enhance(rtc): merge same-name pages' blocks

rcmerci 2024-01-24 00:00:29 +08:00
parent 0768809a86
commit e87e2591f2
1 changed files with 15 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -335,6 +335,17 @@
(update-block-attrs repo conn date-formatter self op-value)
(prn :apply-remote-update-ops self)))
(defn- move-all-blocks-to-another-page
[repo conn from-page-name to-page-name]
(let [blocks (ldb/get-page-blocks @conn from-page-name {})
target-page-block (first (ldb/get-page-blocks @conn to-page-name {}))]
(when (and (seq blocks) target-page-block)
{:persist-op? true
:transact-opts {:repo repo
:conn conn}}
(outliner-core/move-blocks! repo conn blocks target-page-block false)))))
(defn apply-remote-update-page-ops
[repo conn date-formatter update-page-ops]
(let [config (worker-state/get-config repo)]
@ -349,8 +360,10 @@
;; 1. rename local page's name to '<origin-name>-<ms-epoch>-Conflict'
;; 2. create page, name=<origin-name>, uuid=remote-uuid
(and exist-page (not= (:block/uuid exist-page) self))
(do (worker-page-rename/rename! repo conn config original-name (common-util/format "%s-%s-CONFLICT" original-name (tc/to-long (t/now))))
(worker-page/create! repo conn config original-name create-opts))
(let [conflict-page-name (common-util/format "%s-%s-CONFLICT" original-name (tc/to-long (t/now)))]
(worker-page-rename/rename! repo conn config original-name conflict-page-name {:persist-op? false})
(worker-page/create! repo conn config original-name create-opts)
(move-all-blocks-to-another-page repo conn conflict-page-name original-name))
;; a client-page has same uuid as remote but different page-names,
;; then we need to rename the client-page to remote-page-name