Installation: * Install Xcode 13 from App Store. * Install [CocoaPods]( ```shell sudo gem install cocoapods ``` Note: use the following commands from *ios/App* directory to fix **ffi_c.bundle** related issue for M1 MacBook [^1]. ```shell sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi arch -x86_64 pod install ``` * Run `yarn && yarn app-watch` from the logseq project root directory in terminal. * Open Logseq project in Xcode by running the following command in termimal. ```shell npx cap open ios ``` Note: for the first time after a fresh clone. - Run `npx cap copy ios` to copy web assets from public to *ios/App/App/public*, and create *capacitor.config.json* in *ios/App/App*. - Run `npx cap update ios` to update iOS plugins. - Add the following code to *ios/App/App/capacitor.config.json*, and replace `server url` with your local-ip-address:3001 (run ifconfig to check) ```json "server": { "url": "http://your-own-id-address:3001", "cleartext": true} ``` * Run logseq ```shell npx cap run ios ``` [^1]