
56 lines
2.1 KiB

import { expect } from '@playwright/test'
import { test } from './fixtures'
import { createRandomPage, searchAndJumpToPage } from './utils'
* Test side bar features
test('favorite item and recent item test', async ({ page }) => {
// add page to fav
const fav_page_name = await createRandomPage(page)
let favs = await page.$$('.favorite-item a')
let previous_fav_count = favs.length
await page.click('.ui__dropdown-trigger')
await page.click(':nth-match(.ui__dropdown-trigger .dropdown-wrapper a, 1)')
// click from another page
const another_page_name = await createRandomPage(page)
expect(await page.innerText(':nth-match(.favorite-item a, 1)')).toBe('◦' + fav_page_name)
await page.click(":nth-match(.favorite-item, 1)")
expect(await page.innerText('.page-title .title')).toBe(fav_page_name)
expect(await page.innerText(':nth-match(.recent-item a, 1)')).toBe('◦' + fav_page_name)
expect(await page.innerText(':nth-match(.recent-item a, 2)')).toBe('◦' + another_page_name)
// remove fav
await page.click('.ui__dropdown-trigger')
await page.click(':nth-match(.ui__dropdown-trigger .dropdown-wrapper a, 1)')
await page.waitForTimeout(1000)
favs = await page.$$('.favorite-item a')
// click from fav page
await page.click(':nth-match(.recent-item a, 2)')
expect(await page.innerText('.page-title .title')).toBe(another_page_name)
test('recent is updated #4320', async ({ page }) => {
const page1 = await createRandomPage(page)
await page.fill(':nth-match(textarea, 1)', 'Random Thought')
const page2 = await createRandomPage(page)
await page.fill(':nth-match(textarea, 1)', 'Another Random Thought')
const firstRecent = page.locator('.nav-content-item.recent li >> nth=0')
expect(await firstRecent.textContent()).toContain(page2)
const secondRecent = page.locator('.nav-content-item.recent li >> nth=1')
expect(await secondRecent.textContent()).toContain(page1)
// then jump back
await searchAndJumpToPage(page, page1)
expect(await firstRecent.textContent()).toContain(page1)
expect(await secondRecent.textContent()).toContain(page2)