
540 lines
19 KiB

import { expect } from '@playwright/test'
import { test } from './fixtures'
import { createRandomPage, enterNextBlock, systemModifier, IsMac } from './utils'
import { dispatch_kb_events } from './util/keyboard-events'
import * as kb_events from './util/keyboard-events'
test('hashtag and quare brackets in same line #4178', async ({ page }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', '#foo bar')
await enterNextBlock(page)
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'bar [[blah]]', { delay: 100 })
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft')
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', ' ')
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft')
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', '#')
await page.waitForSelector('text="Search for a page"', { state: 'visible' })
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'fo')
await page.click('.absolute >> text=' + 'foo')
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe(
'#foo bar [[blah]]'
test('disappeared children #4814', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustType('parent')
await block.enterNext()
expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true)
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await block.mustType(i.toString())
await block.enterNext()
// collapse
await page.click('.block-control >> nth=0')
// expand
await page.click('.block-control >> nth=0')
await block.waitForBlocks(7) // 1 + 5 + 1 empty
// Ensures there's no active editor
await expect(page.locator('.editor-inner')).toHaveCount(0, { timeout: 500 })
test('create new page from bracketing text #4971', async ({ page, block }) => {
let title = 'Page not Exists yet'
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustType(`[[${title}]]`)
await page.keyboard.press(systemModifier('Control+o'))
// Check page title equals to `title`
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
expect(await page.locator('h1.title').innerText()).toContain(title)
// Check there're linked references
await page.waitForSelector(`.references .ls-block >> nth=1`, { state: 'detached', timeout: 100 })
test.skip('backspace and cursor position #4897', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Delete to previous block, and check cursor postion, with markup
await block.mustFill('`012345`')
await block.enterNext()
await block.mustType('`abcdef', { toBe: '`abcdef`' }) // "`" auto-completes
expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(7)
expect(await block.selectionEnd()).toBe(7)
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft')
expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(0)
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace')
await block.waitForBlocks(1) // wait for delete and re-render
expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(8)
test.skip('next block and cursor position', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Press Enter and check cursor postion, with markup
await block.mustType('abcde`12345', { toBe: 'abcde`12345`' }) // "`" auto-completes
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft')
expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(5) // after letter 'e'
await block.enterNext()
expect(await block.selectionStart()).toBe(0) // should at the beginning of the next block
const locator = page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')
await expect(locator).toHaveText('`12345`', { timeout: 1000 })
"Press CJK Left Black Lenticular Bracket `【` by 2 times #3251 should trigger [[]], " +
"but dont trigger RIME #3440 ",
// cases should trigger [[]] #3251
async ({ page, block }) => {
// This test requires dev mode
test.skip(process.env.RELEASE === 'true', 'not avaliable for release version')
for (let [idx, events] of [
// TODO: support #3741
// kb_events.win10_legacy_pinyin_left_full_square_bracket,
].entries()) {
await createRandomPage(page)
let check_text = "#3251 test " + idx
await block.mustFill(check_text + "【")
await dispatch_kb_events(page, ':nth-match(textarea, 1)', events)
expect(await page.inputValue(':nth-match(textarea, 1)')).toBe(check_text + '【')
await block.mustFill(check_text + "【【")
await dispatch_kb_events(page, ':nth-match(textarea, 1)', events)
expect(await page.inputValue(':nth-match(textarea, 1)')).toBe(check_text + '[[]]')
// dont trigger RIME #3440
for (let [idx, events] of [
].entries()) {
await createRandomPage(page)
let check_text = "#3440 test " + idx
await block.mustFill(check_text)
await dispatch_kb_events(page, ':nth-match(textarea, 1)', events)
expect(await page.inputValue(':nth-match(textarea, 1)')).toBe(check_text)
await dispatch_kb_events(page, ':nth-match(textarea, 1)', events)
expect(await page.inputValue(':nth-match(textarea, 1)')).toBe(check_text)
test('copy & paste block ref and replace its content', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustFill('Some random text')
// FIXME: copy instantly will make content disappear
await page.waitForTimeout(1000)
if (IsMac) {
await page.keyboard.press('Meta+c')
} else {
await page.keyboard.press('Control+c')
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'Enter')
if (IsMac) {
await page.keyboard.press('Meta+v')
} else {
await page.keyboard.press('Control+v')
await page.keyboard.press('Enter')
const blockRef = page.locator('.block-ref >> text="Some random text"');
// Check if the newly created block-ref has the same referenced content
await expect(blockRef).toHaveCount(1);
// Move cursor into the block ref
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
await page.press('textarea >> nth=0', 'ArrowLeft')
// Trigger replace-block-reference-with-content-at-point
if (IsMac) {
await page.keyboard.press('Meta+Shift+r')
} else {
await page.keyboard.press('Control+Shift+v')
test('copy and paste block after editing new block #5962', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Create a block and copy it in block-select mode
await block.mustFill('Block being copied')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
if (IsMac) {
await page.keyboard.press('Meta+c')
} else {
await page.keyboard.press('Control+c')
// await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await page.keyboard.press('Enter')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await page.keyboard.press('Enter')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
// Create a new block with some text
await page.keyboard.insertText("Typed block")
// Quickly paste the copied block
if (IsMac) {
await page.keyboard.press('Meta+v')
} else {
await page.keyboard.press('Control+v')
await expect(page.locator('text="Typed block"')).toHaveCount(1);
test('undo and redo after starting an action should not destroy text #6267', async ({ page, block }) => {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Get one piece of undo state onto the stack
await block.mustType('text1 ')
await page.waitForTimeout(500) // Wait for 500ms autosave period to expire
// Then type more, start an action prompt, and undo
await page.keyboard.type('text2 ', { delay: 50 })
await page.keyboard.type('[[', { delay: 50 })
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="page-search"]`)).toBeVisible()
if (IsMac) {
await page.keyboard.press('Meta+z')
} else {
await page.keyboard.press('Control+z')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
// Should close the action menu when we undo the action prompt
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="page-search"]`)).not.toBeVisible()
// It should undo to the last saved state, and not erase the previous undo action too
await expect(page.locator('text="text1"')).toHaveCount(1)
// And it should keep what was undone as a redo action
if (IsMac) {
await page.keyboard.press('Meta+Shift+z')
} else {
await page.keyboard.press('Control+Shift+z')
await expect(page.locator('text="text2"')).toHaveCount(1)
test('undo after starting an action should close the action menu #6269', async ({ page, block }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['/', 'commands'], ['[[', 'page-search']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the action modal
await block.mustType('text1 ')
await page.waitForTimeout(550)
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Tolerable delay for the action menu to open
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).toBeVisible()
// Undo, removing "/today", and closing the action modal
if (IsMac) {
await page.keyboard.press('Meta+z')
} else {
await page.keyboard.press('Control+z')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await expect(page.locator('text="/today"')).toHaveCount(0)
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).not.toBeVisible()
test('#6266 moving cursor outside of brackets should close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) {
// First, left arrow
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustFill('t ')
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Sometimes it doesn't trigger without this
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName)
// Then, right arrow
await createRandomPage(page)
await block.mustFill('t ')
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
// Move cursor outside of the space strictly between the double brackets
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowRight')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName)
// Old logic would fail this because it didn't do the check if @search-timeout was set
test('#6266 moving cursor outside of parens immediately after searching should still close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['((', 'block-search']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the autocomplete menu
await block.mustFill('t ')
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await page.keyboard.type("some block search text")
await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Sometimes it doesn't trigger without this
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
// Move cursor outside of the space strictly between the double parens
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowRight')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName)
test('pressing up and down should NOT close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the autocomplete menu
await block.mustFill('t ')
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
const cursorPos = await block.selectionStart()
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowUp')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
await expect(await block.selectionStart()).toEqual(cursorPos)
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowDown')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
await expect(await block.selectionStart()).toEqual(cursorPos)
test('moving cursor inside of brackets should NOT close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the autocomplete menu
await block.mustType('test ')
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
if (commandTrigger === '[[') {
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
await page.keyboard.type("search", { delay: 20 })
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
// Move cursor, still inside the brackets
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
test('moving cursor inside of brackets when autocomplete menu is closed should NOT open autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => {
// Note: (( behaves differently and doesn't auto-trigger when typing in it after exiting the search prompt once
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the autocomplete menu
await block.mustFill('')
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100) // Sometimes it doesn't trigger without this
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
await block.escapeEditing()
await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName)
// Move cursor left until it's inside the brackets; shouldn't open autocomplete menu
await page.locator('.block-content').click()
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName)
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft', { delay: 50 })
await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName)
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft', { delay: 50 })
await autocompleteMenu.expectHidden(modalName)
// Type a letter, this should open the autocomplete menu
await page.keyboard.type('z', { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
test('selecting text inside of brackets should NOT close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the autocomplete menu
await block.mustFill('')
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
await page.keyboard.type("some page search text", { delay: 10 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
// Select some text within the brackets
await page.keyboard.press('Shift+ArrowLeft')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
test('pressing backspace and remaining inside of brackets should NOT close autocomplete menu', async ({ page, block, autocompleteMenu }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['((', 'block-search']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the autocomplete menu
await block.mustFill('test ')
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
await page.keyboard.type("some page search text", { delay: 10 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
// Delete one character inside the brackets
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await autocompleteMenu.expectVisible(modalName)
test('press escape when autocomplete menu is open, should close autocomplete menu only #6270', async ({ page, block }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['[[', 'page-search'], ['/', 'commands']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the action modal
await block.mustFill('text ')
await page.waitForTimeout(550)
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).toBeVisible()
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
// Press escape; should close action modal instead of exiting edit mode
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).not.toBeVisible()
await page.waitForTimeout(1000)
expect(await block.isEditing()).toBe(true)
test('press escape when link/image dialog is open, should restore focus to input', async ({ page, block }) => {
for (const [commandTrigger, modalName] of [['/link', 'commands']]) {
await createRandomPage(page)
// Open the action modal
await block.mustFill('')
await page.waitForTimeout(550)
await page.keyboard.type(commandTrigger, { delay: 20 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="${modalName}"]`)).toBeVisible()
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
// Press enter to open the link dialog
await page.keyboard.press('Enter')
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="input"]`)).toBeVisible()
// Press escape; should close link dialog and restore focus to the block textarea
await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await expect(page.locator(`[data-modal-name="input"]`)).not.toBeVisible()
await page.waitForTimeout(1000)
expect(await block.isEditing()).toBe(true)
test('should show text after soft return when node is collapsed #5074', async ({ page, block }) => {
const delay = 100
await createRandomPage(page)
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'Before soft return', { delay: 10 })
await page.keyboard.press('Shift+Enter', { delay: 10 })
await page.type('textarea >> nth=0', 'After soft return', { delay: 10 })
await block.enterNext()
expect(await block.indent()).toBe(true)
await block.mustType('Child text')
await page.waitForTimeout(delay)
// collapse
await page.click('.block-control >> nth=0')
await page.waitForTimeout(delay)
// select the block that has the soft return
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowDown')
await page.waitForTimeout(delay)
await page.keyboard.press('Enter')
await page.waitForTimeout(delay)
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe(
'Before soft return\nAfter soft return'
// zoom into the block
await page.click('a.block-control + a')
await page.waitForTimeout(delay)
// select the block that has the soft return
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowDown')
await page.waitForTimeout(delay)
await page.keyboard.press('Enter')
await page.waitForTimeout(delay)
expect(await page.inputValue('textarea >> nth=0')).toBe(
'Before soft return\nAfter soft return'