Excalidraw integration

Resolves #12
Tienson Qin 2020-05-14 11:30:45 +08:00
parent b4d4395ed8
commit fba7bd04d7
7 changed files with 102 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(ns frontend.components.draw
(:require [rum.core :as rum]
[goog.object :as gobj]))
(rum/defc draw
[:iframe {:title "Excalidraw"
:src "https://excalidraw.com"}]
[:a {:on-click (fn [] (.back (gobj/get js/window "history")))}
{:alt "Logseq"
:src "/static/img/logo.png"}]]]])

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
{:last-pattern (if drop? "" "/")})
(reset! *image-uploading-process 0))
(fn [e]
(let [process (* (/ (gobj/get e "loaded")
@ -303,11 +304,11 @@
:hidden true}]
(when-let [uploading? (rum/react *image-uploading?)]
(let [processing (rum/react *image-uploading-process)]
[:span {:style {:margin-top 2}}
(util/format "Uploading %s%" (util/format "%2d" processing))]])))])
[:span {:style {:margin-top 2}}
(util/format "Uploading %s%" (util/format "%2d" processing))]])))])
(defn- clear-when-saved!
@ -437,20 +438,18 @@
(string/trim content))))
:did-mount (fn [state]
(let [[content opts id] (:rum/args state)]
(handler/restore-cursor-pos! id content (:dummy? opts)))
(let [[content {:keys [heading format dummy?]} id] (:rum/args state)]
(handler/restore-cursor-pos! id content dummy?)
(when-let [input (gdom/getElement id)]
{:drop (fn [e files]
(upload-image id files format *image-uploading? true))})
(when (and @*new-inserted-heading
(= @*new-inserted-heading (:heading/uuid heading)))
(util/move-cursor-to-end input))))
:after-render (fn [state]
(let [[content {:keys [heading format]} id] (:rum/args state)]
(when-let [input (gdom/getElement id)]
{:drop (fn [e files] (upload-image id files format *image-uploading? true))})
(when (and @*new-inserted-heading
(= @*new-inserted-heading (:heading/uuid heading)))
(util/move-cursor-to-end input))))
:will-unmount (fn [state]
(let [[content opts id] (:rum/args state)]
(when-let [input (gdom/getElement id)]

View File

@ -250,17 +250,21 @@
[:a {:title "Draw with Excalidraw"
:href "/draw"}
[:div {:class (if pulling? "loader")}
{:on-click handler/pull-current-repo}
{:viewBox "0 0 24 24", :fill "none", :stroke "currentColor"}
"M6 18.7V21a1 1 0 0 1-2 0v-5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h5a1 1 0 1 1 0 2H7.1A7 7 0 0 0 19 12a1 1 0 1 1 2 0 9 9 0 0 1-15 6.7zM18 5.3V3a1 1 0 0 1 2 0v5a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-5a1 1 0 0 1 0-2h2.9A7 7 0 0 0 5 12a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 9 9 0 0 1 15-6.7z"
:stroke-width "1",
:stroke-linejoin "round",
:stroke-linecap "round"}]]]]
[:a {:title "Git pull"}
{:on-click handler/pull-current-repo}
{:viewBox "0 0 24 24", :fill "none", :stroke "currentColor"}
"M6 18.7V21a1 1 0 0 1-2 0v-5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h5a1 1 0 1 1 0 2H7.1A7 7 0 0 0 19 12a1 1 0 1 1 2 0 9 9 0 0 1-15 6.7zM18 5.3V3a1 1 0 0 1 2 0v5a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-5a1 1 0 0 1 0-2h2.9A7 7 0 0 0 5 12a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 9 9 0 0 1 15-6.7z"
:stroke-width "1",
:stroke-linejoin "round",
:stroke-linecap "round"}]]]]]
(fn [{:keys [toggle-fn]}]

View File

@ -107,3 +107,27 @@
"M3 15C3 14.4477 3.44772 14 4 14H16C16.5523 14 17 14.4477 17 15C17 15.5523 16.5523 16 16 16H4C3.44772 16 3 15.5523 3 15Z",
:clip-rule "evenodd",
:fill-rule "evenodd"}]])
(defn excalidraw-logo
{:preserve-aspect-ratio "xMidYMid meet",
:view-box "0 0 109.000000 269.000000",
:height 24,
:width 24,
:version "1.0"}
{:stroke "none",
:fill "currentColor",
"translate(0.000000,269.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"}
"M393 2643 c-74 -59 -188 -159 -278 -245 l-71 -67 13 -88 c7 -48 20 -142 28 -208 9 -66 18 -128 21 -137 4 -12 0 -18 -11 -18 -19 0 -20 5 32 -160 19 -63 37 -121 39 -127 2 -7 10 -10 19 -7 9 4 14 12 11 19 -3 8 2 16 10 19 11 4 10 12 -7 41 -27 45 -96 429 -100 553 -3 88 -3 89 34 139 36 49 119 123 247 217 36 27 72 57 82 67 15 18 22 13 148 -121 73 -77 154 -156 180 -176 l48 -36 -37 -78 c-20 -42 -101 -204 -181 -358 -167 -324 -133 -293 -327 -296 l-126 -1 -42 -48 c-44 -51 -50 -70 -29 -102 8 -11 14 -29 14 -40 0 -18 7 -21 47 -23 25 -1 48 -4 51 -7 3 -3 7 -65 10 -138 l4 -132 -67 -144 c-111 -240 -155 -350 -155 -386 0 -19 4 -35 8 -35 10 0 10 1 417 850 189 394 368 765 398 826 30 61 57 117 59 125 2 9 -67 78 -177 175 -99 88 -186 168 -194 177 -23 28 -57 19 -118 -30z m34 -1150 c-46 -89 -48 -90 -174 -96 -111 -6 -113 -5 -113 16 0 12 -4 28 -9 36 -6 9 -2 25 12 47 l22 34 100 0 c55 1 118 5 140 9 22 4 41 6 43 5 2 -1 -8 -24 -21 -51z m-84 -160 c-8 -21 -29 -65 -46 -98 -28 -56 -31 -58 -38 -35 -4 14 -7 55 -8 92 -1 73 -3 72 81 77 l27 1 -16 -37z"}]
"M423 2405 c-18 -13 -23 -26 -23 -59 0 -39 3 -45 30 -56 27 -11 34 -10 65 11 41 28 42 35 12 80 -26 39 -52 46 -84 24z m57 -36 c16 -28 6 -49 -24 -49 -27 0 -39 27 -24 54 12 22 35 20 48 -5z"}]
"M1050 2180 c0 -5 -6 -10 -13 -10 -6 0 -23 -28 -36 -62 -40 -104 -440 -895 -441 -870 0 13 -6 22 -16 22 -14 0 -16 -8 -10 -47 6 -45 2 -55 -140 -331 -80 -157 -166 -321 -191 -365 -26 -46 -46 -96 -48 -117 -3 -36 1 -41 88 -116 50 -44 114 -99 142 -124 126 -115 185 -161 201 -158 24 4 395 393 396 415 0 10 -18 162 -40 338 -38 300 -74 651 -70 685 3 21 -12 127 -23 173 -9 36 -5 51 67 215 42 97 97 216 121 264 23 48 43 90 43 93 0 3 -7 5 -15 5 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10z m-230 -747 c11 -70 33 -238 49 -373 31 -248 67 -523 77 -593 6 -35 2 -42 -63 -114 -113 -127 -233 -252 -274 -284 l-38 -30 -195 182 c-180 166 -195 183 -184 203 6 11 57 104 113 206 56 102 130 238 164 302 35 65 67 121 73 124 7 4 9 -97 7 -312 -4 -321 -3 -322 29 -315 4 0 7 162 7 359 l0 358 105 210 c58 116 106 209 108 208 2 -1 12 -60 22 -131z"}]]]

View File

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
#{:json :org :md :xml :yml :dat :asciidoc :rst :txt :markdown :adoc :html :js :ts :clj :ml :rb :ex :erl :java :php :c}
#{:json :org :md :xml :yml :dat :asciidoc :rst :txt :markdown :adoc :html :js :ts :clj :ml :rb :ex :erl :java :php :c
(defn img-formats

View File

@ -11,26 +11,29 @@
(rum/defc current-page < rum/reactive
(when-let [route-match (state/sub :route-match)]
(if-let [view (:view (:data route-match))]
(view route-match))
(let [route-name (get-in route-match [:data :name])]
(if-let [view (:view (:data route-match))]
(if (= :draw route-name)
(view route-match)
(view route-match)))
;; FIXME: disable for now
;; (let [route-name (get-in route-match [:data :name])
;; no-animate? (contains? #{:repos :repo-add :file}
;; route-name)]
;; (when-let [view (:view (:data route-match))]
;; (sidebar/sidebar
;; route-match
;; (if no-animate?
;; (route-view view route-match)
;; (ui/transition-group
;; {:class-name "router-wrapper"}
;; (ui/css-transition
;; {:class-names "pageChange"
;; :key route-name
;; :timeout {:enter 300
;; :exit 200}}
;; (route-view view route-match)))))))
[:div "404 Page"])))
;; FIXME: disable for now
;; (let [route-name (get-in route-match [:data :name])
;; no-animate? (contains? #{:repos :repo-add :file}
;; route-name)]
;; (when-let [view (:view (:data route-match))]
;; (sidebar/sidebar
;; route-match
;; (if no-animate?
;; (route-view view route-match)
;; (ui/transition-group
;; {:class-name "router-wrapper"}
;; (ui/css-transition
;; {:class-names "pageChange"
;; :key route-name
;; :timeout {:enter 300
;; :exit 200}}
;; (route-view view route-match)))))))
[:div "404 Page"]))))

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[frontend.components.file :as file]
[frontend.components.page :as page]
[frontend.components.diff :as diff]
[frontend.components.draw :as draw]
[frontend.components.agenda :as agenda]))
(def routes
@ -42,4 +43,8 @@
{:name :diff
:view diff/diff}]])
:view diff/diff}]
{:name :draw
:view draw/draw}]])