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Letter Spacing Property

Letter Spacing Property

The letter-spacing property adjusts the space between all letters in a block of text. It is also referred to as "tracking" in typography terms and in software with advanced type-setting options. The property accepts px and em length values, including negative values.

.first-example {
  letter-spacing: 3px;
.second-example {
  letter-spacing: -1px;
.third-example {
  letter-spacing: 0.5em;

result of CSS

In general it is good practice to use relative units (em) because the spacing will always be relative to the font size you've declared.

It is important to consider legibility when adjusting letter spacing. If letters are too close together, they can appear cramped and hard to read. On the other hand, if letters are too far apart, they might not read as a word, but instead as individual letters. This might also affect how screen readers read the text out loud to people with low vision.

In general lowercase letters don't typically need the letter spacing adjusted. You might find a need for adjustments when you use sections of uppercase if spacing looks too tight.

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