fix: `s` shortcut not working on cards

pull/6118/head 0.7.7
Tienson Qin 2022-07-20 15:55:04 +08:00
parent 87ef8e284f
commit e808732b2b
1 changed files with 6 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -400,12 +400,12 @@
(def review-finished
[:p.p-2 "Congrats, you've reviewed all the cards for this query, see you next time! 💯"])
(defn- btn-with-shortcut [{:keys [shortcut id btn-text background on-click]}]
(defn- btn-with-shortcut [{:keys [shortcut id btn-text background on-click class]}]
[:span btn-text (when-not (util/sm-breakpoint?)
[" " (ui/render-keyboard-shortcut shortcut)])]
:id id
:class id
:class (str id " " class)
:background background
:on-click (fn [e]
(when-let [elem (gobj/get e "target")]
@ -461,12 +461,14 @@
2 "Show answers"
3 "Show clozes")
:shortcut "s"
:class "mr-2 card-answers"
:id "card-answers"
:class "mr-2"
:on-click #(reset! phase next-phase)}))
(when (and (> (count cards) 1) preview?)
(btn-with-shortcut {:btn-text "Next"
:shortcut "n"
:class "mr-2 card-next"
:id "card-next"
:class "mr-2"
:on-click (fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(skip-card card card-index cards phase review-records cb))}))