import { expect } from '@playwright/test' import { test } from './fixtures' import { createRandomPage, enterNextBlock, modKey, repeatKeyPress, moveCursor, selectCharacters, getSelection, getCursorPos, } from './utils' import { dispatch_kb_events } from './util/keyboard-events' import * as kb_events from './util/keyboard-events' test('hashtag and quare brackets in same line #4178', async ({ page }) => { try { await page.waitForSelector('.notification-clear', { timeout: 10 })'.notification-clear') } catch (error) { } await createRandomPage(page) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', '#foo bar') await enterNextBlock(page) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'bar [[blah]]', { delay: 100 }) for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { await'textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft') } await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', ' ') await'textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft') await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', '#') await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' }) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'fo') await'.absolute >> text=' + 'foo') expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe( '#foo bar [[blah]]' ) }) test('hashtag search page auto-complete', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.activeEditing(0) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', '#', { delay: 100 }) await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' }) await'Escape', { delay: 50 }) await block.mustFill("done") await enterNextBlock(page) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'Some #', { delay: 100 }) await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' }) await'Escape', { delay: 50 }) await block.mustFill("done") }) test('hashtag search #[[ page auto-complete', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.activeEditing(0) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', '#[[', { delay: 100 }) await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' }) await'Escape', { delay: 50 }) }) test('disappeared children #4814', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustType('parent') await block.enterNext() expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true) for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await block.mustType(i.toString()) await block.enterNext() } // collapse await'.block-control >> nth=0') // expand await'.block-control >> nth=0') await block.waitForBlocks(7) // 1 + 5 + 1 empty // Ensures there's no active editor await expect(page.locator('.editor-inner')).toHaveCount(0, { timeout: 500 }) }) test('create new page from bracketing text #4971', async ({ page, block }) => { let title = 'Page not Exists yet' await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustType(`[[${title}]]`) await + '+o') // Check page title equals to `title` await page.waitForTimeout(100) expect(await page.locator('h1.title').innerText()).toContain(title) // Check there're linked references await page.waitForSelector(`.references .ls-block >> nth=1`, { state: 'detached', timeout: 100 }) }) test.skip('backspace and cursor position #4897', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) // Delete to previous block, and check cursor position, with markup await block.mustFill('`012345`') await block.enterNext() await block.mustType('`abcdef', { toBe: '`abcdef`' }) // "`" auto-completes expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(7) expect(await block.selectionEnd()).toBe(7) for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { await'ArrowLeft') } expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(0) await'Backspace') await block.waitForBlocks(1) // wait for delete and re-render expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(8) }) test.skip('next block and cursor position', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) // Press Enter and check cursor position, with markup await block.mustType('abcde`12345', { toBe: 'abcde`12345`' }) // "`" auto-completes for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { await'ArrowLeft') } expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(5) // after letter 'e' await block.enterNext() expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(0) // should at the beginning of the next block const locator = page.locator('textarea >> nth=0') await expect(locator).toHaveText('`12345`', { timeout: 1000 }) }) test( "Press CJK Left Black Lenticular Bracket `【` by 2 times #3251 should trigger [[]], " + "but dont trigger RIME #3440 ", // cases should trigger [[]] #3251 async ({ page, block }) => { // This test requires dev mode test.skip(process.env.RELEASE === 'true', 'not available for release version') // @ts-ignore for (let [idx, events] of [ kb_events.win10_pinyin_left_full_square_bracket, kb_events.macos_pinyin_left_full_square_bracket // TODO: support #3741 // kb_events.win10_legacy_pinyin_left_full_square_bracket, ].entries()) { await createRandomPage(page) let check_text = "#3251 test " + idx await block.mustFill(check_text + "【") await dispatch_kb_events(page, ':nth-match(textarea, 1)', events) expect(await page.inputValue(':nth-match(textarea, 1)')).toBe(check_text + '【') await block.mustFill(check_text + "【【") await dispatch_kb_events(page, ':nth-match(textarea, 1)', events) expect(await page.inputValue(':nth-match(textarea, 1)')).toBe(check_text + '[[]]') }; // @ts-ignore dont trigger RIME #3440 for (let [idx, events] of [ kb_events.macos_pinyin_selecting_candidate_double_left_square_bracket, kb_events.win10_RIME_selecting_candidate_double_left_square_bracket ].entries()) { await createRandomPage(page) let check_text = "#3440 test " + idx await block.mustFill(check_text) await dispatch_kb_events(page, ':nth-match(textarea, 1)', events) expect(await page.inputValue(':nth-match(textarea, 1)')).toBe(check_text) await dispatch_kb_events(page, ':nth-match(textarea, 1)', events) expect(await page.inputValue(':nth-match(textarea, 1)')).toBe(check_text) } }) test('copy & paste block ref and replace its content', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustType('Some random text') await + '+c') await page.waitForTimeout(200) await'textarea >> nth=0', 'Enter') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await block.waitForBlocks(2) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await + '+v', { delay: 100 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await'Enter', { delay: 100 }) // Check if the newly created block-ref has the same referenced content await expect(page.locator('.block-ref >> text="Some random text"')).toHaveCount(1); // Move cursor into the block ref for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { await'textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft', { delay: 10 }) } await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).not.toHaveValue('Some random text') for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { await'textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft', { delay: 10 } ) } // Trigger replace-block-reference-with-content-at-point await + '+Shift+r') await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveValue('Some random text') await block.escapeEditing() await expect(page.locator('.block-ref >> text="Some random text"')).toHaveCount(0); await expect(page.locator('text="Some random text"')).toHaveCount(2); }) test('copy and paste block after editing new block #5962', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) // Create a block and copy it in block-select mode await block.mustType('Block being copied') await'Escape') await expect(page.locator('.ls-block.selected')).toHaveCount(1) await + '+c', { delay: 100 }) await'Enter') await expect(page.locator('.ls-block.selected')).toHaveCount(0) await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toBeVisible() await'Enter') await block.waitForBlocks(2) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await block.mustType('Typed block') await + '+v') await expect(page.locator('text="Typed block"')).toHaveCount(1) await block.waitForBlocks(3) }) test('undo and redo after starting an action should not destroy text #6267', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) // Get one piece of undo state onto the stack await block.mustType('text1 ') await page.waitForTimeout(1000) // auto save // Then type more, start an action prompt, and undo await page.keyboard.type('text2 [[', { delay: 50 }) await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="page-search"]`)).toBeVisible() await page.waitForTimeout(1000) // auto save await + '+z', { delay: 100 }) // Should close the action menu when we undo the action prompt // await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="page-search"]`)).not.toBeVisible() // It should undo to the last saved state, and not erase the previous undo action too await expect(page.locator('text="text1"')).toHaveCount(1) // And it should keep what was undone as a redo action await + '+Shift+z') await expect(page.locator('text="text1 text2 [[]]"')).toHaveCount(1) }) test('undo after starting an action should close the action menu #6269', async ({ page, block }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['/', 'commands'], ['[[', 'page-search']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the action modal await block.mustType('text1 ') await page.waitForTimeout(550) await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Tolerable delay for the action menu to open await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).toBeVisible() // Undo, removing "/today", and closing the action modal await + '+z', { delay: 100 }) await expect(page.locator('text="/today"')).toHaveCount(0) await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).not.toBeVisible() } }) test('#6266 moving cursor outside of brackets should close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) { // First, left arrow await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustFill('t ') await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Sometimes it doesn't trigger without this await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) await'ArrowLeft') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName) // Then, right arrow await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustFill('t ') await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Move cursor outside of the space strictly between the double brackets await'ArrowRight') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName) } }) // Old logic would fail this because it didn't do the check if @search-timeout was set test('#6266 moving cursor outside of parens immediately after searching should still close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['((', 'block-search']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the autocomplete menu await block.mustFill('t ') await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await page.keyboard.type("some block search text") await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Sometimes it doesn't trigger without this await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) // Move cursor outside of the space strictly between the double parens await'ArrowRight') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName) } }) test('pressing up and down should NOT close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the autocomplete menu await block.mustFill('t ') await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) const cursorPos = await block.selectionStart() await'ArrowUp') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) await expect(await block.selectionStart()).toEqual(cursorPos) await'ArrowDown') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) await expect(await block.selectionStart()).toEqual(cursorPos) } }) test('moving cursor inside of brackets should NOT close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the autocomplete menu await block.mustType('test ') await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) if (commandTrigger === '[[') { await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) } await page.keyboard.type("search", { delay: 20 }) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) // Move cursor, still inside the brackets await'ArrowLeft') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) } }) test('moving cursor inside of brackets when autocomplete menu is closed should NOT open autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => { // Note: (( behaves differently and doesn't auto-trigger when typing in it after exiting the search prompt once for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the autocomplete menu await block.mustFill('') await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Sometimes it doesn't trigger without this await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) await block.escapeEditing() await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName) // Move cursor left until it's inside the brackets; shouldn't open autocomplete menu await page.locator('.block-content').click() await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName) await'ArrowLeft', { delay: 50 }) await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName) await'ArrowLeft', { delay: 50 }) await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName) // Type a letter, this should open the autocomplete menu await page.keyboard.type('z', { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) } }) test('selecting text inside of brackets should NOT close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the autocomplete menu await block.mustFill('') await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) await page.keyboard.type("some page search text", { delay: 10 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) // Select some text within the brackets await'Shift+ArrowLeft') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) } }) test('pressing backspace and remaining inside of brackets should NOT close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the autocomplete menu await block.mustFill('test ') await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) await page.keyboard.type("some page search text", { delay: 10 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) // Delete one character inside the brackets await'Backspace') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName) } }) test('press escape when autocomplete menu is open, should close autocomplete menu only #6270', async ({ page, block }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['/', 'commands']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the action modal await block.mustFill('text ') await page.waitForTimeout(550) await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).toBeVisible() await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Press escape; should close action modal instead of exiting edit mode await'Escape') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).not.toBeVisible() await page.waitForTimeout(1000) expect(await block.isEditing()).toBe(true) } }) test('press escape when link/image dialog is open, should restore focus to input', async ({ page, block }) => { for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['/link', 'commands']]) { await createRandomPage(page) // Open the action modal await block.mustFill('') await page.waitForTimeout(550) await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).toBeVisible() await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Press enter to open the link dialog await'Enter') await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="input"]`)).toBeVisible() // Press escape; should close link dialog and restore focus to the block textarea await'Escape') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="input"]`)).not.toBeVisible() await page.waitForTimeout(1000) expect(await block.isEditing()).toBe(true) } }) test('should show text after soft return when node is collapsed #5074', async ({ page, block }) => { const delay = 300 await createRandomPage(page) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'Before soft return', { delay: 10 }) await'Shift+Enter', { delay: 10 }) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'After soft return', { delay: 10 }) await block.enterNext() expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true) await block.mustType('Child text') // collapse await'.block-control >> nth=0') await block.waitForBlocks(1) // select the block that has the soft return await'ArrowDown') await page.waitForTimeout(delay) await'Enter') await page.waitForTimeout(delay) await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText('Before soft return\nAfter soft return') // zoom into the block'a.block-control + a') await page.waitForNavigation() await page.waitForTimeout(delay * 3) // select the block that has the soft return await'ArrowDown') await page.waitForTimeout(delay) await'Enter') await page.waitForTimeout(delay) await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText('Before soft return\nAfter soft return') }) test('should not erase typed text when expanding block quickly after typing #3891', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustFill('initial text,') await page.waitForTimeout(1000) await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', ' then expand', { delay: 10 }) // A quick cmd-down must not destroy the typed text await + '+ArrowDown') expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe( 'initial text, then expand' ) await page.waitForTimeout(1000) // First undo should delete the last typed information, not undo a no-op expand action await + '+z', { delay: 100 }) expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe( 'initial text,' ) await + '+z') await page.waitForTimeout(100) expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe( '' ) }) test('should keep correct undo and redo seq after indenting or outdenting the block #7615',async({page,block}) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustFill("foo") await"Enter") await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("") await page.waitForTimeout(100) await block.indent() await page.waitForTimeout(100) await block.mustFill("bar") await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("bar") // await + '+z') // // should undo "bar" input // await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("") // await + '+Shift+z', { delay: 100 }) // // should redo "bar" input // await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("bar") // await"Shift+Tab", { delay: 100 }) // await"Enter", { delay: 100 }) // await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("") // #7615 await enterNextBlock(page) await page.keyboard.type("aaa") await block.indent() await page.waitForTimeout(550) await page.keyboard.type(" bbb") await page.waitForTimeout(550) await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("aaa bbb") await + '+z') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("aaa") await + '+Shift+z') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("aaa bbb") }) test.describe('Text Formatting', () => { const formats = [ { name: 'bold', prefix: '**', postfix: '**', shortcut: modKey + '+b' }, { name: 'italic', prefix: '*', postfix: '*', shortcut: modKey + '+i' }, { name: 'strikethrough', prefix: '~~', postfix: '~~', shortcut: modKey + '+Shift+s', }, // { // name: 'underline', // prefix: '', // postfix: '', // shortcut: modKey + '+u', // }, ] for (const format of formats) { test.describe(`${} formatting`, () => { test('Applying to an empty selection inserts placeholder formatting and places cursor correctly', async ({ page, block, }) => { await createRandomPage(page) const text = 'Lorem ipsum' await block.mustFill(text) // move the cursor to the end of Lorem await repeatKeyPress(page, 'ArrowLeft', text.length - 'ipsum'.length) await'Space') // Apply formatting await await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText( `Lorem ${format.prefix}${format.postfix} ipsum` ) // Verify cursor position const cursorPos = await getCursorPos(page) expect(cursorPos).toBe(' ipsum'.length + format.prefix.length) }) test('Applying to an entire block encloses the block in formatting and places cursor correctly', async ({ page, block, }) => { await createRandomPage(page) const text = 'Lorem ipsum-dolor sit.' await block.mustFill(text) // Select the entire block await + '+a') // Apply formatting await await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText( `${format.prefix}${text}${format.postfix}` ) // Verify cursor position const cursorPosition = await getCursorPos(page) expect(cursorPosition).toBe(format.prefix.length + text.length) }) test('Applying and then removing from a word connected with a special character correctly formats and then reverts', async ({ page, block, }) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustFill('Lorem ipsum-dolor sit.') // Select 'ipsum' // Move the cursor to the desired position await moveCursor(page, -16) // Select the desired length of text await selectCharacters(page, 5) // Apply formatting await // Verify that 'ipsum' is formatted await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText( `Lorem ${format.prefix}ipsum${format.postfix}-dolor sit.` ) // Re-select 'ipsum' // Move the cursor to the desired position await moveCursor(page, -5) // Select the desired length of text await selectCharacters(page, 5) // Remove formatting await await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText( 'Lorem ipsum-dolor sit.' ) // Verify the word 'ipsum' is still selected const selection = await getSelection(page) expect(selection).toBe('ipsum') }) }) } }) test.describe('Always auto-pair symbols', () => { // Define the symbols that should be auto-paired const autoPairSymbols = [ { name: 'square brackets', prefix: '[', postfix: ']' }, { name: 'curly brackets', prefix: '{', postfix: '}' }, { name: 'parentheses', prefix: '(', postfix: ')' }, // { name: 'angle brackets', prefix: '<', postfix: '>' }, { name: 'backtick', prefix: '`', postfix: '`' }, // { name: 'single quote', prefix: "'", postfix: "'" }, // { name: 'double quote', prefix: '"', postfix: '"' }, ] for (const symbol of autoPairSymbols) { test(`${} auto-pairing`, async ({ page }) => { await createRandomPage(page) // Type prefix and check that the postfix is automatically added page.type('textarea >> nth=0', symbol.prefix, { delay: 100 }) await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText( `${symbol.prefix}${symbol.postfix}` ) // Check that the cursor is positioned correctly between the prefix and postfix const CursorPos = await getCursorPos(page) expect(CursorPos).toBe(symbol.prefix.length) }) } }) test.describe('Auto-pair symbols only with text selection', () => { const autoPairSymbols = [ // { name: 'tilde', prefix: '~', postfix: '~' }, { name: 'asterisk', prefix: '*', postfix: '*' }, { name: 'underscore', prefix: '_', postfix: '_' }, { name: 'caret', prefix: '^', postfix: '^' }, { name: 'equal', prefix: '=', postfix: '=' }, { name: 'slash', prefix: '/', postfix: '/' }, { name: 'plus', prefix: '+', postfix: '+' }, ] for (const symbol of autoPairSymbols) { test(`Only auto-pair ${} with text selection`, async ({ page, block, }) => { await createRandomPage(page) // type the symbol page.type('textarea >> nth=0', symbol.prefix, { delay: 100 }) // Verify that there is no auto-pairing await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText(symbol.prefix) // remove prefix await'Backspace') // add text await block.mustType('Lorem') // select text await + '+a') // Type the prefix await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', symbol.prefix, { delay: 100 }) // Verify that an additional postfix was automatically added around 'Lorem' await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText( `${symbol.prefix}Lorem${symbol.postfix}` ) // Verify 'Lorem' is selected const selection = await getSelection(page) expect(selection).toBe('Lorem') }) } }) test('copy blocks should remove all ref-related values', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustFill('test') await + '+c', { delay: 100 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await block.clickNext() await + '+v', { delay: 100 }) await expect(page.locator('.open-block-ref-link')).toHaveCount(1) await'ArrowUp', { delay: 10 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await'Escape') await expect(page.locator('.ls-block.selected')).toHaveCount(1) await + '+c', { delay: 100 }) await block.clickNext() await + '+v', { delay: 100 }) await block.clickNext() // let 3rd block leave editing state await expect(page.locator('.open-block-ref-link')).toHaveCount(1) }) test('undo cut block should recover refs', async ({ page, block }) => { await createRandomPage(page) await block.mustFill('test') await + '+c', { delay: 100 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await block.clickNext() await + '+v', { delay: 100 }) await expect(page.locator('.open-block-ref-link')).toHaveCount(1) await'ArrowUp', { delay: 10 }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) await'Escape') await expect(page.locator('.ls-block.selected')).toHaveCount(1) await + '+x', { delay: 100 }) await expect(page.locator('.ls-block')).toHaveCount(1) await + '+z') await page.waitForTimeout(100) await expect(page.locator('.ls-block')).toHaveCount(2) await expect(page.locator('.open-block-ref-link')).toHaveCount(1) })