import { Page, Locator, ElementHandle } from '@playwright/test' import { randomString } from './basic' export async function closeSearchBox(page: Page): Promise { await"Escape", { delay: 50 }) // escape (potential) search box typing await page.waitForTimeout(500) await"Escape", { delay: 50 }) // escape modal } export async function createRandomPage(page: Page) { const randomTitle = randomString(20) await closeSearchBox(page) // Click #search-button await'#search-button') // Fill [placeholder="What are you looking for?"] await page.fill('[placeholder="What are you looking for?"]', randomTitle) await'Enter', { delay: 50 }) // Wait for h1 to be from our new page await page.waitForSelector(`h1 >> text="${randomTitle}"`, { state: 'visible' }) // wait for textarea of first block await page.waitForSelector('textarea >> nth=0', { state: 'visible' }) return randomTitle; } export async function createPage(page: Page, page_name: string) {// Click #search-button await closeSearchBox(page) await'#search-button') // Fill [placeholder="What are you looking for?"] await page.fill('[placeholder="What are you looking for?"]', page_name) await page.locator('text="Create page"').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }) await'Enter', { delay: 100 }) // wait for textarea of first block await page.waitForSelector('textarea >> nth=0', { state: 'visible' }) return page_name; } export async function searchAndJumpToPage(page: Page, pageTitle: string) { await closeSearchBox(page) await'#search-button') await page.type('[placeholder="What are you looking for?"]', pageTitle) await page.waitForTimeout(200) await'Enter', { delay: 50 }) return pageTitle; } /** * type a search query into the search box * stop at the point where search box shows up * * @param page the pw page object * @param query the search query to type into the search box * @returns the HTML element for the search results ui */ export async function searchPage(page: Page, query: string): Promise[]> { await closeSearchBox(page) await'#search-button') await page.waitForSelector('[placeholder="What are you looking for?"]') await page.fill('[placeholder="What are you looking for?"]', query) await page.waitForTimeout(2000) // wait longer for search contents to render return page.$$('.search-results>div'); }