import { Page, Locator } from 'playwright' import { expect, ConsoleMessage } from '@playwright/test' import * as pathlib from 'path' import { modKey } from './util/basic' import { Block } from './types' // TODO: The file should be a facade of utils in the /util folder // No more additional functions should be added to this file // Move the functions to the corresponding files in the /util folder // Criteria: If the same selector is shared in multiple functions, they should be in the same file export * from './util/basic' export * from './util/search-modal' export * from './util/page' /** * Locate the last block in the inner editor * @param page The Playwright Page object. * @returns The locator of the last block. */ export async function lastBlock(page: Page): Promise { // discard any popups await'Escape') // click last block if (await page.locator('text="Click here to edit..."').isVisible()) { await'text="Click here to edit..."') } else { await'.page-blocks-inner .ls-block >> nth=-1') } // wait for textarea await page.waitForSelector('textarea >> nth=0', { state: 'visible' }) await page.waitForTimeout(100) return page.locator('textarea >> nth=0') } /** * Move the cursor to the beginning of the current editor * @param page The Playwright Page object. */ export async function moveCursorToBeginning(page: Page): Promise { await'textarea >> nth=0', modKey + '+a') // select all await'textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft') return page.locator('textarea >> nth=0') } /** * Move the cursor to the end of the current editor * @param page The Playwright Page object. */ export async function moveCursorToEnd(page: Page): Promise { await'textarea >> nth=0', modKey + '+a') // select all await'textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowRight') return page.locator('textarea >> nth=0') } /** * Press Enter and create the next block. * @param page The Playwright Page object. */ export async function enterNextBlock(page: Page): Promise { // Move cursor to the end of the editor await'textarea >> nth=0', modKey + '+a') // select all await'textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowRight') let blockCount = await page.locator('.page-blocks-inner .ls-block').count() await'textarea >> nth=0', 'Enter') await page.waitForTimeout(10) await page.waitForSelector(`.ls-block >> nth=${blockCount} >> textarea`, { state: 'visible' }) return page.locator('textarea >> nth=0') } /** * Create and locate a new block at the end of the inner editor * @param page The Playwright Page object * @returns The locator of the last block */ export async function newInnerBlock(page: Page): Promise { await lastBlock(page) await'textarea >> nth=0', 'Enter') return page.locator('textarea >> nth=0') } export async function escapeToCodeEditor(page: Page): Promise { await'.block-editor textarea', 'Escape') await page.waitForSelector('.CodeMirror pre', { state: 'visible' }) await page.waitForTimeout(300) await'.CodeMirror pre') await page.waitForTimeout(300) await page.waitForSelector('.CodeMirror textarea', { state: 'visible' }) } export async function escapeToBlockEditor(page: Page): Promise { await page.waitForTimeout(300) await'.CodeMirror pre') await page.waitForTimeout(300) await'.CodeMirror textarea', 'Escape') await page.waitForTimeout(300) } export async function setMockedOpenDirPath( page: Page, path?: string ): Promise { // set next open directory await page.evaluate( ([path]) => { Object.assign(window, { __MOCKED_OPEN_DIR_PATH__: path, }) }, [path] ) } export async function openLeftSidebar(page: Page): Promise { let sidebar = page.locator('#left-sidebar') // Left sidebar is toggled by `is-open` class if (!/is-open/.test(await sidebar.getAttribute('class') || '')) { await'#left-menu.button') await page.waitForTimeout(10) await expect(sidebar).toHaveClass(/is-open/) } } export async function loadLocalGraph(page: Page, path: string): Promise { await setMockedOpenDirPath(page, path); const onboardingOpenButton = page.locator('strong:has-text("Choose a folder")') if (await onboardingOpenButton.isVisible()) { await } else { console.log("No onboarding button, loading file manually") let sidebar = page.locator('#left-sidebar') if (!/is-open/.test(await sidebar.getAttribute('class') || '')) { await'#left-menu.button') await expect(sidebar).toHaveClass(/is-open/) } await'#left-sidebar #repo-switch'); await page.waitForSelector('#left-sidebar .dropdown-wrapper >> text="Add new graph"', { state: 'visible', timeout: 5000 }) await'text=Add new graph') expect(page.locator('#repo-name')).toHaveText(pathlib.basename(path)) } setMockedOpenDirPath(page, ''); // reset it await page.waitForSelector(':has-text("Parsing files")', { state: 'hidden', timeout: 1000 * 60 * 5, }) const title = await page.title() if (title === "Import data into Logseq" || title === "Add another repo") { await'a.button >> text=Skip') } await page.waitForFunction('window.document.title === "Logseq"') await page.waitForTimeout(500) // If there is an error notification from a previous test graph being deleted, // close it first so it doesn't cover up the UI let n = await page.locator('.notification-close-button').count() if (n > 1) { await page.locator('button >> text="Clear all"').click() } else if (n == 1) { await page.locator('.notification-close-button').click() } await expect(page.locator('.notification-close-button').first()).not.toBeVisible({ timeout: 2000 }) console.log('Graph loaded for ' + path) } export async function editNthBlock(page: Page, n) { await`.ls-block .block-content >> nth=${n}`) } export async function editFirstBlock(page: Page) { await editNthBlock(page, 0) } /** * Wait for a console message with a given prefix to appear, and return the full text of the message * Or reject after a timeout * * @param page * @param prefix - the prefix to look for * @param timeout - the timeout in ms * @returns the full text of the console message */ export async function captureConsoleWithPrefix(page: Page, prefix: string, timeout: number = 3000): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let console_handler = (msg: ConsoleMessage) => { let text = msg.text() if (text.startsWith(prefix)) { page.removeListener('console', console_handler) resolve(text.substring(prefix.length)) } } page.on('console', console_handler) setTimeout(reject.bind("timeout"), timeout) }) } export async function queryPermission(page: Page, permission: PermissionName): Promise { // Check if WebAPI clipboard supported return await page.evaluate(async (eval_permission: PermissionName): Promise => { if (typeof navigator.permissions == "undefined") return Promise.resolve(false); return navigator.permissions.query({ name: eval_permission }).then((result: PermissionStatus): boolean => { return (result.state == "granted" || result.state == "prompt") }) }, permission) } export async function doesClipboardItemExists(page: Page): Promise { // Check if WebAPI clipboard supported return await page.evaluate((): boolean => { return typeof ClipboardItem !== "undefined" }) } export async function getIsWebAPIClipboardSupported(page: Page): Promise { // @ts-ignore "clipboard-write" is not included in TS's type definition for permissionName return await queryPermission(page, "clipboard-write") && await doesClipboardItemExists(page) } export async function navigateToStartOfBlock(page: Page, block: Block) { const selectionStart = await block.selectionStart() for (let i = 0; i < selectionStart; i++) { await'ArrowLeft') } } /** * Repeats a key press a certain number of times. * @param {Page} page - The Page object. * @param {string} key - The key to press. * @param {number} times - The number of times to press the key. * @return {Promise} - Promise which resolves when the key press repetition is done. */ export async function repeatKeyPress(page: Page, key: string, times: number): Promise { for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) { await; } } /** * Moves the cursor a certain number of characters to the right (positive value) or left (negative value). * @param {Page} page - The Page object. * @param {number} shift - The number of characters to move the cursor. Positive moves to the right, negative to the left. * @return {Promise} - Promise which resolves when the cursor has moved. */ export async function moveCursor(page: Page, shift: number): Promise { const direction = shift < 0 ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight'; const absShift = Math.abs(shift); await repeatKeyPress(page, direction, absShift); } /** * Selects a certain length of text in a textarea to the right of the cursor. * @param {Page} page - The Page object. * @param {number} length - The number of characters to select. * @return {Promise} - Promise which resolves when the text selection is done. */ export async function selectCharacters(page: Page, length: number): Promise { await page.keyboard.down('Shift'); await repeatKeyPress(page, 'ArrowRight', length); await page.keyboard.up('Shift'); } /** * Retrieves the selected text in a textarea. * @param {Page} page - The page object. * @return {Promise} - Promise which resolves to the selected text or null. */ export async function getSelection(page: Page): Promise { const selection = await page.evaluate(() => { const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea') return textarea?.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd) || null }) return selection } /** * Retrieves the current cursor position in a textarea. * @param {Page} page - The page object. * @return {Promise} - Promise which resolves to the cursor position or null. */ export async function getCursorPos(page: Page): Promise { const cursorPosition = await page.evaluate(() => { const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea'); return textarea ? textarea.selectionStart : null; }); return cursorPosition; }