not fully broken anymore

Devon Zuegel 2021-11-16 14:35:39 -05:00
parent fc709ab9ce
commit eba6a9cb5f
2 changed files with 50 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
[frontend.components.plugins :as plugins]
[frontend.components.repo :as repo]
[ :as page]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as page-menu]
[frontend.components.right-sidebar :as sidebar]
[ :as search]
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
[frontend.util :as util]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[ :as shortcut-helper]
[rum.core :as rum]
[ :as mobile-util]
[frontend.components.widgets :as widgets]))
@ -55,11 +57,30 @@
(defn keyboard-shortcut [shortcut-name]
(print "state/shortcuts: " (state/shortcuts))
(ui/keyboard-shortcut (or (shortcut-helper/decorate-binding
"(:go/search (state/shortcuts))"
#_(get (state/shortcuts) shortcut-name))
(rum/defc left-menu-button < rum/reactive
[{:keys [on-click]}]
(let [left-sidebar-open? (state/sub :ui/left-sidebar-open?)]
{:html [:div.text-sm.font-medium
#_(ui/keyboard-shortcut "x")
(keyboard-shortcut :ui/toggle-left-sidebar)]
:position "right"
:interactive true
:arrow true}
{:on-click on-click
:style {:margin-left 12}}
(ui/icon "menu-2" {:style {:fontSize 20}})]))
{:html [:div.text-sm.font-medium
"Shortcut: "
[:code (util/->platform-shortcut "t l")]]
@ -72,7 +93,7 @@
{:on-click on-click
:style {:margin-left 12}}
(ui/icon "menu-2" {:style {:fontSize 20}})])))
(ui/icon "menu-2" {:style {:fontSize 20}})])
(rum/defc dropdown-menu < rum/reactive
[{:keys [me current-repo t default-home]}]
@ -141,17 +162,17 @@
(let [[downloaded, set-downloaded] (rum/use-state nil)
_ (rum/use-effect!
(fn []
(when-let [channel (and (util/electron?) "auto-updater-downloaded")]
(let [callback (fn [_ args]
(js/console.debug "[new-version downloaded] args:" args)
(let [args (bean/->clj args)]
(set-downloaded args)
(state/set-state! :electron/auto-updater-downloaded args))
(js/apis.addListener channel callback)
#(js/apis.removeListener channel callback))))
(fn []
(when-let [channel (and (util/electron?) "auto-updater-downloaded")]
(let [callback (fn [_ args]
(js/console.debug "[new-version downloaded] args:" args)
(let [args (bean/->clj args)]
(set-downloaded args)
(state/set-state! :electron/auto-updater-downloaded args))
(js/apis.addListener channel callback)
#(js/apis.removeListener channel callback))))
(when downloaded
@ -183,26 +204,26 @@
(left-menu-button {:on-click (fn []
(not (:ui/left-sidebar-open? @state/state))))})
(not (:ui/left-sidebar-open? @state/state))))})
(when current-repo
{:html [:div.text-sm.font-medium
"Shortcut: "
{:html [:div.text-sm.font-medium
"Shortcut: "
;; TODO: Pull from config so it displays custom shortcut, not just the default
[:code (util/->platform-shortcut "Ctrl + k")]]
:interactive true
:delay 2000
:position "right"
:arrow true}
{:on-click #(state/pub-event! [:go/search])}
(ui/icon "search" {:style {:fontSize 20}})]))]
[:code (util/->platform-shortcut "Ctrl + k")]]
:interactive true
:delay 2000
:position "right"
:arrow true}
{:on-click #(state/pub-event! [:go/search])}
(ui/icon "search" {:style {:fontSize 20}})]))]
(when (and
(not (mobile-util/is-native-platform?))
(not (util/electron?)))
(not (mobile-util/is-native-platform?))
(not (util/electron?)))
(login logged?))
(when plugin-handler/lsp-enabled?

View File

@ -97,7 +97,8 @@
(str/replace "shift+/" "?")
(str/replace "open-square-bracket" "[")
(str/replace "close-square-bracket" "]")
(or binding "")))
;; if multiple bindings, gen seq for first binding only for now
(defn gen-shortcut-seq [id]