fix: lint warnings

Tienson Qin 2024-01-10 01:32:26 +08:00
parent 22d3a82412
commit eb6e5942f8
37 changed files with 22 additions and 961 deletions

View File

@ -88,12 +88,10 @@ frontend.fs.sync/stop-debug-print-sync-events-loop
;; For debugging
;; Repl fn
;; Initial loaded
;; placeholder var for defonce
;; Used by shadow.cljs
;; For defonce

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
:unused-namespace {:level :warning
:exclude [frontend.db.datascript.entity-plus]}
:exclude [logseq.db.frontend.entity-plus]}
;; TODO:lint: Remove node-path excludes once we have a cleaner api
:unresolved-var {:exclude [frontend.util/node-path.basename
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
;; src/test
frontend.test.helper/deftest-async clojure.test/deftest
frontend.test.helper/with-reset cljs.test/async
frontend.db.rtc.idb-keyval-mock/with-reset-idb-keyval-mock cljs.test/async
frontend.worker.rtc.idb-keyval-mock/with-reset-idb-keyval-mock cljs.test/async
frontend.react/defc clojure.core/defn}
:skip-comments true
:output {:progress true}}

View File

@ -259,7 +259,6 @@
;; Register sanitization / parsing fns in:
;; logseq.common.util (parsing only)
;; frontend.util.fs (sanitization only)
;; frontend.handler.conversion (both)
(defn title-parsing
"Convert file name in the given file name format to page title"
[file-name-body filename-format]

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
(def file-graph-ns
"Namespaces or parent namespaces _only_ for file graphs"
(mapv escape-shell-regex
["frontend.handler.file-based" "frontend.handler.conversion" "frontend.handler.file-sync"
["frontend.handler.file-based" "frontend.handler.file-sync"
"frontend.components.conversion" "frontend.components.file-sync"
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
(def file-graph-paths
"Paths _only_ for file graphs"
["src/main/frontend/handler/file_based" "src/main/frontend/handler/conversion.cljs" "src/main/frontend/handler/file_sync.cljs"
["src/main/frontend/handler/file_based" "src/main/frontend/handler/file_sync.cljs"
"src/main/frontend/components/conversion.cljs" "src/main/frontend/components/file_sync.cljs"
(defn- validate-db-ns-not-in-file

View File

@ -624,15 +624,6 @@
(ipc/ipc :userAppCfgs :feature/enable-automatic-chmod? (not enabled?)))
[:span.text-sm.opacity-50 (t :settings-page/auto-chmod-desc)])))
(defn filename-format-row []
{:left-label (t :settings-page/filename-format)
:button-label (t :settings-page/edit-setting)
;; :on-click #(state/set-sub-modal!
;; (fn [_] (conversion-component/files-breaking-changed))
;; {:id :filename-format-panel :center? true})
(rum/defcs native-titlebar-row < rum/reactive
[state t]
(let [enabled? (state/sub [:electron/user-cfgs :window/native-titlebar?])]

View File

@ -218,15 +218,6 @@
(when (and (not (:skip-refresh? tx-meta)) (seq tx-data))
(refresh-affected-queries! repo-url affected-keys)))))
(defn batch-refresh!
[repo-url _txs]
;; (when (and repo-url (seq txs))
;; (let [affected-keys (apply set/union (map get-affected-queries-keys txs))]
;; (refresh-affected-queries! repo-url affected-keys)))
(state/set-state! [:rtc/remote-batch-tx-state repo-url]
{:in-transaction? false
:txs []}))
(defn set-key-value
[repo-url key value]
(if value

View File

@ -40,12 +40,6 @@
(println error-message-or-handler))
(defn get-page-default-properties
{:title page-name
;; :date (date/get-date-time-string)
(defn fix-pages-timestamps
(map (fn [{:block/keys [created-at updated-at journal-day] :as p}]

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
;; Convert data on updating from earlier version of Logseq on demand
(ns frontend.handler.conversion
"For conversion logic between old version and new version"
(:require [logseq.common.util :as common-util]
[frontend.util.fs :as fs-util]
[frontend.handler.config :refer [set-config!]]
[frontend.util :as util]))
(defn write-filename-format!
Promise <void>"
[repo format]
(js/console.log (str "Writing character escaping format " format " of repo " repo))
(set-config! :file/name-format format))
(defn- calc-current-name
"If the file body is parsed as the same page name, but the page name has a
different file sanitization result under the current sanitization form, return
the new file name.
the file name for the page name under the current file naming rules, or `nil`
if no change of path happens"
[format file-body prop-title]
(let [page-title (or prop-title
(common-util/title-parsing file-body format))
cur-file-body (fs-util/file-name-sanity page-title format)]
(when-not (= file-body cur-file-body)
{:status :informal
:target cur-file-body
:old-title page-title
:changed-title page-title})))
(defn- calc-previous-name
"We want to recover user's title back under new file name sanity rules.
the file name for that page name under the current file naming rules,
and the new title if no action applied, or `nil` if no break change happens"
[old-format new-format file-body]
(let [new-title (common-util/title-parsing file-body new-format) ;; Rename even the prop-title is provided.
old-title (common-util/title-parsing file-body old-format)
target (fs-util/file-name-sanity old-title new-format)]
(when (not= new-title old-title)
(if (not= target file-body)
{:status :breaking
:target target
:old-title old-title
:changed-title new-title}
;; Even the same file body are producing mismatched titles - it's unreachable!
{:status :unreachable
:target target
:old-title old-title
:changed-title new-title}))))
;; Register sanitization / parsing fns in:
;; logseq.common.util (parsing only)
;; frontend.util.fs (sanitization only)
;; frontend.handler.conversion (both)
;; - the special rule in `is-manual-title-prop?`
(defonce supported-filename-formats [:triple-lowbar :legacy])
(defn- is-manual-title-prop?
"If it's an user defined title property instead of the generated one"
[format file-body prop-title]
(if prop-title
(not (or (= file-body (fs-util/file-name-sanity prop-title format))
(when (= format :legacy)
(= file-body (fs-util/file-name-sanity prop-title :legacy-dot)))))
(defn- calc-rename-target-impl
[old-format new-format file-body prop-title]
;; dont rename journal page. officially it's stored as `yyyy_mm_dd`
;; If it's a journal file imported with custom :journal/page-title-format,
;; and it includes reserved characters, format config change / file renaming is required.
;; It's about user's own data management decision and should be handled
;; by user manually.
;; the 'expected' title of the user when updating from the previous format, or title will be broken in new format
(let [ret (or (when (and (nil? prop-title)
(not= old-format new-format))
(calc-previous-name old-format new-format file-body))
;; if no break-change conversion triggered, check if file name is in an informal / outdated style.
(calc-current-name new-format file-body prop-title))]
(when (and ret
;; Return only when the target is different from the original file body, not only capitalization difference
(not= (util/page-name-sanity-lc (:target ret))
(util/page-name-sanity-lc file-body)))
(defn calc-rename-target
"Return the renaming status and new file body to recover the original title of the file in previous version.
The return title should be the same as the title in the index file in the previous version.
return nil if no rename is needed.
page: the page entity
path: the path of the file of the page
old-format, new-format: the filename formats
{:status :informal | :breaking | :unreachable
:file-name original file name
:target the new file name
:old-title the old title
:changed-title the new title} | nil"
[page path old-format new-format]
(let [prop-title (get-in page [:block/properties :title])
file-body (common-util/path->file-body path)
journal? (:block/journal? page)
manual-prop-title? (is-manual-title-prop? old-format file-body prop-title)]
(and (not journal?)
(not manual-prop-title?))
(calc-rename-target-impl old-format new-format file-body prop-title)
(and (not journal?)
(fs-util/include-reserved-chars? file-body))
{:status :informal
:file-name file-body
:target (fs-util/file-name-sanity file-body new-format)
:old-title prop-title
:changed-title prop-title})))

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
[ :as file-property-handler]
[ :as property-util]
[logseq.db.frontend.schema :as db-schema]
[logseq.graph-parser.block :as gp-block]
[logseq.common.util.block-ref :as block-ref]))
(defn- remove-non-existed-refs!
@ -129,24 +128,6 @@
:block/properties new-properties)
(merge (if level {:block/level level} {})))))
(defn properties-block
[repo properties format page]
(let [content (property-file/insert-properties-when-file-based repo format "" properties)
refs (gp-block/get-page-refs-from-properties properties
(db/get-db (state/get-current-repo))
{:block/pre-block? true
:block/uuid (db/new-block-id)
:block/properties properties
:block/properties-order (keys properties)
:block/refs refs
:block/left page
:block/format format
:block/content content
:block/parent page
:block/page page}))
(defn- set-block-property-aux!
[block-or-id key value]
(when-let [block (cond (string? block-or-id) (db/entity [:block/uuid (uuid block-or-id)])

View File

@ -31,24 +31,6 @@
lines (if @key-exists? lines (cons new-property-line lines))]
(string/join "\n" lines))))
(defn insert-properties
"Updates multiple page properties. Mainly just used in legacy title context"
[format content kvs]
(fn [content [k v]]
(let [k (if (string? k)
(keyword (-> (string/lower-case k)
(string/replace " " "-")))
v (if (coll? v)
(seq v)
(string/join ", "))
(insert-property format content k v)))
content kvs))
(defn add-property!
[page-name key value]
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]

View File

@ -148,11 +148,6 @@
(string/triml (string/join "\n" body)))
(defn front-matter?
(string/starts-with? s "---\n"))
(defn insert-property
"Only accept nake content (without any indentation)"
([format content key value]

View File

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
(def property-key-exist?-when-file-based property-util/property-key-exist?)
(def goto-properties-end-when-file-based property-util/goto-properties-end)
(def front-matter?-when-file-based property-util/front-matter?)
(defn properties-hidden?

View File

@ -254,14 +254,6 @@
(reduce-kv #(if (pred %3) (reduced %2) %1) -1
(cond-> coll (list? coll) (vec)))))
;; (defn format
;; [fmt & args]
;; (apply gstring/format fmt args))
(defn remove-nils-non-nested
(into {} (remove (comp nil? second)) nm))
;; ".lg:absolute.lg:inset-y-0.lg:right-0.lg:w-1/2"
(defn hiccup->class

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
(ns frontend.util.fs
"Misc util fns built on top of frontend.fs"
(:require ["path" :as node-path]
[logseq.common.util :as common-util]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.fs :as fs]
[frontend.config :as config]
[promesa.core :as p]
@ -78,13 +76,3 @@
(defn file-name-sanity
[name _format]
(wfu/file-name-sanity name))
(defn create-title-property?
(and (string? page-name)
(let [filename-format (state/get-filename-format)
file-name (file-name-sanity page-name filename-format)
page-name' (common-util/title-parsing file-name filename-format)
result (or (not= page-name page-name')
(include-reserved-chars? file-name))]

View File

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
;; Register sanitization / parsing fns in:
;; logseq.common.util (parsing only)
;; frontend.util.fs (sanitization only)
;; frontend.handler.conversion (both)
(defn file-name-sanity
(when (string? title)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"Page operations"
(:require [logseq.db :as ldb]
[logseq.graph-parser.block :as gp-block]
[ :as gp-property]

View File

@ -393,15 +393,18 @@
ops* (ops-encoder ops)]
(op-idb-layer/<reset! repo ops* graph-uuid local-tx)))
(defn run-sync-loop
(go-loop []
(<! (timeout 3000))
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when (and (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo)
(contains? (@*ops-store repo) :current-branch))
(<! (<sync-to-idb-layer! repo))))
(defonce #_:clj-kondo/ignore _sync-loop
(go-loop []
(<! (timeout 3000))
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when (and (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo)
(contains? (@*ops-store repo) :current-branch))
(<! (<sync-to-idb-layer! repo))))
(defonce _sync-loop (run-sync-loop))
(defn rtc-db-graph?

View File

@ -75,25 +75,3 @@
(defn set-worker-object!
(swap! *state assoc :worker/object worker))
(defn conj-batch-txs!
(swap! *state update :rtc/remote-batch-txs
(fn [old-data]
(concat old-data tx-data))))
(defn batch-tx-mode?
(some? (:rtc/remote-batch-txs @*state)))
(defn start-batch-tx-mode!
(swap! *state assoc :rtc/remote-batch-txs []))
(defn exit-batch-tx-mode!
(swap! *state assoc :rtc/remote-batch-txs nil))
(defn get-batch-txs
(:rtc/remote-batch-txs @*state))

View File

@ -128,32 +128,6 @@
:file/no-data "Keine Daten"
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Seite existiert bereits mit einer anderen Datei: {1}, aktuelle Datei: {2}. Bitte behalten Sie nur eine davon und indizieren Sie Ihren Graphen neu."
:file-rn/all-action "Alle Aktionen anwenden! ({1})"
:file-rn/apply-rename "Anwenden des Vorgangs zur Datei-Umbenennung"
:file-rn/close-panel "Das Panel schließen"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Format aktualisieren!"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Diese Einstellung legt fest, wie eine Seite in einer Datei gespeichert wird. Logseq speichert eine Seite in einer Datei mit demselben Namen."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Einige Zeichen wie \"/\" oder \"?\" sind für einen Dateinamen ungültig."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq ersetzt ungültige Zeichen durch ihr URL-kodiertes Äquivalent, um sie gültig zu machen (z. B. wird \"?\" zu \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Auch das Namespace-Trennzeichen \"/\" wird aus ästhetischen Gründen durch \"___\" (dreifacher Unterstrich) ersetzt."
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Sie verwenden derzeit ein veraltetes Format. Es wird dringend empfohlen, auf das neueste Format zu aktualisieren. Bitte sichern Sie vor dem Vorgang Ihre Daten und schließen Sie Logseq-Clients auf anderen Geräten."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Die Aktualisierung des Dateinamenformats erfolgt in zwei Schritten:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Klicken "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Befolgen Sie die nachstehenden Anweisungen, um die Dateien in das neue Format umzubenennen:"
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Optionale Umbenennungsaktionen; 🟡 Umbenennungsaktion erforderlich, um Titeländerung zu vermeiden; 🔴 Inkompatible Änderung."
:file-rn/need-action "Es werden Aktionen zur Umbenennung von Dateien vorgeschlagen, damit sie dem neuen Format entsprechen. Eine erneute Indizierung ist auf allen Geräten erforderlich, wenn die umbenannten Dateien synchronisiert werden."
:file-rn/no-action "Gut gemacht! Keine weiteren Maßnahmen erforderlich."
:file-rn/optional-rename "Vorschlag: "
:file-rn/or-select-actions " oder benennen Sie die folgenden Dateien einzeln um, dann "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Diese Aktionen stehen nicht mehr zur Verfügung, wenn Sie dieses Fenster schließen."
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Oder der Titel wird zu"
:file-rn/re-index "Es wird dringend empfohlen, die Indizierung nach der Umbenennung der Dateien und nach der Synchronisierung auf anderen Geräten zu wiederholen."
:file-rn/rename "Datei \"{1}\" in \"{2}\" umbenennen"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: Format schreiben"
:file-rn/select-format "(Entwicklermodus-Option, gefährlich!) Dateinamenformat auswählen"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Aktion erforderlich: "
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Warnung! Der Seitenname wird unter dem aktuellen Dateinamenformat zu {1}, es sei denn, die Eigenschaft `title::` wird manuell gesetzt"
:flashcards/modal-btn-forgotten "Vergessen"
:flashcards/modal-btn-hide-answers "Antworten verstecken"
:flashcards/modal-btn-next-card "Nächste"
@ -556,7 +530,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "custom.css bearbeiten"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "export.css bearbeiten"
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Globale config.edn bearbeiten"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Bearbeiten"
:settings-page/enable-all-pages-public "Alle Seiten bei Veröffentlichung öffentlich"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Karteikarten"
:settings-page/enable-journals "Journale einschalten"
@ -564,7 +537,6 @@
:settings-page/enable-timetracking "Zeiterfassung einschalten"
:settings-page/enable-tooltip "Tooltips"
:settings-page/export-theme "Theme exportieren"
:settings-page/filename-format "Dateinamen-Format"
:settings-page/git-commit-delay "Anzahl Sekunden für Git Auto Commit"
:settings-page/git-confirm "Sie müssen die App neu starten, nachdem Sie die Git-Einstellungen angepasst haben."
:settings-page/git-switcher-label "Git Auto Commit aktivieren"

View File

@ -193,31 +193,6 @@
:file/no-data "No data"
:file/format-not-supported "Format .{1} is not supported."
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Page already exists with another file: {1}, current file: {2}. Please keep only one of them and re-index your graph."
:file-rn/re-index "Re-index is strongly recommended after the files are renamed and on other devices after syncing."
:file-rn/need-action "File rename actions are suggested to match the new format. Re-index is required on all devices when the renamed files are synced."
:file-rn/or-select-actions " or individually rename files below, then "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". These actions are not available once you close this panel."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Optional rename actions; 🟡 Rename action required to avoid title change; 🔴 Breaking change."
:file-rn/close-panel "Close the Panel"
:file-rn/all-action "Apply all Actions! ({1})"
:file-rn/select-format "(Developer Mode Option, Dangerous!) Select filename format"
:file-rn/rename "rename file \"{1}\" to \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "Apply the file rename operation"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Action required: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Or title will become"
:file-rn/no-action "Well done! No further action required."
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Update format!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: write format"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Warning! The page name will become {1} under current filename format, unless the `title::` property is set manually"
:file-rn/optional-rename "Suggestion: "
:file-rn/format-deprecated "You are currently using an outdated format. Updating to the latest format is highly recommended. Please backup your data and close Logseq clients on other devices before the operation."
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "This setting configures how a page is stored to a file. Logseq stores a page to a file with the same name."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Some characters like \"/\" or \"?\" are invalid for a filename."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq replaces invalid characters with their URL encoded equivalent to make them valid (e.g. \"?\" becomes \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "The namespace separator \"/\" is also replaced by \"___\" (triple underscore) for aesthetic consideration."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "It's a 2-step process to update filename format:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Click "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Follow the instructions below to rename the files to the new format:"
:page/created-at "Created At"
:page/updated-at "Updated At"
:page/backlinks "Backlinks"
@ -294,7 +269,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Edit global config.edn"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Edit custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Edit export.css"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Edit"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "Custom configuration"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Custom global configuration"
:settings-page/theme-light "light"
@ -343,7 +317,6 @@
:settings-page/plugin-system "Plugins"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Flashcards"
:settings-page/network-proxy "Network proxy"
:settings-page/filename-format "Filename format"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Alpha features"
:settings-page/beta-features "Beta features"
:settings-page/login-prompt "To access new features before anyone else you must be an Open Collective Sponsor or Backer of Logseq and therefore log in first."

View File

@ -295,31 +295,6 @@
:file/last-modified-at "Fecha de modificación"
:file/name "Nombre del archivo"
:file/no-data "No hay datos"
:file-rn/all-action "¡Aplicar todas las acciones! ({1})"
:file-rn/apply-rename "Aplicar la operación de cambio de nombre de archivo"
:file-rn/close-panel "Cerrar el panel"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "¡Actualizar formato!"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Esta configuración configura cómo se guarda una página en un archivo. Logseq guarda una página en un archivo con el mismo nombre."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Algunos caracteres como \"/\" o \"?\" no son válidos para nombrar un archivo."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq reemplaza los caracteres no válidos con su URL codificado equivalente para hacerlos válidos (por ejemplo \"?\" se convierte en \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "El separador \"/\" también se reemplaza por \"___\" (triple guión bajo) por consideraciones estéticas."
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Está utilizando un formato obsoleto. Se recomienda actualizar al formato más reciente. Realice una copia de seguridad de sus datos y cierre los clientes de Logseq en otros dispositivos antes de la operación."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Actualizar el formato de nombre es un proceso de 2 pasos:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Clic "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Siga las instrucciones indicadas abajo para renombrar los archivos al nuevo formato: "
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Acciones de cambio de nombre opcionales; 🟡 Cambio de nombre obligatorio para evitar el cambio de título; 🔴 Cambio destructor."
:file-rn/need-action "Se sugieren acciones de cambio de nombre de archivo para que coincidan con el nuevo formato. Cuando se sincronicen los archivos renombrados se requiere volver a indexar en todos los dispositivos."
:file-rn/no-action "¡Bien hecho! No es necesario realizar más acciones."
:file-rn/optional-rename "Sugerencia: "
:file-rn/or-select-actions " o cambie el nombre de los archivos a continuación individualmente, luego "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Estas acciones no estarán disponibles una vez cierres este panel."
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "O el título se convertirá"
:file-rn/re-index "Se recomienda encarecidamente volver a indexar después de cambiar el nombre de los archivos y en otros dispositivos después de la sincronización."
:file-rn/rename "Renombrar \"{1}\" a \"{2}\""
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Desarrollo: formato de escritura"
:file-rn/select-format "(Opción modo desarrollador, ¡peligroso!) Seccione el formato de nombre de archivo"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Acción necesaria: "
:file-rn/unreachable-title "¡Advertencia! El nombre de la página se convertirá en {1} en el formato de nombre de archivo actual, a no ser que la propiedad `title::` se establezca manualmente"
:file-sync/connectivity-testing-failed "Fallaron las pruebas de conexión de red. Consulte la configuración de su red. URLs de prueba: "
:file-sync/graph-deleted "El gráfico remoto actual se ha eliminado"
:file-sync/other-user-graph "El gráfico local actual está unido al gráfico remoto de otro usuario, así que no se puede empezar a sincronizar"
@ -620,7 +595,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Editar custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Editar export.css"
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Editar config.edn global"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Editar"
:settings-page/enable-all-pages-public "Hacer todas las páginas públicas al publicar"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Tarjetas de memorización"
:settings-page/enable-journals "Habilitar diarios"
@ -629,7 +603,6 @@
:settings-page/enable-tooltip "Habilitar descripción emergente"
:settings-page/enable-whiteboards "Pizarras"
:settings-page/export-theme "Tema exportación"
:settings-page/filename-format "Formato de nombre de archivo"
:settings-page/git-commit-delay "Segundos para Git auto commit"
:settings-page/git-confirm "Debe reiniciar la aplicación después de actualizar las opciones de Git."
:settings-page/git-desc-1 "Para ver el historial de edición de la página, da clic en los tres puntos horizontales en la esquina superior derecha y selecciona \"Ver historial de página\"."

View File

@ -129,30 +129,6 @@
:color/red "Rouge"
:color/yellow "Jaune"
:content/copy-block-emebed "Copier l'intégration du bloc"
:file-rn/apply-rename "Appliquer le renommage"
:file-rn/close-panel "Fermer le panneau"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Mettre à jour le format !"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Ce réglage configure la manière dont une page est enregistrée dans un fichier. Logseq enregistre une page dans un fichier portant le même nom."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Certains caractères spéciaux comme \"/\" ou \"?\" sont invalides pour un nom de fichier."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq remplace les caractères invalides par leur équivalent encodé façon URL pour les rendre valides (ex. : \"?\" devient \"%3F\")"
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Le séparateur d'espace de nommage \"/\" est également remplacé par \"___\" (triple barre de soulignement) pour des raisons esthétiques."
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Vous utilisez un format obsolète. Mettre à jour le format est fortement recommandé. Veuillez sauvegarder vos données, fermez Logseq sur vos autres postes avant de lancer l'opération."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Le changement de format de nom de fichier se fait en 2 étapes :"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Cliquez "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Suivez les instructions ci-dessous pour renommer le fichier au nouveau format :"
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Actions de renommage facultatives ; 🟡 Action de renommage requise"
:file-rn/need-action "Les actions de renommage de fichier sont suggérées pour être compatibles avec le nouveau format. Une réindexation est requise sur tous les postes quand les fichiers renommés auront été "
:file-rn/no-action "Bravo ! Aucune autre action requise"
:file-rn/optional-rename "Suggestion : "
:file-rn/or-select-actions "ou renommez individuellement les fichiers suivants, puis "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Ces actions ne sont pas disponibles dès lors que vous fermez ce panneau."
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Ou le titre deviendra"
:file-rn/re-index "La réindexation est fortement recommandée après que les fichiers aient été renommés, puis sur les autres postes après synchronisation."
:file-rn/rename "renommer le fichier \"{1}\" en \"{2}\""
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: format d'écriture"
:file-rn/select-format "(Option du Mode développeur, Danger !) Sélectionnez le format de nom de fichier"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Action requise : "
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Attention ! La page deviendra {1} sous le format actuel, à moins que vous n'ayez modifié la propriété `title::`"
:graph/all-graphs "Tous les graphes"
:help/forum-community "Forum communautaire"
:help/shortcut-page-title "Raccourcis clavier"
@ -251,14 +227,12 @@
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Modifier custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Modifier export.css"
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Modifier le fichier global config.edn"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Modifier"
:settings-page/enable-all-pages-public "Toutes les pages publiques lors de la publication"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Cartes mémoire"
:settings-page/enable-shortcut-tooltip "Activer les astuces sur les raccourcis"
:settings-page/enable-tooltip "Astuces"
:settings-page/enable-whiteboards "Tableaux blancs"
:settings-page/export-theme "Exporter le thème"
:settings-page/filename-format "Format de nom de fichier"
:settings-page/git-commit-delay "Délai (secondes) des commits Git automatiques"
:settings-page/git-confirm "Vous devez redémarrer l'application après avoir mis à jour le dossier Git"
:settings-page/git-switcher-label "Activer les commits Git automatiques"
@ -633,7 +607,6 @@
:editor/cycle-todo "Basculer l'état TODO de l'élément courant"
:editor/delete-selection "Supprimer les blocs sélectionnés"
:editor/expand-block-children "Étendre tout"
:file-rn/all-action "Appliquer toutes les actions ({1})"
:file-sync/rsapi-cannot-upload-err "Impossible de démarrer la synchronisation, vérifiez si…"
:flashcards/modal-btn-forgotten "Oubliée"
:flashcards/modal-btn-hide-answers "Cacher les réponses"

View File

@ -182,32 +182,7 @@
:file/no-data "Tidak ada data"
:file/format-not-supported "Format .{1} tidak didukung."
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Halaman sudah ada dengan berkas lain: {1}, berkas saat ini: {2}. Harap pertahankan hanya satu dari mereka dan re-indeks grafik Anda."
:file-rn/re-index "Re-indeks sangat dianjurkan setelah berkas diubah nama dan pada perangkat lain setelah sinkronisasi."
:file-rn/need-action "Tindakan penggantian nama berkas disarankan agar sesuai dengan format baru. Re-indeks diperlukan pada semua perangkat saat berkas yang diubah nama disinkronkan."
:file-rn/or-select-actions " atau ubah nama berkas secara individual di bawah, lalu "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Tindakan ini tidak tersedia setelah Anda menutup panel ini."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Tindakan penggantian nama opsional; 🟡 Tindakan penggantian nama diperlukan untuk menghindari perubahan judul; 🔴 Perubahan besar."
:file-rn/close-panel "Tutup Panel"
:file-rn/all-action "Terapkan Semua Tindakan! ({1})"
:file-rn/select-format "(Opsi Mode Pengembang, Berbahaya!) Pilih format nama berkas"
:file-rn/rename "ubah nama berkas \"{1}\" menjadi \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "Terapkan operasi penggantian nama berkas"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Tindakan diperlukan: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Atau judul akan menjadi"
:file-rn/no-action "Bagus! Tidak diperlukan tindakan lebih lanjut."
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Perbarui format!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Pengembang: tulis format"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Peringatan! Nama halaman akan menjadi {1} dalam format nama berkas saat ini, kecuali properti title:: diatur secara manual"
:file-rn/optional-rename "Saran: "
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Anda saat ini menggunakan format yang sudah ketinggalan zaman. Diperbarui ke format terbaru sangat disarankan. Harap cadangkan data Anda dan tutup aplikasi Logseq di perangkat lain sebelum operasi ini."
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Pengaturan ini mengkonfigurasi bagaimana sebuah halaman disimpan ke dalam berkas Logseq menyimpan halaman ke dalam berkas dengan nama yang sama."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Beberapa karakter seperti \"/\" atau \"?\" tidak valid untuk nama berkas"
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq mengganti karakter yang tidak valid dengan ekivalen URL mereka untuk membuatnya valid (misalnya, \"?\" menjadi \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Pemisah ruang nama \"/\" juga diganti dengan \"___\" (tiga garis bawah) untuk pertimbangan estetika."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Ini adalah proses 2 langkah untuk memperbarui format nama berkas:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Klik "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Ikuti instruksi di bawah ini untuk mengubah nama berkas ke format baru:"
:page/created-at "Dibuat pada"
:page/created-at "Dibuat pada"
:page/updated-at "Diperbarui pada"
:page/backlinks "Tautan balik"
:linked-references/filter-search "Cari di halaman terhubung"
@ -265,7 +240,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Sunting global config.edn"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Sunting custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Sunting export.css"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Sunting"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "Konfigurasi kustom"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Konfigurasi global kustom"
:settings-page/theme-light "terang"
@ -314,7 +288,6 @@
:settings-page/plugin-system "Pengaya"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Kartu Belajar"
:settings-page/network-proxy "Proxy jaringan"
:settings-page/filename-format "Format nama berkas"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Fitur Alpha"
:settings-page/beta-features "Fitur Beta"
:settings-page/login-prompt "Untuk mengakses fitur-fitur baru sebelum orang lain, Anda harus menjadi Sponsor atau Pendukung Logseq di Open Collective dan oleh karena itu harus masuk terlebih dahulu."

View File

@ -439,31 +439,6 @@
:editor/delete-selection "Elimina blocchi selezionati"
:editor/expand-block-children "Espandi tutto"
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Pagina già esistente con un altro file: {1}, file corrente: {2}. Mantieni solo una pagina e re-indicizza il grafo."
:file-rn/all-action "Applica tutte le azioni! ({1})"
:file-rn/apply-rename "Rinomina!"
:file-rn/close-panel "Chiudi il pannello"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Aggiorna il formato!"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Questa opzione configura il modo in cui le pagine sono salvate in file. Logseq salva una pagina in un file con lo stesso nome."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Caratteri come \"/\" o \"?\" non sono ammessi nel nome di un file."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq sostituisce caratteri non ammessi con la loro codifica URL equivalente per renderli validi (per esempio \"?\" diventa \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Anche l'operatore di namespace \"/\" viene sostituito con \"___\" (triplo trattino basso) per motivi estetici."
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Stai usando un formato obsoleto. Aggiornare al formato più recente è fortemente consigliato. Ricorda di fare un backup dei tuoi dati e chiudere tutte le sessioni Logseq su altri dispositivi prima dell'operazione."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Aggiornare il formato del nome di un file consiste di due passi:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Clicca "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Segui le istruzioni che seguono per rinominare il file nel nuovo formato:"
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Azioni di rinomina facoltative; 🟡 Azioni di rinomina necessarie per evitare il cambio del titolo; 🔴 Modifica retro-incompatibile."
:file-rn/need-action "Le azioni di rinomina file sono suggerite per essere compatibili con il nuovo formato. È richiesta la re-indicizzazione su tutti i dispositivi quando i file rinominati vengono sincronizzati."
:file-rn/no-action "Ben fatto! Non ci sono altre azioni necessarie."
:file-rn/optional-rename "Suggerimento: "
:file-rn/or-select-actions " o rinomina i file singolarmente sotto, poi "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Queste azioni non saranno disponibili dopo aver chiuso questo pannello."
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "O il titolo diventerà"
:file-rn/re-index "La re-indicizzazione è fortemente consigliata dopo che i file rinominati su altri dispositivi vengono sincronizzati."
:file-rn/rename "rinominare file da \"{1}\" a \"{2}\""
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: formato di scrittura"
:file-rn/select-format "(Opzione modalità sviluppatore, Pericolo!) seleziona formato per i nomi dei file"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Azione richiesta: "
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Attenzione! Il nome della pagina diventerà {1} sotto il formato corrente per i nomi dei file, salvo che la proprietà `title::` sia impostata manualmente"
:file-sync/connectivity-testing-failed "Prova della connettività fallita. Controlla le impostazione di rete. Prova indirizzi URL: "
:file-sync/rsapi-cannot-upload-err "Impossibile iniziare la sincronizzazione, controlla che la data e l'ora locali siano corrette."
:flashcards/modal-btn-forgotten "Dimenticata"
@ -652,9 +627,7 @@
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Configurazione globale personalizzata"
:settings-page/disable-sentry-desc "Logseq non raccoglierà mai il database del grafo locale e non venderà mai i tuoi dati."
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Modifica config.edn globale"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Modifica"
:settings-page/enable-whiteboards "Lavagne"
:settings-page/filename-format "Formato nomi dei file"
:settings-page/git-desc-1 "Per vedere la cronologia delle pagine clicca i tre punti orizzontali in alto a destra e seleziona \"Cronologia della pagina\"."
:settings-page/git-desc-2 "Per gli utenti professionali Logseq supporta anche "
:settings-page/git-desc-3 " come controllo versione. Usa Git a tuo rischio. Eventuali problemi con Git non sono supportati dal team di Logseq."

View File

@ -191,31 +191,6 @@
:file/no-data "データがありません"
:file/format-not-supported ".{1} 形式はサポートされていません。"
:file/validate-existing-file-error "ページが別のファイルとして既に存在します。既に存在するファイル:{1}、現在のファイル:{2}。どちらか一つだけを残して、グラフのインデックスを再構築してください。"
:file-rn/re-index "このファイルの名前を変更した後はインデックスの再構築を行うことを強く推奨します。他のデバイスにこの変更を同期した場合も同様です。"
:file-rn/need-action "新しい書式に合うように、ファイル名の変更操作を行うことを推奨します。その変更を同期している全てのデバイスでインデックス再構築が必要になります。"
:file-rn/or-select-actions "もしくは、以下のファイルの名前を個別に変更した後、"
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 "。ここにある操作は一度パネルを閉じると二度と見ることはできません。"
:file-rn/legend "🟢 省略可能なファイル名変更操作; 🟡 タイトルの変更を避けるために必要なファイル名変更操作; 🔴 破壊的変更"
:file-rn/close-panel "パネルを閉じてください"
:file-rn/all-action "全ての操作を適用します!({1})"
:file-rn/select-format "(開発者モードの設定で、危険です!) ファイル名の書式を選択する"
:file-rn/rename "ファイル「{1}」のファイル名を「{2}」へ変更します"
:file-rn/apply-rename "ファイル名の変更操作を実行する"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "操作が必要です:"
:file-rn/no-action "追加で行うべき操作はもう以上ありません。お疲れ様でした。"
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "もしくはタイトルが次のように変更されます:"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "フォーマットを更新する"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "開発:書式を書く"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "警告:現在のファイル名の書式を採用すると、`title::`プロパティを手動で追加しない限り、ページ名は「{1}」になります。"
:file-rn/optional-rename "提案:"
:file-rn/format-deprecated "現在使っている書式は古くなっています。新しい書式に更新することを強く推奨します。操作を行う前には必ずデータをバックアップし、他のデバイスのLogseqクライアントを全て閉じてください。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "この設定はどのようにページがファイルに保存されるのかを決めています。Logseqはページ名と同名のファイルにページを保存します。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "「/」や「?」などのいくつかの文字はファイル名に使うことができません。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseqは、無効な文字に対してURLエンコードと同様の置換を行うことで有効なファイル名へと変換します(例:「?」は「%3F」となる)。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "名前空間のセパレータである「/」は、見た目を良くするために「___」(アンダースコア3つ)に置換されます。"
:file-rn/instruct-1 "ファイル名の書式を更新する過程は2段階あります。"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. 次のボタンをクリックする:"
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. 以下にある手引きに従い、ファイル名を新しい書式へ変換する:"
:page/created-at "作成日時 "
:page/updated-at "更新日時 "
:page/backlinks "バックリンク"
@ -274,7 +249,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "グローバルなconfig.ednを編集"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "custom.cssを編集"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "export.cssを編集"
:settings-page/edit-setting "編集"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "カスタム設定"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "全体の設定を変更する"
:settings-page/theme-light "ライト"
@ -323,7 +297,6 @@
:settings-page/plugin-system "プラグイン"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "フラッシュカード"
:settings-page/network-proxy "ネットワークプロキシ"
:settings-page/filename-format "ファイル名の書式"
:settings-page/alpha-features "アルファ機能"
:settings-page/beta-features "ベータ機能"
:settings-page/login-prompt "新しい機能を誰よりも早く使いたい場合は、LogseqのOpen Collective Sponsorか後援者になった上で、ログインしてください。"

View File

@ -243,28 +243,6 @@
:on-boarding/welcome-whiteboard-modal-start "화이트보드 시작하기"
:on-boarding/welcome-whiteboard-modal-title "새 캔버스"
:file/validate-existing-file-error "페이지가 이미 존재합니다: {1}, 현재 파일: {2}. 하나만 남겨놓은 뒤 그래프의 인덱스를 재생성하십시오."
:file-rn/apply-rename "파일명 변경"
:file-rn/close-panel "패널 닫기"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "포맷 업데이트!"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "이 설정은 페이지가 어떻게 파일로 저장되는지 구성합니다. 기본적으로 Logseq는 페이지를 같은 이름의 파일에 저장합니다."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "\"/\", \"?\"과 같은 몇몇의 문자들은 파일명으로 사용할 수 없습니다."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq는 적절하지 않은 문자들을 인코딩하여 저장합니다. 예) \"?\"를 \"%3F\"로."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "네임스페이스 구분자 \"/\" 또한 \"___\" (세 개의 언더스코어)로 대체됩니다."
:file-rn/format-deprecated "현재 오래된 파일명 포맷을 사용하고 있습니다. 최신 포맷으로 업데이트하는 것을 권장합니다. Logseq 데이터를 백업하고, 다른 Logseq 클라이언트를 종료한 뒤 진행해주십시오."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "파일명 포맷을 업데이트하기 위한 과정:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. 클릭: "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. 다음의 과정 따르기:"
:file-rn/need-action "새로운 포맷에 맞춰 파일명 변경 작업이 필요합니다. 동기화가 진행된 이후, 모든 장치의 인덱스를 재생성하십시오."
:file-rn/no-action "좋습니다! 별다른 작업이 필요하지 않습니다."
:file-rn/optional-rename "제안:"
:file-rn/or-select-actions " 혹은, 아래의 파일들을 직접 변경하십시오. "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". 이 작업들은 본 패널을 닫은 이후에는 유효하지 않습니다."
:file-rn/re-index "파일명이 변경된 이후, 인덱스 재생성이 필요합니다."
:file-rn/rename "{1}을(를) {2}(으)로 이름 변경"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "(개발자) 포맷 변경"
:file-rn/select-format "(개발자, 위험!) 파일명 포맷 선택"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "작업 필요: "
:file-rn/unreachable-title "경고! 이 페이지는 `title::` 속성이 설정되어 있지 않는 한, 현재 파일명 포맷에 따라 {1}(으)로 변경될 것입니다."
:graph/all-graphs "모든 그래프"
:help/forum-community "포럼 커뮤니티"
:left-side-bar/create "생성"
@ -290,10 +268,8 @@
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "전역 사용자 설정"
:settings-page/disable-sentry-desc "Logseq는 사용자의 로컬 그래프 데이터베이스 정보를 수집하지 않습니다."
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "전역 config.edn 수정"
:settings-page/edit-setting "수정"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "플래시 카드 활성화"
:settings-page/enable-whiteboards "화이트보드 활성화"
:settings-page/filename-format "파일명 포맷"
:settings-page/login-prompt "Logseq의 새로운 기능을 먼저 체험하기 위해서는, Open Collective Sponsor가 되거나 Logseq의 Backer가 되어야 합니다. 먼저, 로그인 하십시오."
:settings-page/preferred-pasting-file "텍스트 복사 선호"
:settings-page/show-full-blocks "블록 레퍼런스의 모든 줄 표시"

View File

@ -256,30 +256,6 @@
:editor/delete-selection "Slett valgte blokker"
:editor/expand-block-children "Utvid alle"
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Siden eksisterer allerede i en annen fil: {1}, nåværen..."
:file-rn/apply-rename "Utfør omdøping av filen"
:file-rn/close-panel "Lukk Panel"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Oppdater format!"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Denne innstillingen konfigurerer hvordan en side blir lagret til en ..."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Noen tegn som \"/\" eller \"?\" er ikke gyldige for en..."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq erstatter ugyldige tegn med deres URL ..."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Skilletegnet for navnerom \"/\" brukes også av \"_..."
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Du bruker for øyeblikket et utdatert format. Oppdat..."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Det er en to-trinns prosess å oppdatere formatet for filnavn:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Klikk "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Følg instruksjonene under for å gi filen et nytt navn..."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Valgfri omdøping; 🟡 Omdøping kreves..."
:file-rn/need-action "Omdøping av fil er anbefalt for å matche de nye..."
:file-rn/no-action "Bra jobba! Well done! Ingen ytterligere tiltak kreves."
:file-rn/optional-rename "Forslag: "
:file-rn/or-select-actions " eller gi filer nytt navn individuelt under, så "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Disse handlingene er ikke tilgjengelige når du lukker ..."
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Eller tittelen vil bli"
:file-rn/re-index "Re-indksering er sterkt anbefalt etter at filene er..."
:file-rn/rename "Omdøp fil \"{1}\" til \"{2}\""
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: skriv format"
:file-rn/select-format "(Uviklermodus Operasjon, Farlig!) Velg filenav..."
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Handling kreves: "
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Advarsel! Navnet på siden vil bli {1} under nåvære.."
:left-side-bar/create "Opprett"
:left-side-bar/new-whiteboard "Nytt whiteboard"
:notification/clear-all "Fjern alt"
@ -314,8 +290,6 @@
:settings-page/clear-cache-warning "Tømming av hurtigbufferen vil forkaste dine åpne grafer. Du m..."
:settings-page/custom-date-format-warning "Re-indeksering kreves! Eksisterernde dagbokreferanse vi..."
:settings-page/disable-sentry-desc "Logseq vil aldri samle inn dine lokale graf sin databas..."
:settings-page/edit-setting "Rediger"
:settings-page/filename-format "Filnavn format"
:settings-page/login-prompt "For å få tilgang til nye funksjoner før alle andre må du..."
:settings-page/preferred-pasting-file "Foretrekk innliming av fil"
:settings-page/show-full-blocks "Vis alle linjer av en blokkreferanse"
@ -631,7 +605,6 @@
:bug-report/section-issues-btn-title "Send inn en feilrapport"
:bug-report/section-issues-desc "Dersom det ikke er verktøy tilgjengelig som kan hjelpe med med å samle inn ytterligere informasjon, vennligst meld inn feilen direkte."
:bug-report/section-issues-title "Eller..."
:file-rn/all-action "Utfør alle handlinger! ({1})"
:flashcards/modal-btn-forgotten "Glemt"
:flashcards/modal-btn-hide-answers "Skjul svar"
:flashcards/modal-btn-next-card "Neste"

View File

@ -186,31 +186,6 @@
:file/no-data "Sem dados"
:file/format-not-supported "Formato .{1} não é suportado."
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Já existe uma página com outro arquivo: {1}, arquivo atual: {2}. Por favor, mantenha apenas um deles e reindexe seu grafo."
:file-rn/re-index "Reindexação é altamente recomendada após renomear os arquivos e em outros dispositivos após a sincronização."
:file-rn/need-action "Ações de renome de arquivo são sugeridas para corresponder ao novo formato. A reindexação é necessária em todos os dispositivos quando os arquivos renomeados são sincronizados."
:file-rn/or-select-actions " ou renomear os arquivos individualmente abaixo e depois "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Essas ações não estão disponíveis após fechar este painel."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Ações de renome opcionais; 🟡 Ação de renome necessária para evitar alteração do título; 🔴 Alteração crítica."
:file-rn/close-panel "Fechar o painel"
:file-rn/all-action "Aplicar todas as ações! ({1})"
:file-rn/select-format "(Opção no Modo Desenvolvedor, Perigosa!) Selecionar formato de nome de arquivo"
:file-rn/rename "renomear arquivo \"{1}\" para \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "Aplicar a operação de renome de arquivo"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Ação necessária: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Ou o título se tornará"
:file-rn/no-action "Ótimo! Nenhuma ação adicional é necessária."
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Atualizar o formato!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: escreva o formato"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Aviso! O nome da página se tornará {1} sob o formato de nome de arquivo atual, a menos que a propriedade 'title::' seja definida manualmente"
:file-rn/optional-rename "Sugestão: "
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Atualmente você está usando um formato desatualizado. A atualização para o formato mais recente é altamente recomendada. Faça backup de seus dados e feche os clientes Logseq em outros dispositivos antes da operação."
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Essa configuração determina como uma página é armazenada em um arquivo. O Logseq armazena uma página em um arquivo com o mesmo nome."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Alguns caracteres como \"/\" ou \"?\" são inválidos para um nome de arquivo."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "O Logseq substitui caracteres inválidos pelo equivalente codificado na URL para torná-los válidos (por exemplo, \"?\" se torna \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "O separador de espaço de nomes \"/\" também é substituído por \"___\" (três sublinhados) por consideração estética."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "É um processo de 2 etapas para atualizar o formato do nome do arquivo:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Clique em "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Siga as instruções abaixo para renomear os arquivos para o novo formato:"
:page/created-at "Criado em"
:page/updated-at "Atualizado em"
:page/backlinks "Backlinks"
@ -269,7 +244,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Editar config.edn global"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Editar custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Editar export.css"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Editar"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "Configuração personalizada"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Configuração global personalizada"
:settings-page/theme-light "Claro"
@ -317,7 +291,6 @@
:settings-page/tab-features "Recursos"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Flashcards"
:settings-page/network-proxy "Proxy de rede"
:settings-page/filename-format "Formato de nome de arquivo"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Recursos alfa"
:settings-page/beta-features "Recursos beta"
:settings-page/login-prompt "Para acessar novos recursos antes de qualquer outra pessoa, você deve ser um Patrocinador ou Apoiador do Logseq no Open Collective e, portanto, fazer login primeiro."

View File

@ -86,30 +86,6 @@
:file/no-data "Sem dados"
:file/format-not-supported "O formato .{1} não é suportado."
:file/validate-existing-file-error "A página já existe noutro ficheiro: {1}, ficheiro atual: {2}. Por favor, mantenha apenas um deles e reindexe o seu grafo."
:file-rn/re-index "A reindexação é fortemente recomendada após mudar o nome de algum ficheiro ou após a sincronização noutro dispositivo."
:file-rn/need-action "É sugerido que as alterações de nome de ficheiro correspondam ao novo formato. É necessária uma reindexação em todos os dispositivos quando os ficheiros com os novos nomes são sincronizados."
:file-rn/or-select-actions " ou mude o nome de cada ficheiro abaixo individualmente, então "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Estas ações não estarão mais disponíveis após fechar este painel."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Ações opcionais de alteração de nome; 🟡 É necessário uma alteração de nome para evitar uma mudança de título; 🔴 Mudança inválida."
:file-rn/close-panel "Fechar o Painel"
:file-rn/select-format "(Opção do modo de desenvolvedor, cuidado!) Selecione o formato de nome do ficheiro"
:file-rn/rename "mudar o nome de \"{1}\" para \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "Aplicar a mudança de nome do ficheiro"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Ação necessária: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Ou o título irá se tornar"
:file-rn/no-action "Bom trabalho! Nenhuma ação adicional necessária."
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Atualizar formato!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: gravar formato"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Aviso! O nome da página mudará para {1} no formato de nome de fihceiro atual, a menos que a propriedade `title::` seja definida manualmente"
:file-rn/optional-rename "Sugestão: "
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Está a usar um formato desatualizado. A atualização para o formato mais recente é altamente recomendada. Faça backup dos seus dados e feche os clientes Logseq abertos noutros dispositivos antes da operação."
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Esta definição configura como é que as páginas são armazenadas. O Logseq armazena páginas em ficheiros com o mesmo nome da página."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Alguns caracteres como \"/\" ou \"?\" são inválidos para o nome dos ficheiros."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "O Logseq substitui os caracteres inválidos com o seu URL codificado equivalente para os tornar válidos (ex.:, \"?\" passa a ser \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "O separador de espaço de nomes \"/\" também é substituído por \"___\" (sublinhado triplo) por razões estéticas."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "É um processo de 2 etapas para atualizar o formato do nome do ficheiro:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Clique em "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Siga as instruções abaixo para mudar o nome dos ficheiros para o novo formato:"
:page/created-at "Criada Em"
:page/updated-at "Atualizada Em"
:linked-references/filter-search "Procurar nas páginas vinculadas"
@ -146,7 +122,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Editar config.edn global"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Editar custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Editar export.css"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Editar"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "Configuração personalizada"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Configuração global personalizada"
:settings-page/custom-theme "Tema personalizado"
@ -183,7 +158,6 @@
:settings-page/network-proxy "Proxy de rede"
:settings-page/plugin-system "Plugins"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Flashcards"
:settings-page/filename-format "Formato do nome dos ficheiros"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Funcionalidades em fase Alfa"
:settings-page/beta-features "Funcionalidades em fase Beta"
:settings-page/login-prompt "Para aceder a novas funcionalidades antes de qualquer outra pessoa tem de ser um \"Sponsor\" ou \"Backer\" na Open Collective do Logseq e, portanto, tem de iniciar sessão primeiro."

View File

@ -99,31 +99,6 @@
:file/no-data "Нет данных"
:file/format-not-supported "Расширение .{1} не поддерживается."
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Страница уже существует с другим файлом: {1}, текущий файл: {2}. Пожалуйста, оставьте только один из них и переиндексируйте ваш граф."
:file-rn/re-index "Настоятельно рекомендуется выполнить переиндексацию после переименования файлов и синхронизации на других устройствах."
:file-rn/need-action "Предлагается выполнить действия по переименованию файлов, чтобы они соответствовали новому формату. Переиндексация требуется на всех устройствах после синхронизации переименованных файлов."
:file-rn/or-select-actions " или переименовать файлы ниже по отдельности, затем "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Эти действия будут недоступны после закрытия этой панели."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Необязательные действия по переименованию; 🟡 Действие по переименованию, необходимое для предотвращения изменения заголовка; 🔴 Обязательное изменение."
:file-rn/close-panel "Закрыть панель"
:file-rn/all-action "Применить все действия! ({1})"
:file-rn/select-format "(Опция режима разработчика. Опасно!) Выберите формат имени файла"
:file-rn/rename "Переименовать файл \"{1}\" в \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "Применить операцию переименования файла"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Требуется действие: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Или заголовок станет"
:file-rn/no-action "Отлично! Дальнейших действий не требуется."
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Обновить формат!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: формат записи"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Внимание! Имя страницы станет {1} при текущем формате имени файла, если `title::` не задано вручную"
:file-rn/optional-rename "Предложение: "
:file-rn/format-deprecated "В настоящее время вы используете устаревший формат. Настоятельно рекомендуется обновить формат до последней версии. Пожалуйста, создайте резервную копию данных и закройте клиенты Logseq на других устройствах перед началом операции."
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Этот параметр определяет способ сохранения страницы в файл. Logseq сохраняет страницу в файл с таким же именем."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Некоторые символы, такие как \"/\" или \"?\" недопустимы для имени файла."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq заменяет недопустимые символы их эквивалентом в кодировке URL, чтобы сделать их допустимыми (например, \"?\" становится \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Разделитель пространства имен \"/\" также заменяется на \"___\" (тройное подчеркивание) из эстетических соображений."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Этот процесс обновления формата имен файлов состоит из двух этапов:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Нажмите "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям, чтобы переименовать файлы в новый формат:"
:page/created-at "Создана"
:page/updated-at "Обновлена"
:page/backlinks "Обратные ссылки"
@ -178,7 +153,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Редактировать глобальный config.edn"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Редактировать custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Редактировать export.css"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Редактировать"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "Пользовательская конфигурация"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Глобальная пользовательская конфигурация"
:settings-page/custom-theme "Пользовательская тема"
@ -222,7 +196,6 @@
:settings-page/plugin-system "Расширения"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Карточки"
:settings-page/network-proxy "Прокси-сервер"
:settings-page/filename-format "Формат имени файла"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Альфа-функции"
:settings-page/beta-features "Бета-функции"
:settings-page/login-prompt "Чтобы получить доступ к новым функциям раньше других, вы должны быть открытым коллективным спонсором или сторонником Logseq и, следовательно, войти в систему первым."

View File

@ -187,31 +187,6 @@
:file/no-data "Žiadne dáta"
:file/format-not-supported "Formát .{1} nie je podporovaný."
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Stránka už existuje s iným súborom: {1}, aktuálny súbor: {2}. Ponechajte si len jeden z nich a znova preindexujte svoj graf."
:file-rn/re-index "Po premenovaní súborov a po synchronizácii na iných zariadeniach je dôrazne odporúčané spustiť preindexovanie."
:file-rn/need-action "Akcie premenovania súboru by sa mali zhodovať s novým formátom. Požaduje sa preindexovanie na všetkých zariadeniach, keď sa všetky premenované súbory zosynchronizujú."
:file-rn/or-select-actions " alebo premenujte súbory nižšie po jednom a potom "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Po zatvorení tohto panela nebudú tieto akcie dostupné."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Voliteľné akcie premenovania; 🟡 Vyžaduje sa akcia premenovania, aby sa zabránilo zmene názvu; 🔴 Nekompatibilná zmena."
:file-rn/close-panel "Zatvoriť panel"
:file-rn/all-action "Použiť všetky akcie! ({1})"
:file-rn/select-format "(Režim vývojára, nebezpečné!) Vybrať formát súboru"
:file-rn/rename "premenovať súbor \"{1}\" na \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "Použiť operáciu premenovania súboru"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Vyžaduje sa akcia: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Inak názov bude"
:file-rn/no-action "Výborne! Nevyžaduje sa žiadna ďalšia akcia."
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Aktualizujte formát!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: formát zápisu"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Pozor! Názov stránky sa zmení na {1} s použitím aktuálneho formátu názvu súboru, ak nastavenie `title::` nie je nastavená manuálne"
:file-rn/optional-rename "Návrh: "
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Momentálne používate zastaraný formát. Dôrazne sa odporúča aktualizovať na najnovší formát. Pred operáciou si zálohujte svoje údaje a zatvorte Logseq klientov na iných zariadeniach."
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Toto nastavenie konfiguruje spôsob uloženia stránky do súboru. Logseq ukladá stránku do súboru s rovnakým názvom."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Niektoré znaky ako \"/\" alebo \"?\" nie je možné v názve súboru použiť."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq nahrádza neplatné znaky ich ekvivalentom zakódovaným v URL tak, aby boli platné (napr. \"?\" sa zmení na \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Oddeľovač názvov \"/\" je z estetických dôvodov tiež nahradený znakom \"___\" (trojité podčiarknutie)."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Zmena formátu súboru je dvojkrokový proces:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Kliknite na "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Ak chcete premenovať súbory na nový formát, postupujte podľa pokynov nižšie:"
:page/created-at "Vytvorené"
:page/updated-at "Aktualizované"
:page/backlinks "Spätné odkazy"
@ -270,7 +245,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Upraviť globálny config.edn"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Upraviť custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Upraviť export.css"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Upraviť"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "Vlastná konfigurácia"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Vlastná globálna konfigurácia"
:settings-page/theme-light "Svetlý"
@ -318,7 +292,6 @@
:settings-page/plugin-system "Doplnky"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Kartičky"
:settings-page/network-proxy "Sieťová proxy"
:settings-page/filename-format "Formát názvu súboru"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Alfa funkcie"
:settings-page/beta-features "Beta funkcie"
:settings-page/login-prompt "Ak chcete získať prístup k novým funkciám skôr ako ktokoľvek iný, musíte byť sponzorom nadácie Open Collective alebo podporovateľom Logseq, následne sa musíte prihlásiť."

View File

@ -191,32 +191,7 @@
:file/no-data "Veri yok"
:file/format-not-supported ".{1} biçimi desteklenmiyor."
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Sayfa, başka bir dosyayla zaten var: {1}, geçerli dosya: {2}. Lütfen bunlardan yalnızca birini saklayın ve grafınız için yeniden dizin oluşturun."
:file-rn/re-index "Dosyalar yeniden adlandırıldıktan ve diğer cihazlarla eşitledikten sonra yeniden dizin oluşturma önerilir."
:file-rn/need-action "Yeni biçime uyması için dosya yeniden adlandırma eylemleri önerilir. Yeniden adlandırılan dosyalar eşitlendiğinde tüm cihazlarda yeniden dizin oluşturma gerekir."
:file-rn/or-select-actions " veya aşağıdaki dosyaları tek tek yeniden adlandırın, ardından "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Bu paneli kapattığınızda bu eylemler kullanılamaz."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 İsteğe bağlı yeniden adlandırma eylemleri; 🟡 Başlık değişikliğini önlemek için gereken yeniden adlandırma eylemi; 🔴 Hataya neden olan değişiklik."
:file-rn/close-panel "Paneli Kapat"
:file-rn/all-action "Tüm Eylemleri Uygula! ({1})"
:file-rn/select-format "(Geliştirici Modu Seçeneği, Tehlikeli!) Dosya adı biçimini seçin"
:file-rn/rename "\"{1}\" dosyasını \"{2}\" olarak yeniden adlandır"
:file-rn/apply-rename "Dosya yeniden adlandırma işlemini uygula"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Eylem gereklidir: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Veya başlık şöyle olacaktır:"
:file-rn/no-action "Tebrikler! Gereken başka işlem yok."
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Biçimi güncelle!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Geliştirici: biçimi yaz"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Uyarı! `title::` özelliğini kendiniz ayarlamadıkça, sayfa adı geçerli dosya adı olan {1} biçiminde olur."
:file-rn/optional-rename "Öneri: "
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Şu anda güncel olmayan bir biçim kullanıyorsunuz. En son biçime güncellemeniz kesinlikle önerilir. Lütfen işlemden önce verilerinizi yedekleyin ve Logseq istemcilerini diğer cihazlarda kapatın."
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Bu ayar, bir sayfanın bir dosyaya nasıl saklanacağını yapılandırır. Logseq, aynı ada sahip bir dosyaya bir sayfa depolar."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "\"/\" vaya \"?\" gibi bazı karakterler bir dosya adı için geçersizdir."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq, geçersiz karakterleri URL kodlu eşdeğerleriyle değiştirir (ör. \"?\", \"%3F\" olur)."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Ad boşluğu ayırıcısı \"/\", estetik değerlendirme için \"___\" (üçlü altçizgi) ile değiştirilir."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Dosya adı biçimini güncellemek 2 adımlı bir işlemdir:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Tıklayın "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Dosyaları yeni biçimde yeniden adlandırmak için aşağıdaki talimatları izleyin:"
:page/created-at "Oluşturulma Zamanı"
:page/created-at "Oluşturulma Zamanı"
:page/updated-at "Güncellenme Zamanı"
:page/backlinks "Geri Bağlantılar"
:linked-references/filter-search "Bağlantılı sayfalarda ara"
@ -292,7 +267,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Genel config.edn dosyasını düzenle"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "custom.css dosyasını düzenle"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "export.css dosyasını düzenle"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Düzenle"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "Özel yapılandırma"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Özel genel yapılandırma"
:settings-page/theme-light "açık"
@ -341,7 +315,6 @@
:settings-page/plugin-system "Eklentiler"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Bilgi kartları"
:settings-page/network-proxy "Ağ ara sunucusu"
:settings-page/filename-format "Dosya adı biçimi"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Alpha özellikleri"
:settings-page/beta-features "Beta özellikleri"
:settings-page/login-prompt "Yeni özelliklere herkesten önce erişmek için bir Open Collective Sponsoru veya Logseq'in Destekçisi olmanız ve oturum açmanız gerekir."

View File

@ -90,31 +90,7 @@
:file/no-data "Немає даних"
:file/format-not-supported "Формат .{1} не підтримується."
:file/validate-existing-file-error "Сторінка вже існує з іншим файлом: {1}, поточний файл: {2}. Будь ласка, збережіть лише один із них і повторно індексуйте свій графік."
:file-rn/re-index "Повторно індексувати наполегливо рекомендується після перейменування файлів і на інших пристроях після синхронізації."
:file-rn/need-action "Запропоновано дії щодо перейменування файлу відповідно до нового формату. Під час синхронізації перейменованих файлів на всіх пристроях потрібне повторне індексування."
:file-rn/or-select-actions " або окремо перейменуйте файли нижче "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 ". Ці дії недоступні, якщо ви закриєте цю панель."
:file-rn/legend "🟢 Додаткові дії перейменування; 🟡 Щоб уникнути зміни назви, потрібна дія перейменування; 🔴 Порушення змін."
:file-rn/close-panel "Закрити панель"
:file-rn/select-format "(Режим розробника, небезпечно!) Виберіть формат назви файлу"
:file-rn/rename "перейменувати файл \"{1}\" на \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "Застосувати операцію перейменування файлу"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "Потрібна дія: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "Або титул стане"
:file-rn/no-action "Окей! Подальші дії не потрібні."
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "Оновити формат"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "Dev: формат запису"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "Увага! Назва сторінки стане {1} у поточному форматі імені файлу, якщо властивість `title::` не встановлено вручну"
:file-rn/optional-rename "Пропозиція: "
:file-rn/format-deprecated "Зараз ви використовуєте застарілий формат. Настійно рекомендується оновити до останнього формату. Зробіть резервну копію даних і закрийте клієнти Logseq на інших пристроях перед операцією."
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "Цей параметр налаштовує спосіб збереження сторінки у файлі. Logseq зберігає сторінку у файлі з такою самою назвою."
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "Деякі символи, такі як \"/\" або \"?\" недійсні для назви файлу."
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq замінює недійсні символи еквівалентом у кодуванні URL-адреси, щоб зробити їх дійсними (наприклад, \"?\" стає \"%3F\")."
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "Роздільник простору імен \"/\" також замінено на \"___\" (потрійне підкреслення) з естетичних міркувань."
:file-rn/instruct-1 "Це 2-етапний процес оновлення формату імені файлу:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. Натисніть "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. Дотримуйтеся наведених нижче інструкцій, щоб перейменувати файли в новий формат:"
:page/created-at "Створенно у"
:page/created-at "Створенно у"
:page/updated-at "Оновлено у"
:page/backlinks "Зворотні посилання"
:linked-references/filter-search "Пошук на пов’язаних сторінках"
@ -168,7 +144,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "Редагувати глобальний config.edn"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "Редагувати custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "Редагувати export.css"
:settings-page/edit-setting "Редагування"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "Користувацька конфігурація"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "Користувацька глобальна конфігурація"
:settings-page/custom-theme "Користувацька тема"
@ -207,7 +182,6 @@
:settings-page/plugin-system "Плагіни"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "Картки"
:settings-page/network-proxy "Мережевий проксі"
:settings-page/filename-format "Формат імені файлу"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Альфа-функції"
:settings-page/beta-features "Бета-функції"
:settings-page/login-prompt "Щоб отримати доступ до нових функцій раніше за інших, ви повинні бути відкритим колективним спонсором або спонсором Logseq і, отже, спершу увійти."

View File

@ -145,30 +145,6 @@
:file/last-modified-at "最后更改于"
:file/no-data "没有数据"
:file/validate-existing-file-error "页面已存在另一个文件: {1}, 当前文件: {2}. 请保留其中一个文件,然后重建当前图谱的索引。"
:file-rn/re-index "重命名文件后,如果其他设备同步了改文件,强烈建议在同步成功后重新建立索引。"
:file-rn/need-action "建议执行文件重命名操作以匹配新格式。当重命名的文件被同步后,请在所有设备上重新建立索引。"
:file-rn/or-select-actions " 或在下面单独重命名这些文件,然后 "
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 "。关闭面板后,这些功能将不可用。"
:file-rn/legend "🟢 可选的重命名操作; 🟡 需要重命名以避免标题的改变; 🔴 重大改变。"
:file-rn/close-panel "关闭面板"
:file-rn/select-format "(开发者模式选项,危险!) 选择文件名格式"
:file-rn/rename "重命名文件 \"{1}\" 到 \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "应用文件重命名操作"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "需要的操作: "
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "否则标题会变为"
:file-rn/no-action "好了!无需更多操作"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "更新格式!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "开发者:写入格式"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "警告!在当前文件名格式下,除非手动设置 `title::` 属性,否则,页面名将变为{1}。"
:file-rn/optional-rename "建议:"
:file-rn/format-deprecated "你现在正使用着过时的格式。非常建议更新到最新的格式。在进行该操作之前,请先备份好你的数据,并关闭所有的 Logseq 客户端。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "该设置配置了如何将一个页面存储到一个文件。Logseq 存储页面到与页面同名的文件。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "对于文件名来说,像 \"/\" 或 \"?\" 这样的字符是非法的。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq 会将非法字符替换为与该字符等效的 URL 编码,以保证字符的合法 (例如, \"?\" 被替换为 \"%3F\")。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "为了美观,命名空间分隔符 \"/\" 也会被替换为 \"___\" (三重下划线)。"
:file-rn/instruct-1 "只需两步即可更新文件名格式"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. 点击 "
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. 请按照以下说明将文件重命名为新格式:"
:page/created-at "创建日期"
:page/updated-at "更新日期"
:page/backlinks "双向链接"
@ -230,8 +206,6 @@
:settings-page/tab-version-control "多版本控制"
:settings-page/plugin-system "插件系统"
:settings-page/network-proxy "网络代理"
:settings-page/filename-format "文件名格式"
:settings-page/edit-setting "编辑"
:settings-page/login-prompt "你必须是 Logseq 的 Open Collective Sponsor 或者 Backer 才能提前使用新功能(仍在测试中),因此需要登录。"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Alpha 功能"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "自定义全局配置"

View File

@ -87,30 +87,6 @@
:file/no-data "沒有資料"
:file/format-not-supported "目前不支援 .{1} 檔案格式"
:file/validate-existing-file-error "此頁面 {2} 已存在於資料夾 {1}。請選擇其中一個並將您的圖表重新索引。"
:file-rn/re-index "強烈建議在文件重命名或同步到其他設備後重新索引。"
:file-rn/need-action "建議按格式重新命名文件。當重新命名的文件同步到其他設備時,需要在所有設備上重新索引。"
:file-rn/or-select-actions "或者個別重新命名下的文件,然後"
:file-rn/or-select-actions-2 "。一旦您關閉此面板,這些操作將無法更動。"
:file-rn/legend "🟢 可選重新命名;🟡 須進行重命名以避免標題更動;🔴 破壞性更動"
:file-rn/close-panel "關閉控制面板"
:file-rn/select-format "(開發者模式專用)選擇文件名稱格式"
:file-rn/rename "將文件 \"{1}\" 改名為 \"{2}\""
:file-rn/apply-rename "確定更改文件名稱"
:file-rn/suggest-rename "需要執行以下動作:"
:file-rn/otherwise-breaking "否則名稱會更改為"
:file-rn/no-action "完成!不需要額外動作。"
:file-rn/confirm-proceed "格式更新!"
:file-rn/select-confirm-proceed "開發者模式:寫作格式"
:file-rn/unreachable-title "注意!按照目前格式,文件名稱將會變為 {1},除非有手動設定 `title::` 屬性"
:file-rn/optional-rename "建議:"
:file-rn/format-deprecated "您目前正在使用一個過時的格式。強烈建議升級到最新的格式。在進行操作之前,請備份您的數據並關閉其他設備上的 Logseq 客戶端。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-1 "此設定配置了如何將頁面存儲到文件中。Logseq 將一個頁面儲存到一個具有相同名稱的文件中。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-2 "\"/\" 或 \"?\" 等字元無法成為文件名稱。"
:file-rn/filename-desc-3 "Logseq 會將無效字元替換為它們的格式以符合連結規則,以使它們變成有效字元。 (e.g. \"?\" => \"%3F\")"
:file-rn/filename-desc-4 "命名空間分隔符 \"/\" 也會更改為 \"___\" (三個底線) 以便分辨"
:file-rn/instruct-1 "需要兩個以更新文件名稱:"
:file-rn/instruct-2 "1. 點擊"
:file-rn/instruct-3 "2. 按照以下說明將文件重命名為新格式:"
:page/created-at "創建於"
:page/updated-at "更新於"
:page/backlinks "反向連結"
@ -144,7 +120,6 @@
:settings-page/edit-global-config-edn "編輯 global config.edn"
:settings-page/edit-custom-css "編輯 custom.css"
:settings-page/edit-export-css "編輯 export.css"
:settings-page/edit-setting "編輯"
:settings-page/custom-configuration "個人化設定"
:settings-page/custom-global-configuration "個人化全域設定"
:settings-page/custom-theme "個人化主題"
@ -180,7 +155,6 @@
:settings-page/plugin-system "外掛系統"
:settings-page/enable-flashcards "啟用卡片"
:settings-page/network-proxy "網路代理"
:settings-page/filename-format "文件名稱格式"
:settings-page/alpha-features "Alpha 功能"
:settings-page/beta-features "Beta 功能"
:settings-page/login-prompt "你必須是 Logseq 的 Open Collective Sponsor 或 Backer 以使用新功能。(需要登入)"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest testing is are]]
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[logseq.common.util :as common-util]
[ :as worker-page-rename]
[frontend.handler.conversion :as conversion-handler]
[frontend.util.fs :as fs-util]
[frontend.worker.file.util :as wfu]))
@ -49,112 +48,3 @@
(deftest new-path-computation-tests
(is (= (#'worker-page-rename/compute-new-file-path "/data/app/dsal dsalfjk aldsaf.jkl" "ddd") "/data/app/ddd.jkl"))
(is (= (#'worker-page-rename/compute-new-file-path "c://data/a sdfpp/dsal dsalf% * _ dsaf.mnk" "c d / f") "c://data/a sdfpp/c d / f.mnk")))
(deftest break-change-conversion-tests
(let [conv-legacy #(:target (#'conversion-handler/calc-previous-name :legacy :triple-lowbar %))]
(is (= "dsal dsalfjk aldsaf___jkl" (conv-legacy "dsal dsalfjk aldsaf.jkl")))
(is (= nil (conv-legacy "dsal dsalfjk jkl")))
(is (= nil (conv-legacy "dsa&amp;l dsalfjk jkl")))
(is (= nil (conv-legacy "dsa&lt;l dsalfjk jkl")))
(is (= nil (conv-legacy "dsal dsal%2Ffjk jkl")))
(is (= nil (conv-legacy "dsal dsal%2Cfjk jkl")))) ;; %2C already parsed as `,` in the previous ver.
(deftest formalize-conversion-tests
(let [conv-informal #(:target (#'conversion-handler/calc-current-name :triple-lowbar % nil))]
(is (= "Hello.js, navigator___userAgent" (conv-informal "Hello.js, navigator/userAgent")))
(is (= "sdaf ___dsakl" (conv-informal "sdaf %2Fdsakl")))
(is (= "sdaf ___dsakl" (conv-informal "sdaf /dsakl")))
(is (= nil (conv-informal "sdaf .dsakl")))))
(deftest rename-previous-tests
(are [x y] (= y (#'conversion-handler/calc-previous-name :legacy :triple-lowbar x))
"aa?#.bbb.ccc" {:status :breaking,
:target "aa%3F%23___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "aa?#/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "aa?#.bbb.ccc"}
"aaa__bbb__ccc" nil
"aaa__bbb__cccon" nil
"aaa.bbb.ccc" {:status :breaking,
:target "aaa___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "aaa/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "aaa.bbb.ccc"}
"a__.bbb.ccc" {:status :breaking,
:target "a_%5F___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "a__/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "a__.bbb.ccc"})
;; is not a common used case
(are [x y] (= y (#'conversion-handler/calc-previous-name :triple-lowbar :legacy x))
"aa%3F%23.bbb.ccc" {:status :unreachable,
:target "aa%3F%23.bbb.ccc",
:old-title "aa?#.bbb.ccc",
:changed-title "aa?#/bbb/ccc"}))
(deftest rename-tests-l2t
;; Test cases for rename from legacy to triple-lowbar
;; The title property matters - removing it will change the result. Ask users not to remove it.
;; z: new title structure; x: old ver title; y: title property (if available)
(are [x y z] (= z (#'conversion-handler/calc-rename-target-impl :legacy :triple-lowbar x y))
"报错 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'" "报错 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'" {:status :informal,
:target "报错 SyntaxError%3A Unexpected token '.'",
:old-title "报错 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'",
:changed-title "报错 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'"}
"报错 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'" nil {:status :breaking,
:target "报错 SyntaxError%3A Unexpected token '___'",
:old-title "报错 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '/'",
:changed-title "报错 SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'"}
"aaBBcc" "aabbcc" nil
"aaa.bbb.ccc" "aaa/bbb/ccc" {:status :informal,
:target "aaa___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "aaa/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "aaa/bbb/ccc"}
"aaa.bbb.ccc" nil {:status :breaking,
:target "aaa___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "aaa/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "aaa.bbb.ccc"}
"aa__.bbb.ccc" "aa?#/bbb/ccc" {:status :informal,
:target "aa%3F%23___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "aa?#/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "aa?#/bbb/ccc"}
"aa?#.bbb.ccc" "aa__/bbb/ccc" {:status :informal,
:target "aa_%5F___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "aa__/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "aa__/bbb/ccc"}
"aaa__bbb__ccc" "aaa/bbb/ccc" {:status :informal,
:target "aaa___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "aaa/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "aaa/bbb/ccc"}
"aaa__bbb__cccon" "aaa/bbb/cccon" {:status :informal,
:target "aaa___bbb___cccon",
:old-title "aaa/bbb/cccon",
:changed-title "aaa/bbb/cccon"}
"aaa__bbb__ccc" nil nil
"aaa_bbb_ccc" nil nil
"aaa.bbb.ccc" "adbcde/aks/sdf" {:status :informal,
:target "adbcde___aks___sdf",
:old-title "adbcde/aks/sdf",
:changed-title "adbcde/aks/sdf"}
"a__.bbb.ccc" "adbcde/aks/sdf" {:status :informal,
:target "adbcde___aks___sdf",
:old-title "adbcde/aks/sdf",
:changed-title "adbcde/aks/sdf"}
"aaa%2Fbbb%2Fccc" "aaa/bbb/ccc" {:status :informal,
:target "aaa___bbb___ccc",
:old-title "aaa/bbb/ccc",
:changed-title "aaa/bbb/ccc"}
"CON" "CON" {:status :informal,
:target "CON___",
:old-title "CON",
:changed-title "CON"}
"CON" nil {:status :informal,
:target "CON___",
:old-title "CON",
:changed-title "CON"}
"abc." "abc." {:status :informal,
:target "abc.___",
:old-title "abc.",
:changed-title "abc."}
"abc." nil {:status :breaking,
:target "abc", ;; abc/ is an invalid file name
:old-title "abc/",
:changed-title "abc."}))

View File

@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
(ns frontend.handler.repo-conversion-test
"Repo tests of directory conversion"
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest use-fixtures is testing]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[logseq.graph-parser.cli :as gp-cli]
[logseq.common.util :as common-util]
[ :as docs-graph-helper]
[logseq.common.config :as common-config]
[frontend.test.helper :as test-helper]
[ :as worker-page-rename]
[frontend.handler.conversion :as conversion-handler]
[frontend.handler.repo :as repo-handler]
[frontend.db.conn :as conn]
[datascript.core :as d]))
(use-fixtures :each {:before test-helper/start-test-db!
:after test-helper/destroy-test-db!})
(defn- query-assertions-v067
[db graph-dir files]
(testing "Query based stats"
(is (= (->> files
;; logseq files aren't saved under :block/file
(remove #(string/includes? % (str graph-dir "/" common-config/app-name "/")))
(->> (d/q '[:find (pull ?b [* {:block/file [:file/path]}])
:where [?b :block/name] [?b :block/file]]
(map (comp #(get-in % [:block/file :file/path]) first))
"Files on disk should equal ones in db")
(is (= (count (filter #(re-find #"journals/" %) files))
(->> (d/q '[:find (count ?b)
[?b :block/journal? true]
[?b :block/name]
[?b :block/file]]
"Journal page count on disk equals count in db")
(is (= {"CANCELED" 2 "DONE" 6 "LATER" 4 "NOW" 5}
(->> (d/q '[:find (pull ?b [*]) :where [?b :block/marker]]
(map first)
(group-by :block/marker)
(map (fn [[k v]] [k (count v)]))
(into {})))
"Task marker counts")
(is (= {:markdown 3552 :org 519}
(docs-graph-helper/get-block-format-counts db))
"Block format counts")
(is (= {:title 98 :id 98
:updated-at 47 :created-at 47
:card-last-score 6 :card-repeats 6 :card-next-schedule 6
:card-last-interval 6 :card-ease-factor 6 :card-last-reviewed 6
:alias 6 :logseq.macro-arguments 94 :logseq.macro-name 94 :heading 64}
(docs-graph-helper/get-top-block-properties db))
"Counts for top block properties")
(is (= {:title 98
:alias 6
:tags 3 :permalink 2
:name 1 :type 1 :related 1 :sample 1 :click 1 :id 1 :example 1}
(docs-graph-helper/get-all-page-properties db))
"Counts for all page properties")
(is (= {:block/scheduled 2
:block/priority 4
:block/deadline 1
:block/collapsed? 22
:block/repeated? 1}
(->> [:block/scheduled :block/priority :block/deadline :block/collapsed?
(map (fn [attr]
(ffirst (d/q [:find (list 'count '?b) :where ['?b attr]]
(into {})))
"Counts for blocks with common block attributes")
(is (= #{"term" "setting" "book" "templates" "Query" "Query/table" "page"}
(->> (d/q '[:find (pull ?n [*]) :where [?b :block/namespace ?n]] db)
(map (comp :block/original-name first))
"Has correct namespaces")))
(defn docs-graph-assertions-v067
"These are common assertions that should pass in both graph-parser and main
logseq app. It is important to run these in both contexts to ensure that the
functionality in frontend.handler.repo and logseq.graph-parser remain the
[db graph-dir files]
;; Counts assertions help check for no major regressions. These counts should
;; only increase over time as the docs graph rarely has deletions
(testing "Counts"
(is (= 211 (count files)) "Correct file count")
(is (= 39261 (count (d/datoms db :eavt))) "Correct datoms count")
(is (= 3600
(d/q '[:find (count ?b)
:where [?b :block/path-refs ?bp] [?bp :block/name]] db)))
"Correct referenced blocks count")
(is (= 21
(d/q '[:find (count ?b)
:where [?b :block/content ?content]
[(clojure.string/includes? ?content "+BEGIN_QUERY")]]
"Advanced query count"))
(query-assertions-v067 db graph-dir files))
(defn- convert-to-triple-lowbar
(let [original-body (common-util/path->file-body path)
;; only test file name parsing, don't consider title prop overriding
rename-target (:target (#'conversion-handler/calc-rename-target-impl :legacy :triple-lowbar original-body nil))]
(if rename-target
(do #_(prn "conversion triple-lowbar: " original-body " -> " rename-target)
(#'worker-page-rename/compute-new-file-path path rename-target))
(defn- convert-graph-files-path
"Given a list of files, converts them according to the given conversion function"
[files conversion-fn]
(map (fn [file]
(assoc file :file/path (conversion-fn (:file/path file)))) files))
;; Integration test that test parsing a large graph like docs
;; Check if file name conversion from old version of docs is working
(deftest ^:integration convert-v067-filenames-parse-and-load-files-to-db
(let [graph-dir "src/test/docs"
_ (docs-graph-helper/clone-docs-repo-if-not-exists graph-dir "v0.6.7")
files (#'gp-cli/build-graph-files graph-dir {})
;; Converting the v0.6.7 ver docs graph under the old namespace naming rule to the new one (:repo/dir-version 0->3)
files (convert-graph-files-path files convert-to-triple-lowbar)
_ (repo-handler/parse-files-and-load-to-db! test-helper/test-db files {:re-render? false :verbose false})
db (conn/get-db test-helper/test-db)]
;; Result under new naming rule after conversion should be the same as the old one
(docs-graph-assertions-v067 db graph-dir (map :file/path files))))