fix(rtc): transact db-schema first, then normal-blocks when download-graph

rcmerci 2024-06-27 17:20:47 +08:00
parent 736c0b1f49
commit eb1a7a3de4
2 changed files with 63 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
(ns frontend.worker.pipeline
"Pipeline work after transaction"
(:require [datascript.core :as d]
[frontend.schema-register :as sr]
[frontend.worker.file :as file]
[frontend.worker.react :as worker-react]
[frontend.worker.util :as worker-util]
[frontend.worker.state :as worker-state]
[frontend.worker.util :as worker-util]
[logseq.db :as ldb]
[logseq.db.frontend.validate :as db-validate]
[logseq.db.sqlite.util :as sqlite-util]
[logseq.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[logseq.outliner.datascript-report :as ds-report]
[logseq.outliner.pipeline :as outliner-pipeline]
[logseq.outliner.core :as outliner-core]))
[logseq.outliner.pipeline :as outliner-pipeline]))
(defn- refs-need-recalculated?
@ -39,10 +40,15 @@
:block/refs refs}]))))
(sr/defkeyword :skip-validate-db?
"tx-meta option, default = false")
(defn validate-db!
"Validate db is slow, we probably don't want to enable it for production."
[repo conn tx-report context]
(when (and (:dev? context) (not (:importing? context)) (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo))
[repo conn tx-report tx-meta context]
(when (and (not (:skip-validate-db? tx-meta false))
(:dev? context)
(not (:importing? context)) (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo))
(let [valid? (db-validate/validate-tx-report! tx-report (:validate-db-options context))]
(when (and (get-in context [:validate-db-options :fail-invalid?]) (not valid?))
(worker-util/post-message :notification
@ -113,7 +119,7 @@
(when-not (exists? js/process) (d/store @conn))
_ (validate-db! repo conn tx-report context)
_ (validate-db! repo conn tx-report tx-meta context)
full-tx-data (concat (:tx-data tx-report)
(:tx-data refs-tx-report)
(:tx-data tx-report'))

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
[get-ws-create-task repo conn remote-graph-name]
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/upload {:sub-type :fetch-presigned-put-url
:message "fetching presigned put-url"})
:message "fetching presigned put-url"})
(let [[{:keys [url key]} all-blocks-str]
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@
(let [all-blocks (export-as-blocks @conn)]
(ldb/write-transit-str all-blocks)))))]
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/upload {:sub-type :upload-data
:message "uploading data"})
:message "uploading data"})
(m/? (c.m/<! (http/put url {:body all-blocks-str :with-credentials? false})))
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/upload {:sub-type :request-upload-graph
:message "requesting upload-graph"})
:message "requesting upload-graph"})
(let [upload-resp
(m/? (ws-util/send&recv get-ws-create-task {:action "upload-graph"
:s3-key key
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
(op-mem-layer/update-graph-uuid! repo graph-uuid)
(m/? (op-mem-layer/new-task--sync-to-idb repo))
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/upload {:sub-type :upload-completed
:message "upload-graph completed"})
:message "upload-graph completed"})
(throw (ex-info "upload-graph failed" {:upload-resp upload-resp})))))))
@ -213,6 +213,28 @@
(select-keys block [:db/id :db/ident :block/uuid])))
(defn- block->schema-map
(when-let [db-ident (:db/ident block)]
(let [value-type (:db/valueType block)
cardinality (:db/cardinality block)
db-index (:db/index block)]
(when (or value-type cardinality db-index)
(cond-> {:db/ident db-ident}
value-type (assoc :db/valueType value-type)
cardinality (assoc :db/cardinality cardinality)
db-index (assoc :db/index db-index))))))
(defn- blocks->schema-blocks+normal-blocks
(fn [[schema-blocks normal-blocks] block]
(if-let [schema-block (block->schema-map block)]
(let [strip-schema-attrs-block (dissoc block :db/valueType :db/cardinality :db/index)]
[(conj schema-blocks schema-block) (conj normal-blocks strip-schema-attrs-block)])
[schema-blocks (conj normal-blocks block)]))
[[] []] blocks))
(defn- new-task--transact-remote-all-blocks
[all-blocks repo graph-uuid]
(let [{:keys [t blocks]} all-blocks
@ -224,21 +246,13 @@
;;TODO: remove this, client/schema already converted to :db/cardinality, :db/valueType by remote,
;; and :client/schema should be removed by remote too
blocks (map #(dissoc % :client/schema) blocks)
tempid-source-blocks (filter-tempid-source-blocks blocks)
blocks (fill-block-fields blocks)
{db-schema-def-blocks true other-blocks false}
(group-by (fn [block]
(and (:db/ident block)
(or (:db/cardinality block)
(:db/valueType block))))) blocks)
[schema-blocks normal-blocks] (blocks->schema-blocks+normal-blocks blocks)
tx-data (concat
[{:db/ident :logseq.kv/graph-uuid :kv/value graph-uuid}
{:db/ident :logseq.kv/db-type :kv/value "db"}])
[{:db/ident :logseq.kv/graph-uuid :kv/value graph-uuid}])
init-tx-data (concat [{:db/ident :logseq.kv/db-type :kv/value "db"}]
^js worker-obj (:worker/object @worker-state/*state)]
(op-mem-layer/update-local-tx! repo t)
@ -247,15 +261,17 @@
(.createOrOpenDB worker-obj repo (ldb/write-transit-str {:close-other-db? false}))
(.exportDB worker-obj repo)
(.transact worker-obj repo init-tx-data {:rtc-download-graph? true
:gen-undo-ops? false
:persist-op? false} (worker-state/get-context))
(.transact worker-obj repo tx-data {:rtc-download-graph? true
:gen-undo-ops? false
:persist-op? false} (worker-state/get-context))
(transact-block-refs! repo))))
(.createOrOpenDB worker-obj repo (ldb/write-transit-str {:close-other-db? false}))
(.exportDB worker-obj repo)
(.transact worker-obj repo init-tx-data {:rtc-download-graph? true
:gen-undo-ops? false
;; only transact db schema, skip validation to avoid warning
:skip-validate-db? true
:persist-op? false} (worker-state/get-context))
(.transact worker-obj repo tx-data {:rtc-download-graph? true
:gen-undo-ops? false
:persist-op? false} (worker-state/get-context))
(transact-block-refs! repo))))
(worker-util/post-message :add-repo {:repo repo}))))
@ -265,8 +281,8 @@
(defn new-task--request-download-graph
[get-ws-create-task graph-uuid]
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/download {:sub-type :request-download-graph
:message "requesting download graph"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
:message "requesting download graph"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
(m/join :download-info-uuid
(ws-util/send&recv get-ws-create-task {:action "download-graph"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})))
@ -282,8 +298,8 @@
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/download {:sub-type :wait-remote-graph-data-ready
:message "waiting for the remote to prepare the data"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
:message "waiting for the remote to prepare the data"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
(loop []
(m/? (m/sleep 3000))
(let [{:keys [download-info-list]}
@ -304,8 +320,8 @@
[graph-uuid graph-name s3-url]
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/download {:sub-type :downloading-graph-data
:message "downloading graph data"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
:message "downloading graph data"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
(let [^js worker-obj (:worker/object @worker-state/*state)
{:keys [status body] :as r} (m/? (c.m/<! (http/get s3-url {:with-credentials? false})))
repo (str sqlite-util/db-version-prefix graph-name)]
@ -313,8 +329,8 @@
(throw (ex-info "download-graph from s3 failed" {:resp r}))
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/download {:sub-type :transact-graph-data-to-db
:message "transacting graph data to local db"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
:message "transacting graph data to local db"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
(let [all-blocks (ldb/read-transit-str body)]
(worker-state/set-rtc-downloading-graph! true)
(op-mem-layer/init-empty-ops-store! repo)
@ -324,6 +340,6 @@
(m/? (c.m/await-promise (.storeMetadata worker-obj repo (pr-str {:kv/value graph-uuid}))))
(worker-state/set-rtc-downloading-graph! false)
(rtc-log-and-state/rtc-log :rtc.log/download {:sub-type :download-completed
:message "download completed"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})
:message "download completed"
:graph-uuid graph-uuid})