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title localeTitle
Labeled Statement 标签声明




````javascript 标签: 声明

### Usage 
 Without the use of a `labeled` statement the `break` statement can only break out of a loop or a `switch` statement. Using a `labeled` statement allows `break` to jump out of any code block. 
 #### Example 

JavaScript的 foo{ console.log“This prints; 打破foo; console.log“这将永远不会打印。”; } console.log“因为执行跳转到这里 / *输出 这打印: 因为执行跳到这里! * /

When used with a `continue` statement the `labeled` statement allows you to skip a loop iteration, the advantage comes from being able to jump out from an inner loop to an outer one when you have nested loop statements. Without the use of a `labeled` statement you could only jump out of the existing loop iteration to the `next iteration of the same loop.` 
 #### Example 

JavaScript的 //没有标记语句当j == i时内部循环跳转到下一次迭代 功能测试() { forvar i = 0; i <3; i ++{ console.log“i =”+ i; forvar j = 0; j <3; j ++{ ifj === i{ 继续; } console.log“j =”+ j; } } }

/ *输出 i = 0注意缺少j = 0 J = 1 J = 2 I = 1 j = 0注意缺少j = 1 J = 2 I = 2 J = 0 j = 1注意缺少j = 2 * /

//使用带标签的语句我们可以跳转到外部i循环 功能测试() { outerforvar i = 0; i <3; i ++{ console.log“i =”+ i; forvar j = 0; j <3; j ++{ ifj === i{ 继续外 } console.log“j =”+ j; } } }

/ * i = 0j仅在小于i时记录 I = 1 J = 0 I = 2 J = 0 J = 1 * / ```
