importScripts( // Batched optimization "./lightning-fs.min.js?v=", "./isomorphic-git/1.7.4/index.umd.min.js", "./isomorphic-git/1.7.4/http-web-index.umd.js", // Fixed a bug "./magic_portal.js" ); const detect = () => { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && !self.skipWaiting) { return 'window' } else if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && !self.skipWaiting) { return 'Worker' } else if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self.skipWaiting) { return 'ServiceWorker' } }; function basicAuth (username, token) { return "Basic " + btoa(username + ":" + token); } const fsName = 'logseq'; const createFS = () => new LightningFS(fsName); let fs = createFS(); let pfs = fs.promises; if (detect() === 'Worker') { const portal = new MagicPortal(self); portal.set('git', git); portal.set('fs', fs); portal.set('pfs', pfs); portal.set('gitHttp', GitHttp); portal.set('workerThread', { setConfig: function (dir, path, value) { return git.setConfig ({ fs, dir, path, value }); }, clone: function (dir, url, corsProxy, depth, branch, username, token) { return git.clone ({ fs, dir, http: GitHttp, url, corsProxy, ref: branch, singleBranch: true, depth, headers: { "Authorization": basicAuth(username, token) } }); }, fetch: function (dir, url, corsProxy, depth, branch, username, token) { return git.fetch ({ fs, dir, http: GitHttp, url, corsProxy, ref: branch, singleBranch: true, depth, headers: { "Authorization": basicAuth(username, token) } }); }, pull: function (dir, corsProxy, branch, username, token) { return git.pull ({ fs, dir, http: GitHttp, corsProxy, ref: branch, singleBranch: true, // fast: true, headers: { "Authorization": basicAuth(username, token) } }); }, push: function (dir, corsProxy, branch, force, username, token) { return git.push ({ fs, dir, http: GitHttp, ref: branch, corsProxy, remote: "origin", force, headers: { "Authorization": basicAuth(username, token) } }); }, merge: function (dir, branch) { return git.merge ({ fs, dir, ours: branch, theirs: "remotes/origin/" + branch, // fastForwardOnly: true }); }, checkout: function (dir, branch) { return git.checkout ({ fs, dir, ref: branch, }); }, log: function (dir, branch, depth) { return git.log ({ fs, dir, ref: branch, depth, singleBranch: true }) }, add: function (dir, file) { return git.add ({ fs, dir, filepath: file }); }, remove: function (dir, file) { return git.remove ({ fs, dir, filepath: file }); }, commit: function (dir, message, name, email, parent) { if (parent) { return git.commit ({ fs, dir, message, author: {name: name, email: email}, parent: parent }); } else { return git.commit ({ fs, dir, message, author: {name: name, email: email} }); } }, readCommit: function (dir, oid) { return git.readCommit ({ fs, dir, oid }); }, readBlob: function (dir, oid, path) { return git.readBlob ({ fs, dir, oid, path }); }, writeRef: function (dir, branch, oid) { return git.writeRef ({ fs, dir, ref: "refs/heads/" + branch, value: oid, force: true }); }, resolveRef: function (dir, ref) { return git.resolveRef ({ fs, dir, ref }); }, listFiles: function (dir, branch) { return git.listFiles ({ fs, dir, ref: branch }); }, rimraf: async function (path) { // try { // // First assume path is itself a file // await pfs.unlink(path) // // if that worked we're done // return // } catch (err) { // // Otherwise, path must be a directory // if (err.code !== 'EISDIR') throw err // } // Knowing path is a directory, // first, assume everything inside path is a file. let files = await pfs.readdir(path); for (let file of files) { let child = path + '/' + file try { await pfs.unlink(child) } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'EISDIR') throw err } } // Assume what's left are directories and recurse. let dirs = await pfs.readdir(path) for (let dir of dirs) { let child = path + '/' + dir await rimraf(child, pfs) } // Finally, delete the empty directory await pfs.rmdir(path) }, getFileStateChanges: async function (commitHash1, commitHash2, dir) { return git.walk({ fs, dir, trees: [git.TREE({ ref: commitHash1 }), git.TREE({ ref: commitHash2 })], map: async function(filepath, [A, B]) { var type = 'equal'; if (A === null) { type = "add"; } if (B === null) { type = "remove"; } // ignore directories if (filepath === '.') { return } if ((A !== null && (await A.type()) === 'tree') || (B !== null && (await B.type()) === 'tree')) { return } // generate ids const Aoid = A !== null && await A.oid(); const Boid = B !== null && await B.oid(); if (type === "equal") { // determine modification type if (Aoid !== Boid) { type = 'modify' } if (Aoid === undefined) { type = 'add' } if (Boid === undefined) { type = 'remove' } } if (Aoid === undefined && Boid === undefined) { console.log('Something weird happened:') console.log(A) console.log(B) } return { path: `/${filepath}`, type: type, } }, }) }, statusMatrix: async function (dir) { return git.statusMatrix({ fs, dir }); }, statusMatrixChanged: async function (dir) { return (await git.statusMatrix({ fs, dir })) .filter(([_, head, workDir, stage]) => !(head == 1 && workDir == 1 && stage == 1)); }, getChangedFiles: async function (dir) { try { const FILE = 0, HEAD = 1, WORKDIR = 2; let filenames = (await git.statusMatrix({ fs, dir })) .filter(row => row[HEAD] !== row[WORKDIR]) .map(row => row[FILE]); return filenames; } catch (err) { console.error(err); return []; } } }); // self.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) => console.log(data)); }