fix(sync): allow to sync-start when txid=nil(in graphs-txid.edn)

avoid to write txid=nil to graphs-txid.edn
rcmerci 2022-10-12 17:56:13 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 2386cbe254
commit fdb11e6ed7
1 changed files with 45 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -120,7 +120,8 @@
(s/def ::graph-has-been-deleted #(= {:graph-has-been-deleted true} %))
(s/def ::sync-local->remote!-result
(s/or :succ ::succ-map
(s/or :stop ::stop-map
:succ ::succ-map
:pause ::pause-map
:need-sync-remote ::need-sync-remote
:graph-has-been-deleted ::graph-has-been-deleted
@ -1505,7 +1506,7 @@
(let [latest-txid (apply max (map #(.-txid ^FileTxn %) filetxns))]
;; update local-txid
(when *txid
(when (and *txid (number? latest-txid))
(reset! *txid latest-txid)
(<! (<update-graphs-txid! latest-txid graph-uuid user-uuid repo)))
(recur (next filetxns-partitions*)))))))))
@ -2133,7 +2134,7 @@
{:succ true}
(put-sync-event! {:event :start
:data {:type :full-remote->local
:data {:type :full-remote->local
:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:full-sync? true
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
@ -2168,7 +2169,7 @@
(reverse diff-txns))]
(put-sync-event! {:event :start
:data {:type :remote->local
:data {:type :remote->local
:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:full-sync? false
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
@ -2195,24 +2196,31 @@
(sync-stop-when-api-flying? remote-all-files-meta-or-exp)
(decrypt-exp? remote-all-files-meta-or-exp))
(do (put-sync-event! {:event :exception-decrypt-failed
:data {:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:exp remote-all-files-meta-or-exp
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
:data {:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:exp remote-all-files-meta-or-exp
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
{:stop true})
(let [remote-all-files-meta remote-all-files-meta-or-exp
local-all-files-meta (<! local-all-files-meta-c)
diff-remote-files (diff-file-metadata-sets remote-all-files-meta local-all-files-meta)
recent-10-days-range ((juxt #(tc/to-long (t/minus % (t/days 10))) #(tc/to-long %)) (t/today))
(let [remote-all-files-meta remote-all-files-meta-or-exp
local-all-files-meta (<! local-all-files-meta-c)
diff-remote-files (diff-file-metadata-sets remote-all-files-meta local-all-files-meta)
recent-10-days-range ((juxt #(tc/to-long (t/minus % (t/days 10))) #(tc/to-long %)) (t/today))
(sort-file-metadata-fn :recent-days-range recent-10-days-range) > diff-remote-files)
latest-txid (:TXId (<! (<get-remote-graph remoteapi nil graph-uuid)))]
(println "[full-sync(remote->local)]" (count sorted-diff-remote-files) "files need to sync")
(swap! *sync-state #(sync-state-reset-full-remote->local-files % sorted-diff-remote-files))
(<! (.sync-files-remote->local!
this (map (juxt relative-path -checksum)
(sort-file-metadata-fn :recent-days-range recent-10-days-range) > diff-remote-files)
remote-graph-info-or-ex (<! (<get-remote-graph remoteapi nil graph-uuid))
latest-txid (:TXId remote-graph-info-or-ex)]
(if (or (instance? ExceptionInfo remote-graph-info-or-ex) (nil? latest-txid))
(do (put-sync-event! {:event :get-remote-graph-failed
:data {:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:exp remote-graph-info-or-ex
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
{:stop true})
(do (println "[full-sync(remote->local)]" (count sorted-diff-remote-files) "files need to sync")
(swap! *sync-state #(sync-state-reset-full-remote->local-files % sorted-diff-remote-files))
(<! (.sync-files-remote->local!
this (map (juxt relative-path -checksum)
(defn- <file-changed?
"return true when file changed compared with remote"
@ -2394,10 +2402,17 @@
(need-reset-local-txid? r*) ;; TODO: this cond shouldn't be true,
;; but some potential bugs cause local-txid > remote-txid
(let [remote-txid (:TXId (<! (<get-remote-graph remoteapi nil graph-uuid)))]
(<! (<update-graphs-txid! remote-txid graph-uuid user-uuid repo))
(reset! *txid remote-txid)
{:succ true})
(let [remote-graph-info-or-ex (<! (<get-remote-graph remoteapi nil graph-uuid))
remote-txid (:TXId remote-graph-info-or-ex)]
(if (or (instance? ExceptionInfo remote-graph-info-or-ex) (nil? remote-txid))
(do (put-sync-event! {:event :get-remote-graph-failed
:data {:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:exp remote-graph-info-or-ex
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
{:stop true})
(do (<! (<update-graphs-txid! remote-txid graph-uuid user-uuid repo))
(reset! *txid remote-txid)
{:succ true})))
(graph-has-been-deleted? r*)
(do (println :graph-has-been-deleted r*)
@ -2486,13 +2501,13 @@
{:stop true}
(if (empty? es-partitions)
{:succ true}
(let [{:keys [succ need-sync-remote graph-has-been-deleted unknown] :as r}
(let [{:keys [succ need-sync-remote graph-has-been-deleted unknown stop] :as r}
(<! (<sync-local->remote! this (first es-partitions)))]
(s/assert ::sync-local->remote!-result r)
(recur (next es-partitions))
(or need-sync-remote graph-has-been-deleted unknown) r)))))))))))
(or need-sync-remote graph-has-been-deleted unknown stop) r)))))))))))
;;; ### put all stuff together
@ -2766,13 +2781,13 @@
@*paused? {:pause true}
(empty? es-partitions) {:succ true}
(let [{:keys [succ need-sync-remote graph-has-been-deleted pause unknown] :as r}
(let [{:keys [succ need-sync-remote graph-has-been-deleted pause unknown stop] :as r}
(<! (<sync-local->remote! local->remote-syncer (first es-partitions)))]
(s/assert ::sync-local->remote!-result r)
(recur (next es-partitions))
(or need-sync-remote graph-has-been-deleted unknown pause) r))))]
(or need-sync-remote graph-has-been-deleted unknown pause stop) r))))]
(do (put-sync-event! {:event :finished-local->remote
@ -2933,6 +2948,7 @@
;; prevent to get older repo dir and current graph-uuid.
_ (<! (p->c (persist-var/-load graphs-txid)))
[user-uuid graph-uuid txid] @graphs-txid
txid (or txid 0)
repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when (and (graph-sync-off? repo) @network-online-cursor)
(when (and user-uuid graph-uuid txid
@ -3017,4 +3033,4 @@
(def *x (atom nil))
(add-tap (fn [v] (reset! *x v)))