
1.8 KiB

id title challengeType dashedName
6140c9d35015ae0ba0c250e8 Step 2 0 step-2


Add a div within your body element and give it a class of wheel.

Inside your new div, add six span elements with a class set to line, and six div elements with a class set to cabin.


You should create a new div within your body element.

const divs = [...document.querySelector('body')?.children].filter(child => child?.localName === 'div');
assert(divs?.length === 1);

Your div within your body element should have a class of wheel.

assert(document.querySelector('body div')?.classList?.contains('wheel'));

Your .wheel element should have six span elements within.

assert(document.querySelectorAll('.wheel span')?.length === 6);

Your six span elements within the .wheel element should have a class of line.

const spans = [...document.querySelectorAll('.wheel span')];
assert(spans?.every(span => span?.classList?.contains('line')));
assert(document.querySelectorAll('.line')?.length === 6);

Your .wheel element should have six div elements within.

assert(document.querySelectorAll('.wheel div')?.length === 6);

Your six div elements within the .wheel element should have a class of cabin.

const divs = [...document.querySelectorAll('.wheel div')];
assert(divs?.every(div => div?.classList?.contains('cabin')));
assert(document.querySelectorAll('.cabin')?.length === 6);



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Ferris Wheel</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css" />
