refactor: blocks search returns all blocks including pages

Fuzzy search support both pages and objects (blocks have tags).
Tienson Qin 2024-07-20 20:10:36 +08:00
parent 36fed3e212
commit ed1ee94d88
8 changed files with 192 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -257,9 +257,7 @@
property i.e. what the user sees. For page types the content is the page name"
(or (:block/title ent)
(if-some [content (:property.value/content ent)]
(:block/title ent))))
(:property.value/content ent)))
(defn ref->property-value-content
"Given a ref from a pulled query e.g. `{:db/id X}`, gets a readable name for

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
[goog.functions :as gfun]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[logseq.shui.ui :as shui]
[logseq.db :as ldb]
[promesa.core :as p]
[rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.mixins :as mixins]
@ -46,8 +47,7 @@
(def search-actions
[{:filter {:group :pages :mode "search"} :text "Search only pages" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "page"}
{:filter {:group :current-page} :text "Search only current page" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "page"}
[{:filter {:group :current-page} :text "Search only current page" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "page"}
{:filter {:group :blocks} :text "Search only blocks" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "block"}
{:filter {:group :commands} :text "Search only commands" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "command"}
{:filter {:group :whiteboards} :text "Search only whiteboards" :info "Add filter to search" :icon-theme :gray :icon "whiteboard"}
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
{:commands {:status :success :show :less :items nil}
:favorites {:status :success :show :less :items nil}
:current-page {:status :success :show :less :items nil}
:pages {:status :success :show :less :items nil}
:blocks {:status :success :show :less :items nil}
:files {:status :success :show :less :items nil}
:themes {:status :success :show :less :items nil}
@ -108,17 +107,13 @@
page-exists? (when-not (string/blank? input)
(db/get-page (string/trim input)))
include-slash? (or (string/includes? input "/")
(string/starts-with? input "/"))
(string/starts-with? input "/"))
order* (cond
(= search-mode :graph)
[["Pages" :pages (visible-items :pages)]]
(when page-exists?
["Pages" :pages (visible-items :pages)])
(when-not page-exists?
[(when-not page-exists?
["Create" :create (create-items input)])
["Current page" :current-page (visible-items :current-page)]
@ -132,21 +127,19 @@
[(if (= filter-group :current-page) "Current page" (name filter-group))
(visible-items filter-group)]
(when (= filter-group :pages)
(when-not page-exists?
["Create" :create (create-items input)]))]
(when-not page-exists?
["Create" :create (create-items input)])]
[["Pages" :pages (visible-items :pages)]
(when-not page-exists?
["Create" :create (create-items input)])
["Commands" :commands (visible-items :commands)]
["Current page" :current-page (visible-items :current-page)]
["Blocks" :blocks (visible-items :blocks)]
["Files" :files (visible-items :files)]
["Filters" :filters (visible-items :filters)]]
(remove nil?)))
[(when-not page-exists?
["Create" :create (create-items input)])
["Current page" :current-page (visible-items :current-page)]
["Blocks" :blocks (visible-items :blocks)]
["Commands" :commands (visible-items :commands)]
["Files" :files (visible-items :files)]
["Filters" :filters (visible-items :filters)]]
(remove nil?)))
order (remove nil? order*)]
(for [[group-name group-key group-items] order]
@ -207,27 +200,6 @@
(hash-map :status :success :items)
(swap! !results update group merge)))))
;; The pages search action uses an existing handler
(defmethod load-results :pages [group state]
(let [!input (::input state)
!results (::results state)
repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(swap! !results assoc-in [group :status] :loading)
(p/let [pages (search/page-search @!input)
items (->> pages
(fn [page]
(let [entity (db/entity [:block/uuid (uuid (:id page))])
whiteboard? (contains? (:block/type entity) "whiteboard")
source-page (model/get-alias-source-page repo (:db/id entity))]
(hash-map :icon (if whiteboard? "whiteboard" "page")
:icon-theme :gray
:text (:title page)
:source-page (if source-page
(:block/title source-page)
(:title page)))))))]
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items items}))))
(defmethod load-results :whiteboards [group state]
(let [!input (::input state)
!results (::results state)]
@ -258,14 +230,36 @@
hiccups-add [(when-not (string/blank? b-cut)
[:span b-cut])
(when-not (string/blank? hl-cut)
(let [hl-cut' (string/trimr hl-cut)]
[:mark.p-0.rounded-none hl-cut']))]
[:mark.p-0.rounded-none hl-cut])]
hiccups-add (remove nil? hiccups-add)
new-result (concat result hiccups-add)]
(if-not (string/blank? e-cut)
(recur e-cut new-result)
(defn- page-item
[repo page]
(let [entity (db/entity [:block/uuid (:block/uuid page)])
whiteboard? (contains? (:block/type entity) "whiteboard")
source-page (model/get-alias-source-page repo (:db/id entity))]
(hash-map :icon (if whiteboard? "whiteboard" "page")
:icon-theme :gray
:text (:block/title page)
:source-page (if source-page
(:block/title source-page)
(:block/title page)))))
(defn- block-item
[repo block current-page !input]
(let [id (:block/uuid block)]
{:icon "block"
:icon-theme :gray
:text (highlight-content-query (:block/title block) @!input)
:header (block/breadcrumb {:search? true} repo id {})
:current-page? (when-let [page-id (:block/page block)]
(= page-id (:block/uuid current-page)))
:source-block block}))
;; The blocks search action uses an existing handler
(defmethod load-results :blocks [group state]
(let [!input (::input state)
@ -278,15 +272,10 @@
(swap! !results assoc-in [:current-page :status] :loading)
(p/let [blocks (search/block-search repo @!input opts)
blocks (remove nil? blocks)
items (map (fn [block]
(let [id (:block/uuid block)]
{:icon "block"
:icon-theme :gray
:text (highlight-content-query (:block/title block) @!input)
:header (block/breadcrumb {:search? true} repo id {})
:current-page? (when-let [page-id (:block/page block)]
(= page-id (:block/uuid current-page)))
:source-block block})) blocks)
items (keep (fn [block]
(if (:page? block)
(page-item repo block)
(block-item repo block current-page !input))) blocks)
items-on-other-pages (remove :current-page? items)
items-on-current-page (filter :current-page? items)]
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items items-on-other-pages})
@ -387,7 +376,6 @@
(load-results :commands state)
(load-results :blocks state)
(load-results :pages state)
(load-results :filters state)
(load-results :files state)
;; (load-results :recents state)
@ -825,7 +813,7 @@
backspace? (= (util/ekey e) "Backspace")
filter-group (:group @(::filter state))
slash? (= (util/ekey e) "/")
namespace-pages (when (and slash? (contains? #{:pages :whiteboards} filter-group))
namespace-pages (when (and slash? (contains? #{:whiteboards} filter-group))
(search/page-search (str value "/")))
namespace-page-matched? (some #(string/includes? % "/") namespace-pages)]
(when (and filter-group
@ -1010,7 +998,7 @@
(or (= group-filter group-key)
(and (= group-filter :blocks)
(= group-key :current-page))
(and (contains? #{:pages :create} group-filter)
(and (contains? #{:create} group-filter)
(= group-key :create))))))
(if (seq items)

View File

@ -483,8 +483,9 @@
;; Search
[this repo q option]
(p/let [db (get-search-db repo)
result (search/search-blocks db q (bean/->clj option))]
(p/let [search-db (get-search-db repo)
conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)
result (search/search-blocks repo conn search-db q (bean/->clj option))]
(bean/->js result)))
@ -508,18 +509,11 @@
[this repo]
(when-let [conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)]
(search/build-blocks-indice @conn)))
(search/build-blocks-indice repo @conn)))
[this repo]
(when-let [conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)]
(search/build-page-indice repo @conn)
[this repo q options]
(when-let [conn (worker-state/get-datascript-conn repo)]
(search/page-search repo @conn q (bean/->clj options))))
[this repo ops-str opts-str]

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
(defn search-handler
[q filters]
(let [{:keys [pages? blocks?]} (js->clj filters {:keywordize-keys true})
(let [{:keys [blocks?]} (js->clj filters {:keywordize-keys true})
repo (state/get-current-repo)
limit 100]
(p/let [blocks (when blocks? (search/block-search repo q {:limit limit}))
@ -77,9 +77,8 @@
(-> b
(update :block/uuid str)
(update :block/title #(->> (text-util/cut-by % "$pfts_2lqh>$" "$<pfts_2lqh$")
(apply str))))) blocks)
pages (when pages? (search/page-search q))]
(clj->js {:pages pages :blocks blocks}))))
(apply str))))) blocks)]
(clj->js {:blocks blocks}))))
(defn save-asset-handler

View File

@ -1654,14 +1654,6 @@
(map :title))))
(defn get-matched-classes
"Return matched class names"
(let [classes (->> (db-model/get-all-classes (state/get-current-repo))
(map first))]
(search/fuzzy-search classes q {:limit 100}))))
(defn get-matched-blocks
[q block-id]
;; remove current block

View File

@ -33,14 +33,12 @@
opts (if page-db-id (assoc opts :page (str page-db-id)) opts)]
(p/let [blocks (search/block-search repo q opts)
pages (search/page-search q)
files (search/file-search q)]
(let [result (merge
{:blocks blocks
:has-more? (= limit (count blocks))}
(when-not page-db-id
{:pages pages
:files files}))
{:files files}))
search-key (if more? :search/more-result :search/result)]
(swap! state/state assoc search-key result)

View File

@ -34,10 +34,8 @@
(defn page-search
(page-search q {}))
([q options]
(when-let [^js sqlite @search-browser/*sqlite]
(p/let [result (.page-search sqlite (state/get-current-repo) q (clj->js (merge {:limit 100} options)))]
(bean/->clj result)))))
([q option]
(when-not (string/blank? q) (block-search (state/get-current-repo) q option))))
(defn file-search

View File

@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
[frontend.worker.util :as worker-util]
[logseq.db.sqlite.util :as sqlite-util]
[logseq.common.util :as common-util]
[logseq.db :as ldb]
[ :as db-property]))
[logseq.db :as ldb]))
;; TODO: use sqlite for fuzzy search
(defonce indices (atom nil))
;; maybe
(defonce fuzzy-search-indices (atom {}))
(defn- add-blocks-fts-triggers!
"Table bindings of blocks tables and the blocks FTS virtual tables"
@ -125,7 +125,11 @@
:rowMode "array"}))
blocks (bean/->clj result)]
(map (fn [block]
(update block 3 get-snippet-result)) blocks))
(let [[id page title snippet] (update block 3 get-snippet-result)]
{:id id
:page page
:title title
:snippet snippet})) blocks))
(catch :default e
(prn :debug "Search blocks failed: ")
(js/console.error e))))
@ -142,9 +146,116 @@
(string/replace match-input "," "")
(str "\"" match-input "\"*"))))
(defn exact-matched?
"Check if two strings points toward same search result"
[q match]
(when (and (string? q) (string? match))
(fn [coll char]
(let [coll' (drop-while #(not= char %) coll)]
(if (seq coll')
(rest coll')
(reduced false))))
(seq (worker-util/search-normalize match true))
(seq (worker-util/search-normalize q true))))))
(defn- hidden-page?
(when page
(if (string? page)
(string/starts-with? page "$$$")
(contains? (set (:block/type page)) "hidden"))))
(defn- page-or-object?
(and (or (ldb/page? entity) (seq (:block/tags entity)))
(not (hidden-page? entity))))
(defn get-all-fuzzy-supported-blocks
"Only pages and objects are supported now."
(let [page-ids (->> (d/datoms db :avet :block/name)
(map :e))
object-ids (->> (d/datoms db :avet :block/tags)
(map :e))
blocks (->> (distinct (concat page-ids object-ids))
(map #(d/entity db %)))]
(remove hidden-page? blocks)))
(defn- sanitize
(some-> content
(worker-util/search-normalize true)))
(defn block->index
"Convert a block to the index for searching"
[{:block/keys [uuid page title format] :as block}]
(when-not (or
(ldb/closed-value? block)
(and (string? title) (> (count title) 10000))
(string/blank? title)) ; empty page or block
;; Should properties be included in the search indice?
;; It could slow down the search indexing, also it can be confusing
;; if the showing properties are not useful to users.
;; (let [content (if (and db-based? (seq (:block/properties block)))
;; (str content (when (not= content "") "\n") (get-db-properties-str db properties))
;; content)])
(when uuid
{:id (str uuid)
:page (str (or (:block/uuid page) uuid))
:title (sanitize title)
:built-in? (ldb/built-in? block)
:format format})))
(defn build-fuzzy-search-indice
"Build a block title indice from scratch.
Incremental page title indice is implemented in!"
[repo db]
(let [blocks (->> (get-all-fuzzy-supported-blocks db)
(map block->index)
indice (fuse. blocks
(clj->js {:keys ["title"]
:shouldSort true
:tokenize true
:distance 1024
:threshold 0.5 ;; search for 50% match from the start
:minMatchCharLength 1}))]
(swap! fuzzy-search-indices assoc-in repo indice)
(defn fuzzy-search
"Return a list of blocks (pages && tagged blocks) that match the query. Takes the following
* :limit - Number of result to limit search results. Defaults to 100
* :built-in? - Whether to return built-in pages for db graphs. Defaults to true"
[repo db q {:keys [limit built-in?]
:or {limit 100
built-in? true}}]
(when repo
(let [q (worker-util/search-normalize q true)
q (fuzzy/clean-str q)
q (if (= \# (first q)) (subs q 1) q)]
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(let [indice (or (get @fuzzy-search-indices repo)
(build-fuzzy-search-indice repo db))
result (cond->>
(->> (.search indice q (clj->js {:limit limit}))
(and (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo) (= false built-in?))
(remove #(get-in % [:item :built-in?])))]
(->> (map :item result)
(filter (fn [{:keys [title]}]
(exact-matched? q title)))))))))
(defn search-blocks
":page - the page to specifically search on"
[db q {:keys [limit page]}]
* :page - the page to specifically search on
* :limit - Number of result to limit search results. Defaults to 100
* :built-in? - Whether to return built-in pages for db graphs. Defaults to true"
[repo conn search-db q {:keys [limit page] :as option}]
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(p/let [match-input (get-match-input q)
limit (or limit 100)
@ -152,33 +263,27 @@
;; the 2nd column in blocks_fts (content)
;; pfts_2lqh is a key for retrieval
;; highlight and snippet only works for some matching with high rank
snippet-aux "snippet(blocks_fts, 1, ' $pfts_2lqh>$ ', ' $<pfts_2lqh$ ', '...', 32)"
snippet-aux "snippet(blocks_fts, 1, '$pfts_2lqh>$', '$<pfts_2lqh$', '...', 32)"
select (str "select id, page, title, " snippet-aux " from blocks_fts where ")
pg-sql (if page "page = ? and" "")
match-sql (str select
" title match ? order by rank limit ?")
matched-result (search-blocks-aux db match-sql match-input page limit)
all-result (->> matched-result
matched-result (search-blocks-aux search-db match-sql match-input page limit)
fuzzy-result (when-not page (fuzzy-search repo @conn q option))
all-result (->> (concat fuzzy-result matched-result)
(map (fn [result]
(let [[id page _title snippet] result]
(let [{:keys [id page title snippet]} result]
{:uuid id
:title snippet
:title (or snippet title)
:page page}))))]
(common-util/distinct-by :uuid)))))
(common-util/distinct-by :uuid all-result))))
(defn truncate-table!
(.exec db "delete from blocks")
(.exec db "delete from blocks_fts"))
(defn- sanitize
(some-> content
(worker-util/search-normalize true)))
(defn- property-value-when-closed
"Returns property value if the given entity is type 'closed value' or nil"
@ -217,26 +322,6 @@
(string/join "; " values))))))
(string/join ", "))))
(defn block->index
"Convert a block to the index for searching"
[{:block/keys [uuid page title format] :as block}]
(when-not (or
(ldb/closed-value? block)
(and (string? title) (> (count title) 10000))
(string/blank? title)) ; empty page or block
;; Should properties be included in the search indice?
;; It could slow down the search indexing, also it can be confusing
;; if the showing properties are not useful to users.
;; (let [content (if (and db-based? (seq (:block/properties block)))
;; (str content (when (not= content "") "\n") (get-db-properties-str db properties))
;; content)])
(when uuid
{:id (str uuid)
:page (str (or (:block/uuid page) uuid))
:title (sanitize title)
:format format})))
(defn get-all-block-contents
(when db
@ -245,51 +330,12 @@
(keep #(d/entity db [:block/uuid %])))))
(defn build-blocks-indice
[repo db]
(build-fuzzy-search-indice repo db)
(->> (get-all-block-contents db)
(keep block->index)
(defn original-page-name->index
(when p
{:id (str (:block/uuid p))
:name (:block/name p)
:built-in? (boolean (db-property/property-value-content ( p)))
:title (:block/title p)}))
(defn- hidden-page?
(when page
(if (string? page)
(string/starts-with? page "$$$")
(contains? (set (:block/type page)) "hidden"))))
(defn get-all-pages
(let [page-datoms (d/datoms db :avet :block/name)
pages (map (fn [d] (d/entity db (:e d))) page-datoms)]
(remove (fn [p] (hidden-page? (:block/name p))) pages)))
(defn build-page-indice
"Build a page title indice from scratch.
Incremental page title indice is implemented in!
Rename from the page indice since 10.25.2022, since this is only used for page title search.
From now on, page indice is talking about page content search."
[repo db]
(let [pages (->> (get-all-pages db)
(map original-page-name->index)
indice (fuse. pages
(clj->js {:keys ["title"]
:shouldSort true
:tokenize true
:distance 1024
:threshold 0.5 ;; search for 50% match from the start
:minMatchCharLength 1}))]
(swap! indices assoc-in [repo :pages] indice)
(defn- get-blocks-from-datoms-impl
[repo {:keys [db-after db-before]} datoms]
(when (seq datoms)
@ -313,7 +359,7 @@
(keep #(d/entity db-after %) blocks-to-add-set')
(remove hidden-page?))})))
(defn- get-direct-blocks-and-pages
(defn- get-affected-blocks
[repo tx-report]
(let [data (:tx-data tx-report)
datoms (filter
@ -326,19 +372,19 @@
(defn sync-search-indice
[repo tx-report]
(let [{:keys [blocks-to-add blocks-to-remove]} (get-direct-blocks-and-pages repo tx-report)]
(let [{:keys [blocks-to-add blocks-to-remove]} (get-affected-blocks repo tx-report)]
;; update page title indice
(let [pages-to-add (filter :block/name blocks-to-add)
pages-to-remove (filter :block/name blocks-to-remove)]
(when (or (seq pages-to-add) (seq pages-to-remove))
(swap! indices update-in [repo :pages]
(let [fuzzy-blocks-to-add (filter page-or-object? blocks-to-add)
fuzzy-blocks-to-remove (filter page-or-object? blocks-to-remove)]
(when (or (seq fuzzy-blocks-to-add) (seq fuzzy-blocks-to-remove))
(swap! fuzzy-search-indices update-in repo
(fn [indice]
(when indice
(doseq [page-entity pages-to-remove]
(doseq [page-entity fuzzy-blocks-to-remove]
(.remove indice (fn [page] (= (str (:block/uuid page-entity)) (gobj/get page "id")))))
(doseq [page pages-to-add]
(doseq [page fuzzy-blocks-to-add]
(.remove indice (fn [p] (= (str (:block/uuid page)) (gobj/get p "id"))))
(.add indice (bean/->js (original-page-name->index page))))
(.add indice (bean/->js (block->index page))))
;; update block indice
@ -347,48 +393,3 @@
blocks-to-remove (set (map (comp str :block/uuid) blocks-to-remove))]
{:blocks-to-remove-set blocks-to-remove
:blocks-to-add blocks-to-add}))))
(defn exact-matched?
"Check if two strings points toward same search result"
[q match]
(when (and (string? q) (string? match))
(fn [coll char]
(let [coll' (drop-while #(not= char %) coll)]
(if (seq coll')
(rest coll')
(reduced false))))
(seq (worker-util/search-normalize match true))
(seq (worker-util/search-normalize q true))))))
(defn page-search
"Return a list of page names that match the query. Takes the following
* :limit - Number of pages to limit search results. Defaults to 100
* :built-in? - Whether to return built-in pages for db graphs. Defaults to true"
[repo db q {:keys [limit built-in?]
:or {limit 100
built-in? true}}]
(when repo
(let [q (worker-util/search-normalize q true)
q (fuzzy/clean-str q)
q (if (= \# (first q)) (subs q 1) q)]
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(let [indice (or (get-in @indices [repo :pages])
(build-page-indice repo db))
result (cond->>
(->> (.search indice q (clj->js {:limit limit}))
(and (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo) (= false built-in?))
(remove #(get-in % [:item :built-in?])))]
(->> result
(fn [{:keys [item]}]
{:id (:id item)
:title (:title item)}))
(filter (fn [{:keys [title]}]
(exact-matched? q title)))