import os import yt_dlp from collections import OrderedDict import shelve import time import asyncio import multiprocessing import logging import re from dl_formats import get_format, get_opts, AUDIO_FORMATS from datetime import datetime log = logging.getLogger('ytdl') class DownloadQueueNotifier: async def added(self, dl): raise NotImplementedError async def updated(self, dl): raise NotImplementedError async def completed(self, dl): raise NotImplementedError async def canceled(self, id): raise NotImplementedError async def cleared(self, id): raise NotImplementedError class DownloadInfo: def __init__(self, id, title, url, quality, format, folder, custom_name_prefix, error): = id if len(custom_name_prefix) == 0 else f'{custom_name_prefix}.{id}' self.title = title if len(custom_name_prefix) == 0 else f'{custom_name_prefix}.{title}' self.url = url self.quality = quality self.format = format self.folder = folder self.custom_name_prefix = custom_name_prefix self.msg = self.percent = self.speed = self.eta = None self.status = "pending" self.size = None self.timestamp = time.time_ns() self.error = error class Download: manager = None def __init__(self, download_dir, temp_dir, output_template, output_template_chapter, quality, format, ytdl_opts, info): self.download_dir = download_dir self.temp_dir = temp_dir self.output_template = output_template self.output_template_chapter = output_template_chapter self.format = get_format(format, quality) self.ytdl_opts = get_opts(format, quality, ytdl_opts) = info self.canceled = False self.tmpfilename = None self.status_queue = None self.proc = None self.loop = None self.notifier = None def _download(self): try: def put_status(st): self.status_queue.put({k: v for k, v in st.items() if k in ( 'tmpfilename', 'filename', 'status', 'msg', 'total_bytes', 'total_bytes_estimate', 'downloaded_bytes', 'speed', 'eta', )}) def put_status_postprocessor(d): if d['postprocessor'] == 'MoveFiles' and d['status'] == 'finished': if '__finaldir' in d['info_dict']: filename = os.path.join(d['info_dict']['__finaldir'], os.path.basename(d['info_dict']['filepath'])) else: filename = d['info_dict']['filepath'] self.status_queue.put({'status': 'finished', 'filename': filename}) ret = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(params={ 'quiet': True, 'no_color': True, #'skip_download': True, 'paths': {"home": self.download_dir, "temp": self.temp_dir}, 'outtmpl': { "default": self.output_template, "chapter": self.output_template_chapter }, 'format': self.format, 'socket_timeout': 30, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'progress_hooks': [put_status], 'postprocessor_hooks': [put_status_postprocessor], **self.ytdl_opts, }).download([]) self.status_queue.put({'status': 'finished' if ret == 0 else 'error'}) except yt_dlp.utils.YoutubeDLError as exc: self.status_queue.put({'status': 'error', 'msg': str(exc)}) async def start(self, notifier): if Download.manager is None: Download.manager = multiprocessing.Manager() self.status_queue = Download.manager.Queue() self.proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._download) self.proc.start() self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.notifier = notifier = 'preparing' await self.notifier.updated( asyncio.create_task(self.update_status()) return await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.proc.join) def cancel(self): if self.running(): self.proc.kill() self.canceled = True def close(self): if self.started(): self.proc.close() self.status_queue.put(None) def running(self): try: return self.proc is not None and self.proc.is_alive() except ValueError: return False def started(self): return self.proc is not None async def update_status(self): while True: status = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.status_queue.get) if status is None: return self.tmpfilename = status.get('tmpfilename') if 'filename' in status: fileName = status.get('filename') = os.path.relpath(fileName, self.download_dir) = os.path.getsize(fileName) if os.path.exists(fileName) else None # Set correct file extension for thumbnails if( == 'thumbnail'): = re.sub(r'\.webm$', '.jpg', = status['status'] = status.get('msg') if 'downloaded_bytes' in status: total = status.get('total_bytes') or status.get('total_bytes_estimate') if total: = status['downloaded_bytes'] / total * 100 = status.get('speed') = status.get('eta') await self.notifier.updated( class PersistentQueue: def __init__(self, path): pdir = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.isdir(pdir): os.mkdir(pdir) with, 'c'): pass self.path = path self.dict = OrderedDict() def load(self): for k, v in self.saved_items(): self.dict[k] = Download(None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, v) def exists(self, key): return key in self.dict def get(self, key): return self.dict[key] def items(self): return self.dict.items() def saved_items(self): with, 'r') as shelf: return sorted(shelf.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].timestamp) def put(self, value): key = self.dict[key] = value with, 'w') as shelf: shelf[key] = def delete(self, key): del self.dict[key] with, 'w') as shelf: shelf.pop(key) def next(self): k, v = next(iter(self.dict.items())) return k, v def empty(self): return not bool(self.dict) class DownloadQueue: def __init__(self, config, notifier): self.config = config self.notifier = notifier self.queue = PersistentQueue(self.config.STATE_DIR + '/queue') self.done = PersistentQueue(self.config.STATE_DIR + '/completed') self.pending = PersistentQueue(self.config.STATE_DIR + '/pending') self.done.load() async def __import_queue(self): for k, v in self.queue.saved_items(): await self.add(v.url, v.quality, v.format, v.folder, v.custom_name_prefix, v.playlist_strict_mode, v.playlist_item_limit) async def initialize(self): self.event = asyncio.Event() asyncio.create_task(self.__download()) asyncio.create_task(self.__import_queue()) def __extract_info(self, url, playlist_strict_mode): return yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(params={ 'quiet': True, 'no_color': True, 'extract_flat': True, 'ignore_no_formats_error': True, 'noplaylist': playlist_strict_mode, 'paths': {"home": self.config.DOWNLOAD_DIR, "temp": self.config.TEMP_DIR}, **self.config.YTDL_OPTIONS, }).extract_info(url, download=False) def __calc_download_path(self, quality, format, folder): """Calculates download path from quality, format and folder attributes. Returns: Tuple dldirectory, error_message both of which might be None (but not at the same time) """ # Keep consistent with frontend base_directory = self.config.DOWNLOAD_DIR if (quality != 'audio' and format not in AUDIO_FORMATS) else self.config.AUDIO_DOWNLOAD_DIR if folder: if not self.config.CUSTOM_DIRS: return None, {'status': 'error', 'msg': f'A folder for the download was specified but CUSTOM_DIRS is not true in the configuration.'} dldirectory = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(base_directory, folder)) real_base_directory = os.path.realpath(base_directory) if not dldirectory.startswith(real_base_directory): return None, {'status': 'error', 'msg': f'Folder "{folder}" must resolve inside the base download directory "{real_base_directory}"'} if not os.path.isdir(dldirectory): if not self.config.CREATE_CUSTOM_DIRS: return None, {'status': 'error', 'msg': f'Folder "{folder}" for download does not exist inside base directory "{real_base_directory}", and CREATE_CUSTOM_DIRS is not true in the configuration.'} os.makedirs(dldirectory, exist_ok=True) else: dldirectory = base_directory return dldirectory, None async def __add_entry(self, entry, quality, format, folder, custom_name_prefix, playlist_strict_mode, playlist_item_limit, auto_start, already): if not entry: return {'status': 'error', 'msg': "Invalid/empty data was given."} error = None if "live_status" in entry and "release_timestamp" in entry and entry.get("live_status") == "is_upcoming": dt_ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(entry.get("release_timestamp")).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z') error = f"Live stream is scheduled to start at {dt_ts}" else: if "msg" in entry: error = entry["msg"] etype = entry.get('_type') or 'video' if etype.startswith('url'): log.debug('Processing as an url') return await self.add(entry['url'], quality, format, folder, custom_name_prefix, playlist_strict_mode, playlist_item_limit, auto_start, already) elif etype == 'playlist': log.debug('Processing as a playlist') entries = entry['entries']'playlist detected with {len(entries)} entries') playlist_index_digits = len(str(len(entries))) results = [] if playlist_item_limit > 0:'Playlist item limit is set. Processing only first {playlist_item_limit} entries') entries = entries[:playlist_item_limit] for index, etr in enumerate(entries, start=1): etr["_type"] = "video" # Prevents video to be treated as url and lose below properties during processing etr["playlist"] = entry["id"] etr["playlist_index"] = '{{0:0{0:d}d}}'.format(playlist_index_digits).format(index) for property in ("id", "title", "uploader", "uploader_id"): if property in entry: etr[f"playlist_{property}"] = entry[property] results.append(await self.__add_entry(etr, quality, format, folder, custom_name_prefix, playlist_strict_mode, playlist_item_limit, auto_start, already)) if any(res['status'] == 'error' for res in results): return {'status': 'error', 'msg': ', '.join(res['msg'] for res in results if res['status'] == 'error' and 'msg' in res)} return {'status': 'ok'} elif etype == 'video' or etype.startswith('url') and 'id' in entry and 'title' in entry: log.debug('Processing as a video') if not self.queue.exists(entry['id']): dl = DownloadInfo(entry['id'], entry['title'], entry.get('webpage_url') or entry['url'], quality, format, folder, custom_name_prefix, error) dldirectory, error_message = self.__calc_download_path(quality, format, folder) if error_message is not None: return error_message output = self.config.OUTPUT_TEMPLATE if len(custom_name_prefix) == 0 else f'{custom_name_prefix}.{self.config.OUTPUT_TEMPLATE}' output_chapter = self.config.OUTPUT_TEMPLATE_CHAPTER if 'playlist' in entry and entry['playlist'] is not None: if len(self.config.OUTPUT_TEMPLATE_PLAYLIST): output = self.config.OUTPUT_TEMPLATE_PLAYLIST for property, value in entry.items(): if property.startswith("playlist"): output = output.replace(f"%({property})s", str(value)) ytdl_options = dict(self.config.YTDL_OPTIONS) if playlist_item_limit > 0:'playlist limit is set. Processing only first {playlist_item_limit} entries') ytdl_options['playlistend'] = playlist_item_limit if auto_start is True: self.queue.put(Download(dldirectory, self.config.TEMP_DIR, output, output_chapter, quality, format, ytdl_options, dl)) self.event.set() else: self.pending.put(Download(dldirectory, self.config.TEMP_DIR, output, output_chapter, quality, format, ytdl_options, dl)) await self.notifier.added(dl) return {'status': 'ok'} return {'status': 'error', 'msg': f'Unsupported resource "{etype}"'} async def add(self, url, quality, format, folder, custom_name_prefix, playlist_strict_mode, playlist_item_limit, auto_start=True, already=None):'adding {url}: {quality=} {format=} {already=} {folder=} {custom_name_prefix=} {playlist_strict_mode=} {playlist_item_limit=}') already = set() if already is None else already if url in already:'recursion detected, skipping') return {'status': 'ok'} else: already.add(url) try: entry = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, self.__extract_info, url, playlist_strict_mode) except yt_dlp.utils.YoutubeDLError as exc: return {'status': 'error', 'msg': str(exc)} return await self.__add_entry(entry, quality, format, folder, custom_name_prefix, playlist_strict_mode, playlist_item_limit, auto_start, already) async def start_pending(self, ids): for id in ids: if not self.pending.exists(id): log.warn(f'requested start for non-existent download {id}') continue dl = self.pending.get(id) self.queue.put(dl) self.pending.delete(id) self.event.set() return {'status': 'ok'} async def cancel(self, ids): for id in ids: if self.pending.exists(id): self.pending.delete(id) await self.notifier.canceled(id) continue if not self.queue.exists(id): log.warn(f'requested cancel for non-existent download {id}') continue if self.queue.get(id).started(): self.queue.get(id).cancel() else: self.queue.delete(id) await self.notifier.canceled(id) return {'status': 'ok'} async def clear(self, ids): for id in ids: if not self.done.exists(id): log.warn(f'requested delete for non-existent download {id}') continue if self.config.DELETE_FILE_ON_TRASHCAN: dl = self.done.get(id) try: dldirectory, _ = self.__calc_download_path(,, os.remove(os.path.join(dldirectory, except Exception as e: log.warn(f'deleting file for download {id} failed with error message {e!r}') self.done.delete(id) await self.notifier.cleared(id) return {'status': 'ok'} def get(self): return(list((k, for k, v in self.queue.items()) + list((k, for k, v in self.pending.items()), list((k, for k, v in self.done.items())) async def __download(self): while True: while self.queue.empty():'waiting for item to download') await self.event.wait() self.event.clear() id, entry ='downloading {}') await entry.start(self.notifier) if != 'finished': if entry.tmpfilename and os.path.isfile(entry.tmpfilename): try: os.remove(entry.tmpfilename) except: pass = 'error' entry.close() if self.queue.exists(id): self.queue.delete(id) if entry.canceled: await self.notifier.canceled(id) else: self.done.put(entry) await self.notifier.completed(