
254 lines
9.0 KiB

import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as path from 'path'
import { test as base, expect, ConsoleMessage, Locator } from '@playwright/test';
import { ElectronApplication, Page, BrowserContext, _electron as electron } from 'playwright'
import { loadLocalGraph, openLeftSidebar, randomString } from './utils';
import { autocompleteMenu, LogseqFixtures } from './types';
let electronApp: ElectronApplication
let context: BrowserContext
let page: Page
let repoName = randomString(10)
let testTmpDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../tmp')
if (fs.existsSync(testTmpDir)) {
fs.rmSync(testTmpDir, { recursive: true })
export let graphDir = path.resolve(testTmpDir, "e2e-test", repoName)
// NOTE: This following is a console log watcher for error logs.
// Save and print all logs when error happens.
let logs: string
const consoleLogWatcher = (msg: ConsoleMessage) => {
// console.log(msg.text())
const text = msg.text()
logs += text + '\n'
expect(text, logs).not.toMatch(/^(Failed to|Uncaught)/)
// youtube video
if (!text.match(/^Error with Permissions-Policy header: Unrecognized feature/)) {
expect(text, logs).not.toMatch(/^Error/)
// NOTE: React warnings will be logged as error.
// expect(msg.type()).not.toBe('error')
base.beforeAll(async () => {
if (electronApp) {
console.log(`Creating test graph directory: ${graphDir}`)
fs.mkdirSync(graphDir, {
recursive: true,
electronApp = await electron.launch({
cwd: "./static",
args: ["electron.js"],
locale: 'en',
timeout: 10_000, // should be enough for the app to start
context = electronApp.context()
await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });
// NOTE: The following ensures App first start with the correct path.
const info = await electronApp.evaluate(async ({ app }) => {
return {
"appPath": app.getAppPath(),
"appData": app.getPath("appData"),
"userData": app.getPath("userData"),
"appName": app.getName(),
"electronVersion": app.getVersion(),
console.log("Test start with:", info)
page = await electronApp.firstWindow()
// Direct Electron console to watcher
page.on('console', consoleLogWatcher)
page.on('crash', () => {
expect(false, "Page must not crash").toBeTruthy()
page.on('pageerror', (err) => {
// expect(false, 'Page must not have errors!').toBeTruthy()
await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded')
// NOTE: The following ensures first start.
// await page.waitForSelector('text=This is a demo graph, changes will not be saved until you open a local folder')
await page.waitForSelector(':has-text("Loading")', {
state: "hidden",
timeout: 1000 * 15,
page.once('load', async () => {
console.log('Page loaded!')
await page.screenshot({ path: 'startup.png' })
await loadLocalGraph(page, graphDir);
// render app
await page.waitForFunction('window.document.title !== "Loading"')
expect(await page.title()).toMatch(/^Logseq.*?/)
await openLeftSidebar(page)
base.beforeEach(async () => {
// discard any dialog by ESC
if (page) {
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
base.afterAll(async () => {
// if (electronApp) {
// await electronApp.close()
// hijack electron app into the test context
// FIXME: add type to `block`
export const test = base.extend<LogseqFixtures>({
page: async ({ }, use) => {
await use(page);
// Timeout is used to avoid global timeout, local timeout will have a meaningful error report.
// 1s timeout is enough for most of the test cases.
// Timeout won't introduce additional sleeps.
block: async ({ page }, use) => {
const block = {
mustFill: async (value: string) => {
const locator: Locator = page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')
await locator.waitFor({ timeout: 1000 })
await locator.fill(value)
await expect(locator).toHaveText(value, { timeout: 1000 })
mustType: async (value: string, options?: { delay?: number, toBe?: string }) => {
const locator: Locator = page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')
await locator.waitFor({ timeout: 1000 })
const { delay = 50 } = options || {};
const { toBe = value } = options || {};
await locator.type(value, { delay })
await expect(locator).toHaveText(toBe, { timeout: 1000 })
enterNext: async (): Promise<Locator> => {
let blockCount = await page.locator('.page-blocks-inner .ls-block').count()
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'Enter')
await page.waitForSelector(`.ls-block >> nth=${blockCount} >> textarea`, { state: 'visible', timeout: 1000 })
return page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')
clickNext: async (): Promise<Locator> => {
await page.$eval('.add-button-link-wrap', (element) => {
let blockCount = await page.locator('.page-blocks-inner .ls-block').count()
// the next element after all blocks.
await page.click('.add-button-link-wrap', { delay: 100 })
await page.waitForSelector(`.ls-block >> nth=${blockCount} >> textarea`, { state: 'visible', timeout: 1000 })
return page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')
indent: async (): Promise<boolean> => {
const locator = page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')
const before = await locator.boundingBox()
await locator.press('Tab', { delay: 100 })
return (await locator.boundingBox()).x > before.x
unindent: async (): Promise<boolean> => {
const locator = page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')
const before = await locator.boundingBox()
await locator.press('Shift+Tab', { delay: 100 })
return (await locator.boundingBox()).x < before.x
waitForBlocks: async (total: number): Promise<void> => {
// NOTE: `nth=` counts from 0.
await page.waitForSelector(`.ls-block >> nth=${total - 1}`, { state: 'attached', timeout: 50000 })
await page.waitForSelector(`.ls-block >> nth=${total}`, { state: 'detached', timeout: 50000 })
waitForSelectedBlocks: async (total: number): Promise<void> => {
// NOTE: `nth=` counts from 0.
await page.waitForSelector(`.ls-block.selected >> nth=${total - 1}`, { timeout: 1000 })
escapeEditing: async (): Promise<void> => {
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
activeEditing: async (nth: number): Promise<void> => {
await page.waitForSelector(`.ls-block >> nth=${nth}`, { timeout: 1000 })
// scroll, for isVisble test
await page.$eval(`.ls-block >> nth=${nth}`, (element) => {
// when blocks are nested, the first block(the parent) is selected.
if (
(await page.isVisible(`.ls-block >> nth=${nth} >> .editor-wrapper >> textarea`)) &&
!(await page.isVisible(`.ls-block >> nth=${nth} >> .block-children-container >> textarea`))) {
await page.click(`.ls-block >> nth=${nth} >> .block-content`, { delay: 10, timeout: 100000 })
await page.waitForSelector(`.ls-block >> nth=${nth} >> .editor-wrapper >> textarea`, { timeout: 1000, state: 'visible' })
isEditing: async (): Promise<boolean> => {
const locator = page.locator('.ls-block textarea >> nth=0')
return await locator.isVisible()
selectionStart: async (): Promise<number> => {
return await page.locator('textarea >> nth=0').evaluate(node => {
const elem = <HTMLTextAreaElement>node
return elem.selectionStart
selectionEnd: async (): Promise<number> => {
return await page.locator('textarea >> nth=0').evaluate(node => {
const elem = <HTMLTextAreaElement>node
return elem.selectionEnd
autocompleteMenu: async ({ }, use) => {
const autocompleteMenu: autocompleteMenu = {
expectVisible: async (modalName?: string) => {
const modal = page.locator(modalName ? `[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]` : `[data-modal-name]`)
if (await modal.isVisible()) {
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await expect(modal).toBeVisible()
} else {
await modal.waitFor({ state: 'visible', timeout: 1000 })
expectHidden: async (modalName?: string) => {
const modal = page.locator(modalName ? `[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]` : `[data-modal-name]`)
if (!await modal.isVisible()) {
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await expect(modal).not.toBeVisible()
} else {
await modal.waitFor({ state: 'hidden', timeout: 1000 })
await use(autocompleteMenu)
context: async ({ }, use) => {
await use(context);
app: async ({ }, use) => {
await use(electronApp);
graphDir: async ({ }, use) => {
await use(graphDir);