fix(diff-merge): multi-line blocks format

Andelf 2023-06-08 12:38:43 +08:00
parent fb4e23bb95
commit fd493bde0d
1 changed files with 22 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -91,25 +91,37 @@
(reverse headings))))))))
(defn- prepend-lines
"prepend prefix to every lines of content"
[prefix content]
(->> content
(map (fn [line] (str prefix line)))
(string/join "\n")))
(defn- prepend-block-lines
"prepend prefix to every lines of content except first"
[fisrt-prefix prefix content]
(let [lines (string/split-lines content)]
(if (<= (count lines) 1)
(str fisrt-prefix content)
(str (str fisrt-prefix (first lines))
(->> (rest lines)
(map (fn [line] (str prefix line)))
(string/join "\n")))
(defn- rebuild-content
"translate [[[op block]]] to merged content"
[_base-diffblocks diffs format]
;; [[[0 {:body "attrib:: xxx", :level 1, :uuid nil}] ...] ...]
(let [level-prefix-fn (fn [level]
(when (and (= format :markdown) (not= level 1))
(apply str (repeat (dec level) "\t"))))
(when (= format :markdown)
(str (apply str (repeat (dec level) "\t"))
" ")))
heading-prefix-fn (fn [level]
(when (= format :markdown)
(str (apply str (repeat (dec level) "\t"))
"- ")))
ops-fn (fn [ops]
(map (fn [[op {:keys [body level]}]]
(when (or (= op 0) (= op 1)) ;; equal or insert
(str (level-prefix-fn level) "-" (prepend-lines " " body))))
(prepend-block-lines (heading-prefix-fn level)
(level-prefix-fn level)
(->> diffs
(mapcat ops-fn)