: 1608968448113
last_modified_at:: 1608968448113
prop_a:: val_a
prop_c:: [[page a]], [[page b]], [[page c]]
created-at:: 1608968448113
last-modified-at:: 1608968448113
prop-a:: val-a
prop-c:: [[page a]], [[page b]], [[page c]]
- LATER 26-b2-modified-later [[page 2]] #tag1
created_at:: 1608968448114
last_modified_at:: 1608968448120
prop_b:: val_b
created-at:: 1608968448114
last-modified-at:: 1608968448120
prop-b:: val-b
- DONE [#A] 26-b3 [[page 1]]
created_at:: 1608968448115
last_modified_at:: 1608968448115
created-at:: 1608968448115
last-modified-at:: 1608968448115
{:file/path "journals/"
:file/content "---
@ -42,35 +42,35 @@ tags: page-tag-2, [[page-tag-3]]
parent: [[child page 1]], child page 2
- NOW [#A] b1 [[page 1]]
created_at:: 1609052958714
last_modified_at:: 1609052958714
created-at:: 1609052958714
last-modified-at:: 1609052958714
- LATER [#B] b2-modified-later [[page 2]]
created_at:: 1609052959376
last_modified_at:: 1609052974285
created-at:: 1609052959376
last-modified-at:: 1609052974285
- b3 [[page 1]]
created_at:: 1609052959954
last_modified_at:: 1609052959954
prop_a:: val_a
created-at:: 1609052959954
last-modified-at:: 1609052959954
prop-a:: val-a
- b4 [[page 2]]
created_at:: 1609052961569
last_modified_at:: 1609052961569
created-at:: 1609052961569
last-modified-at:: 1609052961569
- b5
created_at:: 1609052963089
last_modified_at:: 1609052963089"}
created-at:: 1609052963089
last-modified-at:: 1609052963089"}
{:file/path "journals/"
:file/content "---
title: Dec 28th, 2020
parent: child page 2
- 28-b1 [[page 1]]
created_at:: 1609084800000
last_modified_at:: 1609084800000
created-at:: 1609084800000
last-modified-at:: 1609084800000
- 28-b2-modified-later [[page 2]]
created_at:: 1609084800001
last_modified_at:: 1609084800020
created-at:: 1609084800001
last-modified-at:: 1609084800020
- 28-b3 [[page 1]]
created_at:: 1609084800002
last_modified_at:: 1609084800002"}]]
created-at:: 1609084800002
last-modified-at:: 1609084800002"}]]
(repo-handler/parse-files-and-load-to-db! test-db files {:re-render? false})))
(def parse (partial dsl/parse test-db))
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ last_modified_at:: 1609084800002"}]]
(let [parse-result (parse s)
query (:query parse-result)]
{:query query
{:query (if (seq query) (vec query) query)
:result (dsl/query test-db s)}))
(defn q-count
@ -122,54 +122,39 @@ last_modified_at:: 1609084800002"}]]
(testing "Block properties query"
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
"(property prop_a val_a)"
{:query '[[?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :prop_a) ?v]
[(= ?v "val_a")]
[(contains? ?v "val_a")])]
"(property prop-a val-a)"
{:query '[[?b :block/properties ?prop] [(missing? $ ?b :block/name)] [(get ?prop :prop-a) ?v] (or [(= ?v "val-a")] [(contains? ?v "val-a")])]
:count 2}
"(property prop_b val_b)"
{:query '[[?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :prop_b) ?v]
[(= ?v "val_b")]
[(contains? ?v "val_b")])]
"(property prop-b val-b)"
{:query '[[?b :block/properties ?prop] [(missing? $ ?b :block/name)] [(get ?prop :prop-b) ?v] (or [(= ?v "val-b")] [(contains? ?v "val-b")])]
:count 1}
"(and (property prop_b val_b))"
{:query '[[?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :prop_b) ?v]
[(= ?v "val_b")]
[(contains? ?v "val_b")])]
"(and (property prop-b val-b))"
{:query '([?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(missing? $ ?b :block/name)]
[(get ?prop :prop-b) ?v]
(or [(= ?v "val-b")] [(contains? ?v "val-b")]))
:count 1}
"(and (property prop_c \"page c\"))"
{:query '[[?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :prop_c) ?v]
[(= ?v "page c")]
[(contains? ?v "page c")])]
"(and (property prop-c \"page c\"))"
{:query '[[?b :block/properties ?prop] [(missing? $ ?b :block/name)] [(get ?prop :prop-c) ?v] (or [(= ?v "page c")] [(contains? ?v "page c")])]
:count 1}
;; TODO: optimize
"(and (property prop_c \"page c\") (property prop_c \"page b\"))"
{:query '([?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :prop_c) ?v]
"(and (property prop-c \"page c\") (property prop-c \"page b\"))"
{:query '[[?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(missing? $ ?b :block/name)]
[(get ?prop :prop-c) ?v]
(or [(= ?v "page c")] [(contains? ?v "page c")])
[(get ?prop :prop_c) ?v1]
(or [(= ?v1 "page b")] [(contains? ?v1 "page b")]))
[(get ?prop :prop-c) ?v1]
(or [(= ?v1 "page b")] [(contains? ?v1 "page b")])]
:count 1}
"(or (property prop_c \"page c\") (property prop_b val_b))"
{:query '(or (and [?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :prop_c) ?v]
(or [(= ?v "page c")] [(contains? ?v "page c")]))
(and [?b :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :prop_b) ?v]
(or [(= ?v "val_b")] [(contains? ?v "val_b")])))
"(or (property prop-c \"page c\") (property prop-b val-b))"
{:query '[or
(and [?b :block/properties ?prop] [(missing? $ ?b :block/name)] [(get ?prop :prop-c) ?v] (or [(= ?v "page c")] [(contains? ?v "page c")]))
(and [?b :block/properties ?prop] [(missing? $ ?b :block/name)] [(get ?prop :prop-b) ?v] (or [(= ?v "val-b")] [(contains? ?v "val-b")]))]
:count 2}))
(testing "task queries"
@ -266,13 +251,17 @@ last_modified_at:: 1609084800002"}]]
(testing "page-property queries"
(are [x y] (= (q-count x) y)
"(page-property parent)"
{:query '[[?p :block/name]
[?p :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :parent) ?prop-v]
[true]], :count 3}
"(page-property parent [[child page 1]])"
{:query '[[?p :block/name]
[?p :block/properties ?prop]
[(get ?prop :parent) ?v]
[(= ?v "child page 1")]
[(contains? ?v "child page 1")])]
(or [(= ?v "child page 1")] [(contains? ?v "child page 1")])]
:count 2}
"(page-property parent \"child page 1\")"
@ -343,12 +332,12 @@ last_modified_at:: 1609084800002"}]]
"(and (task now later done) (between [[Dec 27th, 2020]] [[Dec 28th, 2020]]))"
;; ;; between with created_at
;; "(and (task now later done) (between created_at [[Dec 26th, 2020]] tomorrow))"
;; ;; between with created-at
;; "(and (task now later done) (between created-at [[Dec 26th, 2020]] tomorrow))"
;; 5
;; ;; between with last_modified_at
;; "(and (task now later done) (between last_modified_at [[Dec 26th, 2020]] tomorrow))"
;; ;; between with last-modified-at
;; "(and (task now later done) (between last-modified-at [[Dec 26th, 2020]] tomorrow))"
;; 5
@ -399,63 +388,63 @@ last_modified_at:: 1609084800002"}]]
(and (not [?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "page 1"]]))))
:count 5}))
;; (testing "sort-by (created_at defaults to desc)"
;; (testing "sort-by (created-at defaults to desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (q "(and (task now later done)
;; (sort-by created_at))")
;; (sort-by created-at))")
;; :result
;; deref
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created_at"])))]
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1609052959376 1609052958714 1608968448115 1608968448114 1608968448113)))))
;; (testing "sort-by (created_at desc)"
;; (testing "sort-by (created-at desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (q "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by created_at desc))")
;; (sort-by created-at desc))")
;; :result
;; deref
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created_at"])))]
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1609052959376 1609052958714 1608968448115 1608968448114 1608968448113)))))
;; (testing "sort-by (created_at asc)"
;; (testing "sort-by (created-at asc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (q "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by created_at asc))")
;; (sort-by created-at asc))")
;; :result
;; deref
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created_at"])))]
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "created-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1608968448113 1608968448114 1608968448115 1609052958714 1609052959376)))))
;; (testing "sort-by (last_modified_at defaults to desc)"
;; (testing "sort-by (last-modified-at defaults to desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (q "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by last_modified_at))")
;; (sort-by last-modified-at))")
;; :result
;; deref
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last_modified_at"])))]
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last-modified-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1609052974285 1609052958714 1608968448120 1608968448115 1608968448113)))))
;; (testing "sort-by (last_modified_at desc)"
;; (testing "sort-by (last-modified-at desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (q "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by last_modified_at desc))")
;; (sort-by last-modified-at desc))")
;; :result
;; deref
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last_modified_at"])))]
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last-modified-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1609052974285 1609052958714 1608968448120 1608968448115 1608968448113)))))
;; (testing "sort-by (last_modified_at desc)"
;; (testing "sort-by (last-modified-at desc)"
;; (db/clear-query-state!)
;; (let [result (->> (q "(and (todo now later done)
;; (sort-by last_modified_at asc))")
;; (sort-by last-modified-at asc))")
;; :result
;; deref
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last_modified_at"])))]
;; (map #(get-in % [:block/properties "last-modified-at"])))]
;; (is (= result
;; '(1608968448113 1608968448115 1608968448120 1609052958714 1609052974285)))))
@ -479,10 +468,10 @@ last_modified_at:: 1609084800002"}]]
;; FIXME: Error: Insufficient bindings: #{?priority} not bound in [(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)]
'[:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/uuid]
(or (and [?b :block/priority ?priority] [(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)])
(not [?b :block/priority #{"A"}]
[(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)]))]
(frontend.db/get-conn test-db))))
'[:find (pull ?b [*])
[?b :block/uuid]
(or (and [?b :block/priority ?priority] [(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)])
(not [?b :block/priority #{"A"}]
[(contains? #{"A"} ?priority)]))]
(frontend.db/get-conn test-db))))