
72 lines
1.6 KiB

(ns app.basic
"Basic operations"
(:require-macros [latte.core :refer [describe beforeEach before it]])
(:require [latte.chai :refer (expect)]
[app.util :as util])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [first get]))
(def cy js/cy)
(describe "basic"
(beforeEach []
(.clearIndexedDB cy))
(before []
(.visit cy "http://localhost:3001"))
(it "Search" []
(.. cy
(get "#search-field")
(type "welcome to Logseq"))
(.. cy (get "#ui__ac-inner")
(should (fn [result]
(expect result :to.have.length 1))))
;; create new page
(.. cy
(get "#search-field")
(type "new page"))
(.wait cy 1000)
(.. cy
(get "#search-field")
(type "{enter}"))
;; edit bullet
(util/edit-block "this is my first bullet {enter}")
(util/edit-block "this is my second bullet {enter}")
(util/edit-block "this is my third bullet")
(util/edit-block ", continue editing")
(util/edit-block ", continue {enter}")
;; Backspace to delete a block
(util/edit-block "test")
;; delete the previous block
(dorun (repeatedly 5 util/backspace))
(.. cy (get ".ls-block")
(should (fn [result]
(expect result :to.have.length 3))))
(util/edit-block "{enter}")
;; Del
(util/edit-block "test")
(util/edit-block "{leftarrow}{leftarrow}")
;; FIXME: not working
;; (match-content "te")
(util/edit-block "{enter}")
;; Selection
(dorun (repeatedly 3 util/shift+up))))