refactor(ui): use pagination component for All pages

Andelf 2022-12-03 02:40:42 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 8b8fe908c0
commit f5789bd4f9
2 changed files with 169 additions and 175 deletions

View File

@ -818,6 +818,36 @@
(notification/show! (str (t :tips/all-done) "!") :success)
(js/setTimeout #(refresh-fn) 200)))]]))
(rum/defc pagination
"Pagination component, like `<< <Prev 1/10 Next> >>`.
- current: current page number
- total: total number of items
- per-page: number of items per page
- on-change: callback function when page number changes"
[& {:keys [current total per-page on-change]
:or {current 1 per-page 40}}]
(let [total-pages (int (Math/ceil (/ total per-page)))
has-prev? (> current 1)
has-next? (< current total-pages)
prev-page (if (= 1 current) 1 (dec current))
next-page (if (= total-pages current) total-pages (inc current))]
(when has-prev?
{:on-click #(on-change 1)}
(ui/icon "chevrons-left")]
[:a.fade-link.flex.items-center {:on-click #(on-change prev-page)}
(ui/icon "caret-left") (t :paginates/prev)]])
[:span (str current "/" total-pages)]]
(when has-next?
[[:a.fade-link.flex.items-center {:on-click #(on-change next-page)}
(t :paginates/next) (ui/icon "caret-right")]
{:on-click #(on-change total-pages)}
(ui/icon "chevrons-right")]])]))
(rum/defcs ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo all-pages < rum/reactive
(rum/local nil ::pages)
(rum/local nil ::search-key)
@ -847,15 +877,17 @@
*search-input (rum/create-ref)
*indeterminate (rum/derived-atom
[*checks] ::indeterminate
(fn [checks]
(when-let [checks (vals checks)]
(if (every? true? checks)
1 (if (some true? checks) -1 0)))))
[*checks] ::indeterminate
(fn [checks]
(when-let [checks (vals checks)]
(if (every? true? checks)
1 (if (some true? checks) -1 0)))))
mobile? (util/mobile?)
total-items (count @*results-all)
;; FIXME: "pages" is ambiguous here, it can be either "Logseq pages" or "result pages"
total-pages (if-not @*results-all 0
(js/Math.ceil (/ (count @*results-all) per-page-num)))
(js/Math.ceil (/ total-items per-page-num)))
to-page (fn [page]
(when (> total-pages 1)
(if (and (> page 0)
@ -878,7 +910,7 @@
[:h1.title (t :all-pages)]
[ (t :paginates/pages (count @*results-all))]
[ (t :paginates/pages total-items)]
(when current-repo
@ -918,168 +950,151 @@
[idx (boolean (get @*checks idx))])))
(reset! *results pages)))
(let [has-prev? (> @*current-page 1)
has-next? (not= @*current-page total-pages)]
{:class (util/classnames [{:has-selected (or (nil? @*indeterminate)
(not= 0 @*indeterminate))}])}
[(ui/icon "trash" {:style {:font-size 15}}) (t :delete)]
:on-click (fn []
(let [selected (filter (fn [[_ v]] v) @*checks)
selected (and (seq selected)
(into #{} (for [[k _] selected] k)))]
(when-let [pages (and selected (filter #(contains? selected (:block/idx %)) @*results))]
(state/set-modal! (batch-delete-dialog pages false #(do
(reset! *checks nil)
:class "fade-link"
:small? true)]
{:class (util/classnames [{:has-selected (or (nil? @*indeterminate)
(not= 0 @*indeterminate))}])}
[(ui/icon "trash" {:style {:font-size 15}}) (t :delete)]
:on-click (fn []
(let [selected (filter (fn [[_ v]] v) @*checks)
selected (and (seq selected)
(into #{} (for [[k _] selected] k)))]
(when-let [pages (and selected (filter #(contains? selected (:block/idx %)) @*results))]
(state/set-modal! (batch-delete-dialog pages false #(do
(reset! *checks nil)
:class "fade-link"
:small? true)]
(let [search-fn (fn []
(let [^js input (rum/deref *search-input)]
(search-key (.-value input))
(reset! *current-page 1)))
reset-fn (fn []
(let [search-fn (fn []
(let [^js input (rum/deref *search-input)]
(set! (.-value input) "")
(reset! *search-key nil)))]
(search-key (.-value input))
(reset! *current-page 1)))
reset-fn (fn []
(let [^js input (rum/deref *search-input)]
(set! (.-value input) "")
(reset! *search-key nil)))]
[(ui/button (ui/icon "search")
:on-click search-fn
:small? true)
[:input.form-input {:placeholder (t :search/page-names)
:on-key-up (fn [^js e]
(let [^js target (.-target e)]
(if (string/blank? (.-value target))
(reset! *search-key nil)
(= 13 (.-keyCode e)) (search-fn)
(= 27 (.-keyCode e)) (reset-fn)))))
:ref *search-input
:default-value ""}]
[(ui/button (ui/icon "search")
:on-click search-fn
:small? true)
[:input.form-input {:placeholder (t :search/page-names)
:on-key-up (fn [^js e]
(let [^js target (.-target e)]
(if (string/blank? (.-value target))
(reset! *search-key nil)
(= 13 (.-keyCode e)) (search-fn)
(= 27 (.-keyCode e)) (reset-fn)))))
:ref *search-input
:default-value ""}]
(when (not (string/blank? @*search-key))
[:a.cancel {:on-click reset-fn}
(ui/icon "x")])])]]
(when (not (string/blank? @*search-key))
[:a.cancel {:on-click reset-fn}
(ui/icon "x")])])]]
{:html [:small (str (t :page/show-whiteboards) " ?")]
:arrow true}
{:class (util/classnames [{:active (boolean @*whiteboard?)}])
:on-click #(reset! *whiteboard? (not @*whiteboard?))}
(ui/icon "whiteboard" {:extension? true :style {:fontSize ui/icon-size}})])]
{:html [:small (str (t :page/show-journals) " ?")]
:arrow true}
{:class (util/classnames [{:active (boolean @*journal?)}])
:on-click #(reset! *journal? (not @*journal?))}
(ui/icon "calendar" {:size ui/icon-size})])]
{:html [:small (str (t :page/show-whiteboards) " ?")]
:arrow true}
{:class (util/classnames [{:active (boolean @*whiteboard?)}])
:on-click #(reset! *whiteboard? (not @*whiteboard?))}
(ui/icon "whiteboard" {:extension? true :style {:fontSize ui/icon-size}})])]
{:html [:small (str (t :page/show-journals) " ?")]
:arrow true}
{:class (util/classnames [{:active (boolean @*journal?)}])
:on-click #(reset! *journal? (not @*journal?))}
(ui/icon "calendar" {:size ui/icon-size})])]
{:class (util/classnames [{:is-first (= 1 @*current-page)
:is-last (= @*current-page total-pages)}])}
(when has-prev?
{:on-click #(to-page (dec @*current-page))}
(ui/icon "caret-left") (str " " (t :paginates/prev))])
[:span.opacity-60 (str @*current-page "/" total-pages)]
(when has-next?
{:on-click #(to-page (inc @*current-page))} (str (t :paginates/next) " ")
(ui/icon "caret-right")])]]
(pagination :current @*current-page
:total total-items
:per-page per-page-num
:on-change #(to-page %))]
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
{:on-click toggle-fn}
(ui/icon "dots" {:size ui/icon-size})])
[{:title (t :remove-orphaned-pages)
:options {:on-click (fn []
(let [orphaned-pages (model/get-orphaned-pages {})
orphaned-pages? (seq orphaned-pages)]
(if orphaned-pages?
orphaned-pages true
(reset! *checks nil)
(notification/show! "Congratulations, no orphaned pages in your graph!" :success))))}
:icon (ui/icon "file-x")}
{:title (t :all-files)
:options {:href (rfe/href :all-files)}
:icon (ui/icon "files")}]
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]
{:on-click toggle-fn}
(ui/icon "dots" {:size ui/icon-size})])
[{:title (t :remove-orphaned-pages)
:options {:on-click (fn []
(let [orphaned-pages (model/get-orphaned-pages {})
orphaned-pages? (seq orphaned-pages)]
(if orphaned-pages?
orphaned-pages true
(reset! *checks nil)
(notification/show! "Congratulations, no orphaned pages in your graph!" :success))))}
:icon (ui/icon "file-x")}
{:title (t :all-files)
:options {:href (rfe/href :all-files)}
:icon (ui/icon "files")}]
(checkbox-opt "all-pages-select-all"
(= 1 @*indeterminate)
{:on-change (fn []
(let [indeterminate? (= -1 @*indeterminate)
all? (= 1 @*indeterminate)]
(doseq [{:block/keys [idx]} @*results]
(swap! *checks assoc idx (or indeterminate? (not all?))))))
:indeterminate (= -1 @*indeterminate)})]
(checkbox-opt "all-pages-select-all"
(= 1 @*indeterminate)
{:on-change (fn []
(let [indeterminate? (= -1 @*indeterminate)
all? (= 1 @*indeterminate)]
(doseq [{:block/keys [idx]} @*results]
(swap! *checks assoc idx (or indeterminate? (not all?))))))
:indeterminate (= -1 @*indeterminate)})]
(sortable-title (t :block/name) :block/name *sort-by-item *desc?)
(when-not mobile?
[(sortable-title (t :page/backlinks) :block/backlinks *sort-by-item *desc?)
(sortable-title (t :page/created-at) :block/created-at *sort-by-item *desc?)
(sortable-title (t :page/updated-at) :block/updated-at *sort-by-item *desc?)])]]
(sortable-title (t :block/name) :block/name *sort-by-item *desc?)
(when-not mobile?
[(sortable-title (t :page/backlinks) :block/backlinks *sort-by-item *desc?)
(sortable-title (t :page/created-at) :block/created-at *sort-by-item *desc?)
(sortable-title (t :page/updated-at) :block/updated-at *sort-by-item *desc?)])]]
(for [{:block/keys [idx name created-at updated-at backlinks] :as page} @*results]
(when-not (string/blank? name)
[:tr {:key name}
(checkbox-opt (str "label-" idx)
(get @*checks idx)
{:on-change (fn []
(swap! *checks update idx not))})]
(for [{:block/keys [idx name created-at updated-at backlinks] :as page} @*results]
(when-not (string/blank? name)
[:tr {:key name}
(checkbox-opt (str "label-" idx)
(get @*checks idx)
{:on-change (fn []
(swap! *checks update idx not))})]
[ [:a {:on-click (fn [e]
[ [:a {:on-click (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when (gobj/get e "shiftKey")
(:db/id page)
:href (rfe/href :page {:name (:block/name page)})}
(component-block/page-cp {} page)]]
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when (gobj/get e "shiftKey")
(:db/id page)
:href (rfe/href :page {:name (:block/name page)})}
(component-block/page-cp {} page)]]
(when-not mobile?
[:td.backlinks [:span backlinks]])
(when-not mobile?
(when-not mobile?
[[:td.backlinks [:span backlinks]]
[:td.created-at [:span (if created-at
(date/int->local-time-2 created-at)
(when-not mobile?
[:td.updated-at [:span (if updated-at
(date/int->local-time-2 updated-at)
(when has-prev?
[ {:on-click #(to-page (dec @*current-page))}
(ui/icon "caret-left") (str " " (t :paginates/prev))])
(when has-next?
[ {:on-click #(to-page (inc @*current-page))} (str (t :paginates/next) " ")
(ui/icon "caret-right")])]]]))]))
(pagination :current @*current-page
:total total-items
:per-page per-page-num
:on-change #(to-page %))]])]))

View File

@ -195,27 +195,6 @@
.paginates {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 0 4px;
> span {
color: var(--ls-primary-text-color);
&:last-child {
a {
user-select: none;
&:active {
opacity: .6;
.cp__vertical-menu-button {