const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const { ipcRenderer, contextBridge, shell, clipboard } = require('electron') const IS_MAC = process.platform === 'darwin' const IS_WIN32 = process.platform === 'win32' function getFilePathFromClipboard() { if (IS_WIN32) { const rawFilePath ='FileNameW') return rawFilePath.replace(new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(0), 'g'), '') } else if (IS_MAC) { return'public.file-url').replace('file://', '') } else { return clipboard.readText() } } function isClipboardHasImage() { return !clipboard.readImage().isEmpty() } contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('apis', { doAction: async (arg) => { return await ipcRenderer.invoke('main', arg) }, on: (channel, callback) => { const newCallback = (_, data) => callback(data) ipcRenderer.on(channel, newCallback) }, checkForUpdates: async (...args) => { await ipcRenderer.invoke('check-for-updates', ...args) }, setUpdatesCallback(cb) { if (typeof cb !== 'function') return const channel = 'updates-callback' ipcRenderer.removeAllListeners(channel) ipcRenderer.on(channel, cb) }, installUpdatesAndQuitApp() { ipcRenderer.invoke('install-updates', true) }, async openExternal(url, options) { await shell.openExternal(url, options) }, async openPath(path) { await shell.openPath(path) }, showItemInFolder(fullpath) { if (IS_WIN32) { shell.openPath(path.dirname(fullpath)) } else { shell.showItemInFolder(fullpath) } }, /** * save all publish assets to disk * * @param {string} html html file with embedded state */ exportPublishAssets(html, customCSSPath, repoPath, assetFilenames) { ipcRenderer.invoke( 'export-publish-assets', html, customCSSPath, repoPath, assetFilenames ) }, /** * When from is empty. The resource maybe from * client paste or screenshoot. * @param repoPathRoot * @param to * @param from? * @returns {Promise} */ async copyFileToAssets(repoPathRoot, to, from) { if (from && fs.statSync(from).isDirectory()) { throw new Error('not support copy directory') } const dest = path.join(repoPathRoot, to) const assetsRoot = path.dirname(dest) if (!/assets$/.test(assetsRoot)) { throw new Error('illegal assets dirname') } await fs.promises.mkdir(assetsRoot, { recursive: true }) from = decodeURIComponent(from || getFilePathFromClipboard()) if (from) { // console.debug('copy file: ', from, dest) await fs.promises.copyFile(from, dest) return path.basename(from) } // support image // console.debug('read image: ', from, dest) const nImg = clipboard.readImage() if (nImg && !nImg.isEmpty()) { const rawExt = path.extname(dest) return await fs.promises.writeFile( dest.replace(rawExt, '.png'), nImg.toPNG() ) } }, toggleMaxOrMinActiveWindow(isToggleMin = false) { ipcRenderer.invoke('toggle-max-or-min-active-win', isToggleMin) }, /** * internal * @param type * @param args * @private */ async _callApplication(type, ...args) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke('call-application', type, ...args) }, getFilePathFromClipboard, isClipboardHasImage, })