enhance(ui): WIP ordered list refreshing

charlie 2024-08-07 19:59:48 +08:00
parent ccba2ef34c
commit eee35213e6
2 changed files with 148 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
[dommy.core :as dom]
[frontend.commands :as commands]
[frontend.components.block.macros :as block-macros]
[frontend.components.block-effects :as block-effects]
[frontend.components.file-based.block :as file-block]
[frontend.components.datetime :as datetime-comp]
[frontend.components.lazy-editor :as lazy-editor]
@ -2971,6 +2972,7 @@
[state container-state repo config* block {:keys [navigating-block navigated?]}]
(let [*ref (::ref state)
_ (when (:block/uuid block) (state/sub-async-query-loading (:block/uuid block)))
block-cp (:rum/react-component state)
[original-block block] (build-block config* block {:navigating-block navigating-block :navigated? navigated?})
config* (if original-block
(assoc config* :original-block original-block)
@ -3015,106 +3017,108 @@
own-number-list? (:own-order-number-list? config)
order-list? (boolean own-number-list?)
children (ldb/get-children block)
selected? (contains? (set (state/get-selection-block-ids)) (:block/uuid block))
selected? (contains? (set (state/get-selection-block-ids)) uuid)
db-based? (config/db-based-graph? repo)]
{:id (str "ls-block-" uuid)
:blockid (str uuid)
:containerid container-id
:ref #(when (nil? @*ref) (reset! *ref %))
:data-collapsed (and collapsed? has-child?)
:class (str "id" uuid " "
(when selected? " selected")
(when pre-block? " pre-block")
(when order-list? " is-order-list")
(when (string/blank? title) " is-blank")
(when original-block " embed-block"))
:haschild (str (boolean has-child?))}
(block-effects/block-effects-observer block-cp (str uuid) editing?)
{:id (str "ls-block-" uuid)
:blockid (str uuid)
:containerid container-id
:ref #(when (nil? @*ref) (reset! *ref %))
:data-collapsed (and collapsed? has-child?)
:class (str "id" uuid " "
(when selected? " selected")
(when pre-block? " pre-block")
(when order-list? " is-order-list")
(when (string/blank? title) " is-blank")
(when original-block " embed-block"))
:haschild (str (boolean has-child?))}
(assoc :originalblockid (str (:block/uuid original-block)))
(assoc :originalblockid (str (:block/uuid original-block)))
(assoc :level level)
(assoc :level level)
(not slide?)
(merge attrs)
(not slide?)
(merge attrs)
(or reference? embed?)
(assoc :data-transclude true)
(or reference? embed?)
(assoc :data-transclude true)
(assoc :data-embed true)
(assoc :data-embed true)
(assoc :data-query true))
(assoc :data-query true))
(when (and ref? breadcrumb-show? (not table?))
(breadcrumb config repo uuid {:show-page? false
:indent? true
:navigating-block *navigating-block}))
(when (and ref? breadcrumb-show? (not table?))
(breadcrumb config repo uuid {:show-page? false
:indent? true
:navigating-block *navigating-block}))
;; only render this for the first block in each container
(when (and top? (not table?))
(dnd-separator-wrapper block children block-id slide? true false))
;; only render this for the first block in each container
(when (and top? (not table?))
(dnd-separator-wrapper block children block-id slide? true false))
{:data-has-heading (some-> block :block/properties (pu/lookup :logseq.property/heading))
:on-touch-start (fn [event uuid] (block-handler/on-touch-start event uuid))
:on-touch-move (fn [event]
(block-handler/on-touch-move event block uuid editing? *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-touch-end (fn [event]
(block-handler/on-touch-end event block uuid *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-touch-cancel (fn [_e]
(block-handler/on-touch-cancel *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-mouse-enter (fn [e]
(block-mouse-over e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))
:on-mouse-leave (fn [e]
(block-mouse-leave e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))}
(when (and (not slide?) (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?))
(let [edit? (or editing?
(= uuid (:block/uuid (state/get-edit-block))))]
(block-control config block
{:uuid uuid
:block-id block-id
:collapsed? collapsed?
:*control-show? *control-show?
:edit? edit?})))
{:data-has-heading (some-> block :block/properties (pu/lookup :logseq.property/heading))
:on-touch-start (fn [event uuid] (block-handler/on-touch-start event uuid))
:on-touch-move (fn [event]
(block-handler/on-touch-move event block uuid editing? *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-touch-end (fn [event]
(block-handler/on-touch-end event block uuid *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-touch-cancel (fn [_e]
(block-handler/on-touch-cancel *show-left-menu? *show-right-menu?))
:on-mouse-enter (fn [e]
(block-mouse-over e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))
:on-mouse-leave (fn [e]
(block-mouse-leave e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?))}
(when (and (not slide?) (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?))
(let [edit? (or editing?
(= uuid (:block/uuid (state/get-edit-block))))]
(block-control config block
{:uuid uuid
:block-id block-id
:collapsed? collapsed?
:*control-show? *control-show?
:edit? edit?})))
(when (and @*show-left-menu? (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?))
(block-left-menu config block))
(when (and @*show-left-menu? (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?))
(block-left-menu config block))
(if whiteboard-block?
(block-reference {} (str uuid) nil)
;; Not embed self
(let [block (merge block (block/parse-title-and-body uuid (:block/format block) pre-block? title))
hide-block-refs-count? (or (and (:embed? config)
(= (:block/uuid block) (:embed-id config)))
(block-content-or-editor config block
{:edit-input-id edit-input-id
:block-id block-id
:edit? editing?
:hide-block-refs-count? hide-block-refs-count?}))])
(if whiteboard-block?
(block-reference {} (str uuid) nil)
;; Not embed self
(let [block (merge block (block/parse-title-and-body uuid (:block/format block) pre-block? title))
hide-block-refs-count? (or (and (:embed? config)
(= (:block/uuid block) (:embed-id config)))
(block-content-or-editor config block
{:edit-input-id edit-input-id
:block-id block-id
:edit? editing?
:hide-block-refs-count? hide-block-refs-count?}))])
(when (and @*show-right-menu? (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?))
(block-right-menu config block editing?))]
(when (and @*show-right-menu? (not in-whiteboard?) (not table?))
(block-right-menu config block editing?))]
(when (and db-based? (not table?))
(block-positioned-properties config block :block-below))
(when (and db-based? (not table?))
(block-positioned-properties config block :block-below))
(when (and db-based? (not collapsed?) (not table?))
[:div {:style {:padding-left 45}}
(db-properties-cp config block edit-input-id {:in-block-container? true})])
(when (and db-based? (not collapsed?) (not table?))
[:div {:style {:padding-left 45}}
(db-properties-cp config block edit-input-id {:in-block-container? true})])
(when-not (or (:hide-children? config) in-whiteboard? table?)
(let [config' (-> (update config :level inc)
(dissoc :original-block :data :first-journal?))]
(block-children config' block children collapsed?)))
(when-not (or (:hide-children? config) in-whiteboard? table?)
(let [config' (-> (update config :level inc)
(dissoc :original-block :data :first-journal?))]
(block-children config' block children collapsed?)))
(when-not (or in-whiteboard? table?) (dnd-separator-wrapper block children block-id slide? false false))]))
(when-not (or in-whiteboard? table?) (dnd-separator-wrapper block children block-id slide? false false))]]))
(defn- block-changed?
[old-block new-block]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
(ns frontend.components.block-effects
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[rum.core :as rum]
[dommy.core :as d]
[frontend.rum :as frontend-rum]))
;; {block-uuid timestamp}
(defonce *effects (atom {}))
(defn clear-effects!
[] (reset! *effects {}))
(defn dorun-effects!
(doseq [[k] @*effects]
(swap! *effects assoc k (js/Date.now)))
(defn collect-block-sibling-effects!
(let [^js target (js/document.querySelector (str "#ls-block-" (str block-uuid)))]
(when (some-> target (d/has-class? "is-order-list"))
(loop [^js node (.-nextElementSibling target)]
(when node
(let [uuid (d/attr node "blockid")]
(when (and (not (string/blank? uuid))
;; order list block
(d/has-class? node "is-order-list"))
(swap! *effects assoc uuid nil))
(recur (.-nextElementSibling node))))))
(rum/defc block-effects-observer < rum/static
[block-cp block-uuid editing?]
(let [v (some-> (frontend-rum/use-atom-in *effects [block-uuid]) (first))
mounted?-fn (frontend-rum/use-mounted)]
(fn []
(when (and (mounted?-fn) v)
(rum/request-render block-cp)
(fn [] #(swap! *effects dissoc block-uuid)) [])
(fn []
(when (mounted?-fn)
(let [timer (when editing?
(let [value (some-> (js/document.querySelector (str "#edit-block-" block-uuid)) (.-value))]
(when (string/blank? value)
;; for selected block
(fn []
(collect-block-sibling-effects! block-uuid)
(dorun-effects!)) 0))))]
#(when timer (js/clearTimeout timer)))))