const fs = require('fs') const utils = require('util') const cp = require('child_process') const exec = utils.promisify(cp.exec) const path = require('path') const gulp = require('gulp') const cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css') const del = require('del') const outputPath = path.join(__dirname, 'static') const resourcesPath = path.join(__dirname, 'resources') const publicStaticPath = path.join(__dirname, 'public/static') const sourcePath = path.join(__dirname, 'src/main/frontend') const resourceFilePath = path.join(resourcesPath, '**') const outputFilePath = path.join(outputPath, '**') const css = { watchCSS () { return cp.spawn(`yarn css:watch`, { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }) }, buildCSS (...params) { return gulp.series( () => exec(`yarn css:build`, {}), css._optimizeCSSForRelease )(...params) }, _optimizeCSSForRelease () { return gulp.src(path.join(outputPath, 'css', 'style.css')) .pipe(cleanCSS()) .pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(outputPath, 'css'))) } } const common = { clean () { return del(['./static/**/*', '!./static/yarn.lock', '!./static/node_modules']) }, syncResourceFile () { return gulp.src(resourceFilePath).pipe(gulp.dest(outputPath)) }, // NOTE: All assets from node_modules are copied to the output directory syncAssetFiles (...params) { return gulp.series( () => gulp.src([ "./node_modules/@excalidraw/excalidraw/dist/excalidraw-assets/**", "!**/*/i18n-*.js" ]) .pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(outputPath, 'js', 'excalidraw-assets'))), () => gulp.src("node_modules/@tabler/icons/iconfont/tabler-icons.min.css") .pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(outputPath, 'css'))), () => gulp.src("node_modules/@tabler/icons/iconfont/fonts/**") .pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(outputPath, 'css', 'fonts'))), )(...params) }, keepSyncResourceFile () { return, { ignoreInitial: true }, common.syncResourceFile) }, syncAllStatic () { return gulp.src([ outputFilePath, '!' + path.join(outputPath, 'node_modules/**') ]).pipe(gulp.dest(publicStaticPath)) }, syncJS_CSSinRt () { return gulp.src([ path.join(outputPath, 'js/**'), path.join(outputPath, 'css/**') ], { base: outputPath }).pipe(gulp.dest(publicStaticPath)) }, keepSyncStaticInRt () { return[ path.join(outputPath, 'js/**'), path.join(outputPath, 'css/**') ], { ignoreInitial: true }, common.syncJS_CSSinRt) } } exports.electron = () => { if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(outputPath, 'node_modules'))) { cp.execSync('yarn', { cwd: outputPath, stdio: 'inherit' }) } cp.execSync('yarn electron:dev', { cwd: outputPath, stdio: 'inherit' }) } exports.electronMaker = async () => { cp.execSync('yarn cljs:release-electron', { stdio: 'inherit' }) const pkgPath = path.join(outputPath, 'package.json') const pkg = require(pkgPath) const version = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'src/main/frontend/version.cljs')) .toString().match(/[0-9.]{3,}/)[0] if (!version) { throw new Error('release version error in src/**/*/version.cljs') } pkg.version = version fs.writeFileSync(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)) if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(outputPath, 'node_modules'))) { cp.execSync('yarn', { cwd: outputPath, stdio: 'inherit' }) } cp.execSync('yarn electron:make', { cwd: outputPath, stdio: 'inherit' }) } exports.clean = common.clean = gulp.series(common.syncResourceFile, common.syncAssetFiles, common.syncAllStatic, gulp.parallel(common.keepSyncResourceFile, css.watchCSS)) = gulp.series(common.clean, common.syncResourceFile, common.syncAssetFiles, css.buildCSS)