Remove more unused state

Gabriel Horner 2022-01-28 11:21:16 -05:00
parent 54420c9a5d
commit ec60aab5d2
4 changed files with 160 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
;; Referenced in comment
;; Future use
;; repl fn
;; Future use?

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
(db/filter-only-public-pages-and-blocks db))
db-str (db/db->string db)
state (select-keys @state/state
[:ui/theme :ui/cycle-collapse

View File

@ -37,14 +37,6 @@
(s/def :me/repos (s/* :repos/repo))
;; project
(s/def :projects/name string?)
(s/def :projects/repo string?)
(s/def :projects/project (s/keys :req-un [:projects/name :projects/repo]))
(s/def :me/projects (s/* :projects/project))
;; me
(s/def :me/name string?)
@ -57,9 +49,9 @@
;; state
(s/def :state/me (s/keys :req-un [:me/name :me/email :me/avatar :me/repos :me/projects :me/preferred_format
(s/def :state/me (s/keys :req-un [:me/name :me/email :me/avatar :me/repos :me/preferred_format
:me/preferred_workflow :me/cors_proxy]))
(validate :user/repo 1))
(validate :user/repo 1))

View File

@ -23,190 +23,186 @@
(when graph (ipc/ipc "setCurrentGraph" graph))
{:route-match nil
:today nil
:system/events (async/chan 100)
:db/batch-txs (async/chan 100)
:file/writes (async/chan 100)
:notification/show? false
:notification/content nil
:repo/cloning? false
:repo/loading-files? {}
:repo/importing-to-db? nil
:repo/sync-status {}
:repo/changed-files nil
:nfs/user-granted? {}
:nfs/refreshing? nil
:instrument/disabled? (storage/get "instrument-disabled")
;; TODO: how to detect the network reliably?
:network/online? true
:indexeddb/support? true
:me nil
:git/current-repo current-graph
:git/status {}
:format/loading {}
:draw? false
:db/restoring? nil
{:route-match nil
:today nil
:system/events (async/chan 100)
:db/batch-txs (async/chan 100)
:file/writes (async/chan 100)
:notification/show? false
:notification/content nil
:repo/cloning? false
:repo/loading-files? {}
:repo/importing-to-db? nil
:repo/changed-files nil
:nfs/user-granted? {}
:nfs/refreshing? nil
:instrument/disabled? (storage/get "instrument-disabled")
;; TODO: how to detect the network reliably?
:network/online? true
:indexeddb/support? true
:me nil
:git/current-repo current-graph
:git/status {}
:format/loading {}
:draw? false
:db/restoring? nil
:journals-length 2
:journals-length 2
:search/q ""
:search/mode :global
:search/result nil
:search/graph-filters []
:search/q ""
:search/mode :global
:search/result nil
:search/graph-filters []
;; modals
:modal/label ""
:modal/show? false
:modal/panel-content nil
:modal/fullscreen? false
:modal/close-btn? nil
:modal/subsets []
;; modals
:modal/label ""
:modal/show? false
:modal/panel-content nil
:modal/fullscreen? false
:modal/close-btn? nil
:modal/subsets []
;; right sidebar
:ui/fullscreen? false
:ui/settings-open? false
:ui/sidebar-open? false
:ui/left-sidebar-open? (boolean (storage/get "ls-left-sidebar-open?"))
:ui/theme (or (storage/get :ui/theme) (if (mobile-util/is-native-platform?) "light" "dark"))
:ui/system-theme? ((fnil identity (or util/mac? util/win32? false)) (storage/get :ui/system-theme?))
:ui/wide-mode? false
;; :show-all, :hide-block-body, :hide-block-children
:ui/cycle-collapse :show-all
;; right sidebar
:ui/fullscreen? false
:ui/settings-open? false
:ui/sidebar-open? false
:ui/left-sidebar-open? (boolean (storage/get "ls-left-sidebar-open?"))
:ui/theme (or (storage/get :ui/theme) (if (mobile-util/is-native-platform?) "light" "dark"))
:ui/system-theme? ((fnil identity (or util/mac? util/win32? false)) (storage/get :ui/system-theme?))
:ui/wide-mode? false
;; ui/collapsed-blocks is to separate the collapse/expand state from db for:
;; 1. right sidebar
;; 2. zoom-in view
;; 3. queries
;; 4. references
;; graph => {:block-id bool}
:ui/collapsed-blocks {}
:ui/sidebar-collapsed-blocks {}
:ui/root-component nil
:ui/file-component nil
:ui/custom-query-components {}
:ui/show-recent? false
:ui/command-palette-open? false
:ui/developer-mode? (or (= (storage/get "developer-mode") "true")
;; remember scroll positions of visited paths
:ui/paths-scroll-positions {}
:ui/shortcut-tooltip? (if (false? (storage/get :ui/shortcut-tooltip?))
:ui/visual-viewport-pending? false
:ui/visual-viewport-state nil
;; ui/collapsed-blocks is to separate the collapse/expand state from db for:
;; 1. right sidebar
;; 2. zoom-in view
;; 3. queries
;; 4. references
;; graph => {:block-id bool}
:ui/collapsed-blocks {}
:ui/sidebar-collapsed-blocks {}
:ui/root-component nil
:ui/file-component nil
:ui/custom-query-components {}
:ui/show-recent? false
:ui/command-palette-open? false
:ui/developer-mode? (or (= (storage/get "developer-mode") "true")
;; remember scroll positions of visited paths
:ui/paths-scroll-positions {}
:ui/shortcut-tooltip? (if (false? (storage/get :ui/shortcut-tooltip?))
:ui/visual-viewport-pending? false
:ui/visual-viewport-state nil
:document/mode? document-mode?
:document/mode? document-mode?
:github/contents {}
:config {}
:block/component-editing-mode? false
:editor/draw-mode? false
:editor/show-page-search? false
:editor/show-page-search-hashtag? false
:editor/show-date-picker? false
;; With label or other data
:editor/show-input nil
:editor/show-zotero false
:editor/last-saved-cursor nil
:editor/editing? nil
:editor/last-edit-block-input-id nil
:editor/in-composition? false
:editor/content {}
:editor/block nil
:editor/block-dom-id nil
:editor/set-timestamp-block nil
:editor/last-input-time nil
:editor/pos nil
:editor/document-mode? document-mode?
:editor/args nil
:editor/on-paste? false
:editor/last-key-code nil
:github/contents {}
:config {}
:block/component-editing-mode? false
:editor/draw-mode? false
:editor/show-page-search? false
:editor/show-page-search-hashtag? false
:editor/show-date-picker? false
;; With label or other data
:editor/show-input nil
:editor/show-zotero false
:editor/last-saved-cursor nil
:editor/editing? nil
;; This key is not currently used but may be useful later?
:editor/last-edit-block-input-id nil
:editor/in-composition? false
:editor/content {}
:editor/block nil
:editor/block-dom-id nil
:editor/set-timestamp-block nil
:editor/last-input-time nil
:editor/pos nil
:editor/document-mode? document-mode?
:editor/args nil
:editor/on-paste? false
:editor/last-key-code nil
:db/last-transact-time {}
:db/last-persist-transact-ids {}
;; whether database is persisted
:db/persisted? {}
:db/latest-txs (or (storage/get-transit :db/latest-txs) {})
:cursor-range nil
:db/last-transact-time {}
;; whether database is persisted
:db/persisted? {}
:cursor-range nil
:selection/mode false
:selection/blocks []
:selection/start-block nil
;; either :up or :down, defaults to down
;; used to determine selection direction when two or more blocks are selected
:selection/direction :down
:custom-context-menu/show? false
:custom-context-menu/links nil
:selection/mode false
:selection/blocks []
:selection/start-block nil
;; either :up or :down, defaults to down
;; used to determine selection direction when two or more blocks are selected
:selection/direction :down
:custom-context-menu/show? false
:custom-context-menu/links nil
;; pages or blocks in the right sidebar
;; It is a list of `[repo db-id block-type block-data]` 4-tuple
:sidebar/blocks '()
;; pages or blocks in the right sidebar
;; It is a list of `[repo db-id block-type block-data]` 4-tuple
:sidebar/blocks '()
:preferred-language (storage/get :preferred-language)
:preferred-language (storage/get :preferred-language)
;; electron
:electron/auto-updater-downloaded false
:electron/updater-pending? false
:electron/updater {}
:electron/user-cfgs nil
;; electron
:electron/auto-updater-downloaded false
:electron/updater-pending? false
:electron/updater {}
:electron/user-cfgs nil
;; plugin
:plugin/enabled (and (util/electron?)
;; true false :theme-only
((fnil identity true) (storage/get :lsp-core-enabled)))
:plugin/indicator-text nil
:plugin/installed-plugins {}
:plugin/installed-themes []
:plugin/installed-commands {}
:plugin/installed-ui-items {}
:plugin/simple-commands {}
:plugin/selected-theme nil
:plugin/selected-unpacked-pkg nil
:plugin/marketplace-pkgs nil
:plugin/marketplace-stats nil
:plugin/installing nil
:plugin/active-readme nil
:plugin/updates-pending {}
:plugin/updates-coming {}
:plugin/updates-downloading? false
:plugin/updates-unchecked #{}
;; plugin
:plugin/enabled (and (util/electron?)
;; true false :theme-only
((fnil identity true) (storage/get :lsp-core-enabled)))
:plugin/indicator-text nil
:plugin/installed-plugins {}
:plugin/installed-themes []
:plugin/installed-commands {}
:plugin/installed-ui-items {}
:plugin/simple-commands {}
:plugin/selected-theme nil
:plugin/selected-unpacked-pkg nil
:plugin/marketplace-pkgs nil
:plugin/marketplace-stats nil
:plugin/installing nil
:plugin/active-readme nil
:plugin/updates-pending {}
:plugin/updates-coming {}
:plugin/updates-downloading? false
:plugin/updates-unchecked #{}
;; pdf
:pdf/current nil
:pdf/ref-highlight nil
;; pdf
:pdf/current nil
:pdf/ref-highlight nil
;; all notification contents as k-v pairs
:notification/contents {}
:graph/syncing? false
;; all notification contents as k-v pairs
:notification/contents {}
:graph/syncing? false
;; copied blocks
:copy/blocks {:copy/content nil :copy/block-tree nil}
;; copied blocks
:copy/blocks {:copy/content nil :copy/block-tree nil}
:copy/export-block-text-indent-style (or (storage/get :copy/export-block-text-indent-style)
:copy/export-block-text-remove-options (or (storage/get :copy/export-block-text-remove-options)
:date-picker/date nil
:copy/export-block-text-indent-style (or (storage/get :copy/export-block-text-indent-style)
:copy/export-block-text-remove-options (or (storage/get :copy/export-block-text-remove-options)
:date-picker/date nil
:youtube/players {}
:youtube/players {}
;; command palette
:command-palette/commands []
;; command palette
:command-palette/commands []
:view/components {}
:view/components {}
:debug/write-acks {}
:debug/write-acks {}
:encryption/graph-parsing? false
:encryption/graph-parsing? false
:favorites/dragging nil
:favorites/dragging nil
:srs/mode? false
:srs/mode? false
:srs/cards-due-count nil
:srs/cards-due-count nil
;; block uuid -> {content(String) -> ast}
(def blocks-ast-cache (atom {}))