
249 lines
7.2 KiB

import { expect } from '@playwright/test'
import fs from 'fs/promises'
import path from 'path'
import { test } from './fixtures'
import { randomString, createRandomPage } from './utils'
test('create page and blocks, save to disk', async ({ page, block, graphDir }) => {
const pageTitle = await createRandomPage(page)
// do editing
await page.keyboard.type('first bullet')
await block.enterNext()
await block.waitForBlocks(2)
await page.keyboard.type('second bullet')
await block.enterNext()
await page.keyboard.type('third bullet')
expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true)
await block.enterNext()
await page.keyboard.type('continue editing')
await page.keyboard.press('Shift+Enter')
await page.keyboard.type('second line')
await block.enterNext()
expect(await block.unindent()).toBe(true)
expect(await block.unindent()).toBe(false)
await page.keyboard.type('test ok')
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
await block.waitForBlocks(5)
// active edit, and create next block
await block.clickNext()
await page.keyboard.type('test')
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace', { delay: 100 })
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
await block.waitForBlocks(5)
await page.waitForTimeout(2000) // wait for saving to disk
const contentOnDisk = await fs.readFile(
path.join(graphDir, `pages/${pageTitle}.md`),
- first bullet
- second bullet
- third bullet
- continue editing
second line
- test ok`.trim())
test('delete and backspace', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustFill('test')
// backspace
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace')
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace')
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe('te')
// refill
await block.enterNext()
await block.mustType('test')
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft', { delay: 50 })
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft', { delay: 50 })
// delete
await page.keyboard.press('Delete', { delay: 50 })
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe('tet')
await page.keyboard.press('Delete', { delay: 50 })
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe('te')
await page.keyboard.press('Delete', { delay: 50 })
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe('te')
// TODO: test delete & backspace across blocks
test('selection', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
// add 5 blocks
await block.mustFill('line 1')
await block.enterNext()
await block.mustFill('line 2')
await block.enterNext()
expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true)
await block.mustFill('line 3')
await block.enterNext()
await block.mustFill('line 4')
expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true)
await block.enterNext()
await block.mustFill('line 5')
// shift+up select 3 blocks
await page.keyboard.down('Shift')
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowUp')
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowUp')
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowUp')
await page.keyboard.up('Shift')
await block.waitForSelectedBlocks(3)
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace')
await block.waitForBlocks(2)
test('template', async ({ page, block }) => {
const randomTemplate = randomString(6)
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustFill('template test\ntemplate:: ')
await page.keyboard.type(randomTemplate, {delay: 100})
await page.keyboard.press('Enter')
await block.clickNext()
expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true)
await block.mustFill('line1')
await block.enterNext()
await block.mustFill('line2')
await block.enterNext()
expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true)
await block.mustFill('line3')
await block.enterNext()
expect(await block.unindent()).toBe(true)
expect(await block.unindent()).toBe(true)
expect(await block.unindent()).toBe(false) // already at the first level
await block.waitForBlocks(5)
// NOTE: use delay to type slower, to trigger auto-completion UI.
await block.mustType('/template')
await page.click('[title="Insert a created template here"]')
// type to search template name
await page.keyboard.type(randomTemplate.substring(0, 3), { delay: 100 })
const popupMenuItem = page.locator('.absolute >> text=' + randomTemplate)
await popupMenuItem.waitFor({ timeout: 2000 }) // wait for template search
await popupMenuItem.click()
await block.waitForBlocks(8)
test('auto completion square brackets', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
// In this test, `type` is unsed instead of `fill`, to allow for auto-completion.
// [[]]
await block.mustType('This is a [', { toBe: 'This is a []' })
await block.mustType('[', { toBe: 'This is a [[]]' })
// wait for search popup
await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"')
// re-enter edit mode
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'Escape')
await page.click('.ls-block >> nth=-1')
await page.waitForSelector('textarea >> nth=0', { state: 'visible' })
// #3253
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft')
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft')
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'Enter')
await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' })
// type more `]`s
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', ']')
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe('This is a [[]]')
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', ']')
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe('This is a [[]]')
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', ']')
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe('This is a [[]]]')
test('auto completion and auto pair', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustFill('Auto-completion test')
await block.enterNext()
// {{
await block.mustType('type {{', { toBe: 'type {{}}' })
await page.waitForTimeout(100);
// ((
await block.clickNext()
await block.mustType('type (', { toBe: 'type ()' })
await block.mustType('(', { toBe: 'type (())' })
await block.escapeEditing() // escape any popup from `(())`
// [[ #3251
await block.clickNext()
await block.mustType('type [', { toBe: 'type []' })
await block.mustType('[', { toBe: 'type [[]]' })
await block.escapeEditing() // escape any popup from `[[]]`
// ``
await block.clickNext()
await block.mustType('type `', { toBe: 'type ``' })
await block.mustType('code here', { toBe: 'type `code here`' })
test('invalid page props #3944', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustFill('public:: true\nsize:: 65535')
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'Enter')
// Force rendering property block
await block.enterNext()
test('Scheduled date picker should point to the already specified Date #6985', async({page,block})=>{
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustFill('testTask \n SCHEDULED: <2000-05-06 Sat>')
await block.enterNext()
await page.waitForTimeout(500)
await block.escapeEditing()
// Open date picker
await page.click('a.opacity-80')
await page.waitForTimeout(500)
expect(page.locator('text=May 2000')).toBeVisible()
// Close date picker
await page.click('a.opacity-80')
await page.waitForTimeout(500)