Make graph in the right sidebar toggleable

Tienson Qin 2020-06-06 10:31:50 +08:00
parent ef74eadf9b
commit ed33789e7a
2 changed files with 30 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -79,40 +79,53 @@
(defn render-graph
(when-let [graph (first (:rum/args state))]
(let [match (:route-match @state/state)
theme (:ui/theme @state/state)
page (get-page match)
graph (db/build-page-graph page theme)]
(vis/new-network "page-graph" graph))
(rum/defc graph < rum/static
(defonce *show-graph? (atom false))
(rum/defc graph < rum/reactive
{:did-mount render-graph
:did-update render-graph}
[graph-data dark?]
[ "Dark theme"]
(ui/toggle dark? (fn []
(state/set-theme! (if dark? "white" "dark"))))]]
(rum/defcs sidebar < rum/reactive
(let [blocks (state/sub :sidebar/blocks)
repo (state/sub :git/current-repo)
starred (state/sub [:config repo :starred])]
starred (state/sub [:config repo :starred])
match (state/sub :route-match)
theme (state/sub :ui/theme)
dark? (= "dark" theme)
show-graph? (rum/react *show-graph?)]
[:div#theme-selector.flex.flex-row.justify-between.sidebar-item {:style {:padding-top 12
:margin-bottom 12}}
[:div.flex.flex-row {:key "right-sidebar-settings"}
[ "Dark theme"]
(ui/toggle dark? (fn []
(state/set-theme! (if dark? "white" "dark"))))]]
[ "Graph"]
(ui/toggle show-graph? (fn []
(swap! *show-graph? not)))]]]
(for [[idx [repo db-id block-type block-data]] (medley/indexed blocks)]
(sidebar-item repo idx db-id block-type block-data)
(str "sidebar-block-" idx)))
(let [match (state/sub :route-match)
theme (state/sub :ui/theme)
dark? (= "dark" theme)
page (get-page match)
graph-data (db/build-page-graph page theme)]
(graph graph-data dark?))
(when show-graph?
(graph dark?))
(when (and repo (seq starred))
[:div.sidebar-item.flex-col.flex-1.content {:key "starred-pages"}
[ "Starred pages"]]
(for [page starred]

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@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
[name path-params]
(case name