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Managing multiple SSH keys

Managing multiple SSH keys

It is safe to say that most developers in the Web sphere have at some point encountered SSH. SSH is one of the most used protocols for safe data exchange. You can use SSH for connecting to remote servers, issuing commands and managing files. For developers, often this includes managing your code using git and syncing with remote repositories.

Even though it is considered a good practice to have one private-public key pair per device, sometimes you need to use multiple keys and/or you have unorthodox key names. You might be using one SSH key-pair for working on your company's internal projects but you might be using a different key for accessing some corporate client's servers. You might even be using a different key for accessing your own private server.

Managing SSH keys can become cumbersome as soon as you need to use a second key. I hope this article will be of help to anyone who is having issues with SSH key management.

I assume the reader has basic knowledge of git and SSH. Most examples throughout the article will be using git. Of course, all of this will apply to any other SSH communication. That being said, there are some git-specific tricks included.

Strap in, here we go!

Status quo

First, let us see what your workflow might look like before having multiple keys to worry about.

You have one private key stored in ~/.ssh/id_rsa with a corresponding public key ~/.ssh/

Let us imagine that you want to push/pull code changes to/from a remote git server; say GitHub, why not. To do so, you first have to add your public key to GitHub. I will not go over that step, it should be easy enough to find out how to do that. I have also assumed that your name is Steve and you are working on a top-secret project which uses Raspberry Pies to sniff network traffic.

To start your work, you have to clone a git repository using SSH:

git clone

At this moment GitHub will be like: "Yo, this a private repository! We need to encrypt traffic using this public key I have here and your private key"

You have added the public key to your profile on GitHub, but SSH has to somehow figure out where your corresponding private key is located. Since we have no clue which private key should be used when SSH-ing into, SSH client tries to find a key in default location, which is ~/.ssh/id_rsa - it's his best guess. If there is no file in that location, you will get an error:

Cloning into 'raspberry-spy'...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

If you have some private key stored in file ~/.ssh/id_rsa, SSH client will use that private key for communication encryption. If that key is passworded (as it should be), you will be prompted for a password, like so:

Enter passphrase for key '/Users/steve/.ssh/id_rsa':

If you enter the correct passphrase and if that private key indeed is the one which corresponds to the public key which you attached to your profile, all will go fine and the repository will be cloned successfully.

But what if you named your key differently (ex. ~/.ssh/_id_rsa)? SSH client will not be able to determine where the private key is stored. You will get the same Permission denied ... error as before.

If you want to use a private key that you named differently, you have to add it manually:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/_id_rsa

After entering the passphrase you can check if the key was added to ssh-agent (SSH client) by executing ssh-add -l. This command will list all keys which are currently available to the SSH client.

If you try cloning the repository now, it will be successful.

So far, so good?

If you are keen-eyed, you might start noticing some potential issues.

Firstly, if you restart your computer, ssh-agent will restart and you will have to add your not-default-named keys using ssh-add all over again, typing passwords and all that tedious stuff.

Can we automate adding keys or somehow specify which key to use when accessing certain servers?

Can we somehow save passwords so we don't have to type them in every time? If only there was something like a keychain for saving password-protected SSH keys 🤔.

Rest assured, there are answers to all those questions.

Enter, SSH config

As it turns out, SSH configuration file is a thing, a thing which can help us out. It is a per-user configuration file for SSH communication. Create a new file: ~/.ssh/config and open it for editing.

Managing custom-named SSH keys

First thing we are going to solve using this config file is avoid having to add custom-named SSH keys using ssh-add. Assuming your SSH key is named ~/.ssh/_id_rsa, add following to the config file:

  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/_id_rsa
  IdentitiesOnly yes

Now make sure that ~/.ssh/_id_rsa is not in ssh-agent by executing ssh-add -D. This command will remove all keys from currently active ssh-agent session. The session gets reset every time you log out or reboot (or if you kill ssh-agent process manually). We can "simulate" rebooting by executing the mentioned command.

If you try cloning your GitHub repository now, it will be the same as if we added the key manually (like we did before). You will be asked for password:

git clone
Cloning into 'raspberry-spy'...
Enter passphrase for key '/Users/steve/.ssh/_id_rsa':

You will have noticed that the key for whose password we are prompted for is the same key which we specified in our config file. After entering the correct SSH key password, repository will be successfully cloned.

Note: if, after successful cloning, you try git pull, you will be prompted for password again. We will solve that later.

It is important that Host from config and from URI match. You can also change config to be Host mygithub and clone using URI git@mygithub:steve/raspberry-spy.git.

This opens the floodgates. As you are reading this, your mind is racing and thinking about how all your troubles with SSH keys are over. Here are some useful configuration examples:

Host bitbucket-corporate
        User git
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_corp
        IdentitiesOnly yes

Now you can use git clone git@bitbucket-corporate:company/project.git

Host bitbucket-personal
        User git
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal
        IdentitiesOnly yes

Now you can use git clone git@bitbucket-personal:steve/other-pi-project.git

Host myserver
        Port 1111
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal
        IdentitiesOnly yes
        User steve
        IdentitiesOnly yes

Now you can SSH into your server using ssh myserver. How cool is that? You do not need to enter port and username manually every time you execute ssh command.

Bonus: Per-repository settings

You can also define which specific key should be used for certain repository, overriding anything in SSH config. Specific SSH command can be defined by setting sshCommand under core in <project>/.git/config. Example:

        sshCommand = ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_corp

This is possible with git 2.10 or later. You can also use this command to avoid editing the file manually:

git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_corp'

Password management

Last piece of the puzzle is managing passwords. We want to avoid having to enter password every time when SSH connection is initiating. To do so, we can utilize keychain management software that comes with MacOS and various Linux distributions.

Start by adding your key to the keychain by passing -K option to the ssh-add command:

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa_whatever

Now you can see your SSH key in the keychain. On MacOS it looks something like this: Keychain Access

If you remove the keys from ssh-agent via ssh-add -D (this will happen when you restart your computer, as mentioned before) and try SSH-ing, you will be prompted for password again. Why? We just added the key to the keychain. If you check Keychain Access again, you will notice that the key you added using ssh-add -K is still in the keychain. Weird, huh?

It turns out there is one more hoop to jump through. Open your SSH config file and add the following:

Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes

Now, SSH will look for key in keychain and if it finds it you will not be prompted for password. Key will also be added to ssh-agent. On MacOS this will work on MacOS Sierra 10.12.2 or later. On Linux you can use something like gnome-keyring and it might work even without this last modification to SSH config. As for Windows - who knows, right?

I hope someone found this useful. Now go and configure your SSH config file!