
63 lines
2.8 KiB

(ns db-import
"Imports given file(s) to a db graph. This script is primarily for
developing the import feature and for engineers who want to customize
the import process"
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[datascript.core :as d]
["path" :as node-path]
["os" :as os]
["fs" :as fs]
[nbb.core :as nbb]
[babashka.cli :as cli]
[logseq.common.config :as common-config]
[logseq.graph-parser.exporter :as gp-exporter]
[logseq.tasks.db-graph.create-graph :as create-graph]))
(defn- setup-import-options
[db config user-options]
{:extract-options {:date-formatter (common-config/get-date-formatter config)
:user-config config
:filename-format (or (:file/name-format config) :legacy)}
:user-options user-options
:page-tags-uuid (:block/uuid (d/entity db [:block/name "pagetags"]))
:import-state (gp-exporter/new-import-state)
:macros (:macros config)})
(defn- import-file-graph-to-db [file-graph conn db-name]
;; TODO: Read in repo config
(let [import-options (setup-import-options @conn
{:file/name-format :triple-lowbar}
{:graph-name db-name})
;; TODO: Read files dir and port more from import
file file-graph
m {:file/path file
:file/content (str (fs/readFileSync file))}]
(gp-exporter/add-file-to-db-graph conn (:file/path m) (:file/content m) import-options)))
(def spec
"Options spec"
{:help {:alias :h
:desc "Print help"}
:verbose {:alias :v
:desc "Verbose mode"}})
(defn -main [args]
(let [[file-graph db-graph-dir] args
options (cli/parse-opts args {:spec spec})
_ (when (or (< (count args) 2) (:help options))
(println (str "Usage: $0 FILE-GRAPH DB-GRAPH [OPTIONS]\nOptions:\n"
(cli/format-opts {:spec spec})))
(js/process.exit 1))
[dir db-name] (if (string/includes? db-graph-dir "/")
(let [graph-dir'
(node-path/join (or js/process.env.ORIGINAL_PWD ".") db-graph-dir)]
((juxt node-path/dirname node-path/basename) graph-dir'))
[(node-path/join (os/homedir) "logseq" "graphs") db-graph-dir])
file-graph' (node-path/join (or js/process.env.ORIGINAL_PWD ".") file-graph)
conn (create-graph/init-conn dir db-name)]
(import-file-graph-to-db file-graph' conn db-name)
(when (:verbose options) (println "Transacted" (count (d/datoms @conn :eavt)) "datoms"))
(println "Created graph" (str db-name "!"))))
(when (= nbb/*file* (:file (meta #'-main)))
(-main *command-line-args*))