remove rum/with-key calls

Tienson Qin 2024-06-24 23:38:23 +08:00
parent 6f63aafea2
commit ed532e70e2
1 changed files with 30 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -131,48 +131,44 @@
{:align "end"}
(for [^js column (.getAllColumns table)]
{:key (.-id column)
:className "capitalize"
:checked (.getIsVisible column)
:onCheckedChange #(.toggleVisibility column (not %))}
(.-id column))
(.-id column)))))]
{:key (.-id column)
:className "capitalize"
:checked (.getIsVisible column)
:onCheckedChange #(.toggleVisibility column (not %))}
(.-id column)))))]
(for [^js headerGroup (.getHeaderGroups table)]
{:key (.-id headerGroup)}
(for [^js header (.-headers headerGroup)]
{:key (.-id header)}
(when-not (.-isPlaceholder header)
(-> header .-column .-columnDef .-header)
(.getContext header))))
(.-id header))))
(.-id headerGroup))))
{:key (.-id headerGroup)}
(for [^js header (.-headers headerGroup)]
{:key (.-id header)}
(when-not (.-isPlaceholder header)
(let [result (flexRender
(-> header .-column .-columnDef .-header)
(.getContext header))]
(prn :debug :flexRender-result
:type (type result))
(js/console.dir result)
(let [^js rows (.-rows (.getRowModel table))]
(if (pos? (count rows))
(for [^js row rows]
{:key (.-id row)
:data-state (when (.getIsSelected row) "selected")}
(for [^js cell (.getVisibleCells row)]
{:key (.-id cell)}
(-> cell .-column .-columnDef .-cell)
(.getContext cell)))
(.-id cell))))
(.-id row)))
{:key (.-id row)
:data-state (when (.getIsSelected row) "selected")}
(for [^js cell (.getVisibleCells row)]
{:key (.-id cell)}
(.-id cell)
;; (flexRender
;; (-> cell .-column .-columnDef .-cell)
;; (.getContext cell))
{:colSpan (count columns)