// This script file simply outputs the version in the package.json. // It is used as a helper by the continuous integration const path = require('path') const process = require('process') const fs = require('fs') const content = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, '../src/main/frontend/version.cljs') ) const pattern = /\(defonce version "(.*?)"\)/g const match = pattern.exec(content) let ver = '0.0.1' if (match) { ver = match[1] } else { console.error('Could not find version in version.cljs') process.exit(1) } if (process.argv[2] === 'nightly' || process.argv[2] === '') { const today = new Date() console.log( ver + '-alpha+nightly.' + today.toISOString().split('T')[0].replaceAll('-', '') ) } else { console.log(ver) }