# Build Logseq Desktop on Windows ## Intro This is a guide on creating Logseq development environment on Windows with `PowerShell`. Non-platform specific instructions like [Develop Logseq](develop-logseq.md) **should also be referenced**. ## Pre-requisites * Ensure `Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted` (or other equivalent) * Good network connection. Here's [An example of setting up proxy in PowerShell](#an-example-of-setting-up-proxy-in-powershell) * Node.js 16.x * Clojure (follow this [Guidance](https://clojure.org/guides/getting_started#_installation_on_windows)) * JRE 8 (required for Clojure) (updated 20220218. May confirm via JAVA_VERSION and NODE_VERSION in [THIS FILE](https://github.com/logseq/logseq/blob/master/.github/workflows/build.yml)) ### An example of installing pre-requisites on Windows * Install [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/) * Install JRE * Install NVM for Windows, Node.js, and Yarn ``` choco install nvm nvm install 16.13 (or whatever version) nvm use 16.13 npm install -g yarn nvm use 16.13 ``` * Install [clj-on-windows](https://github.com/clojure/tools.deps.alpha/wiki/clj-on-Windows) Congrats! The pre-requisites are ready. ## Set-up development environment (web app) The basic idea is replacing the `clojure` commands in [package.json](https://github.com/logseq/logseq/blob/master/package.json) to `clj`. Go to your cloned Logseq repo. Then install dependencies, execute the `clj` equivalent of `yarn watch` via doing the `gulp`'s job manually (as it's not available on Windows). Refer [THIS](#an-example-of-setting-up-proxy-in-powershell) if you want to setup proxy in `PowerShell`. * copy files in `resources` to `static` * ``` yarn clj -M:cljs watch app electron ``` * ``` yarn css:watch ``` Now you can access the app via `http://localhost:3001` and all changes to the code will be watched. ## Set-up development environment (desktop) To run the desktop app in development mode, after setting up web app development environment, run following commands which are equivalent to `yarn dev-electron-app`: * ``` cd static yarn yarn electron:dev ``` The desktop app should pop-up on your screen. ## An example of setting up proxy in PowerShell ``` $env:GLOBAL_AGENT_HTTPS_PROXY='http://:' $env:ELECTRON_GET_USE_PROXY='true' $env:HTTPS_PROXY='http://:' $env:HTTP_PROXY='http://:' ```