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Ruby Hashes

Ruby Hashes

A hash is a collection of keys and values. It is similar to what is commonly called a dictionary in other languages. In Ruby, a hash is similar to an array, but rather than simply storing a value it stores a key, value pair.

array = ["value"]
hash = { "key" => "value" }

There are a couple of different ways to create a new hash:

hash1 = {a: 100, b: "200"}
hash2 =
hash3 = # with default value set to 0

A programmer can then access a hash value using its key, rather than the index.

array[0] # => "value"
hash["key"] # => "value" 

In this way, a hash acts more like a dictionary where you can look up a value by its key.

dictionary = { "Aardvark" => "a large, nocturnal, burrowing mammal", 
               "Zyzzyva" => "a genus of tropical weevils" }
dictionary["Aardvark"] # => "a large, nocturnal, burrowing mammal"
dictionary["Zyzzyva"] # => "a genus of tropical weevils"

You can also create a hash using symbols as keys.

hash = { :symbol => "value" }
hash[:symbol] # => "value"

In addition, if all of your keys are symbols, you can write your hash in this alternate format, but you would access it in the same manner:

hash = { symbol: "value" }
hash[:symbol] # => "value"

More Information:

Ruby hash documentation