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60f0286404aefb0562a4fdf9 Step 4 0 step-4


Add a title element to the head, and give your project a title of freeCodeCamp Registration Form Project. Also, nest a self-closing link element in the head element. Give it a rel attribute value of stylesheet, a type attribute value of text/css, and an href attribute value of styles.css.


Your code should have a title element.

const title = document.querySelector('title');

The title element should be within the head element.

const head = document.querySelector('head');
// TODO: head does not contain title...body contains title

Your project should have a title of freeCodeCamp Registration Form Project.

const title = document.querySelector('title');
assert.equal(title.text.toLowerCase(), 'freecodecamp registration form project')

Remember, the casing and spelling matters for the title.

const title = document.querySelector('title');
assert.equal(title.text, 'freeCodeCamp Registration Form Project');

Your code should have a link element.

assert.match(code, /<link/)

You should not change your existing head tags. Make sure you did not delete the closing tag.

const heads = document.querySelectorAll('head');
assert.equal(heads?.length, 1);

Your link element should be a self-closing element.


Your link element should be within your head element.


Your link element should have a rel attribute with the value stylesheet.

assert.match(code, /<link[\s\S]*?rel=('|"|`)stylesheet\1/)

Your link element should have a type attribute with the value text/css.

assert.match(code, /<link[\s\S]*?type=('|"|`)text\/css\1/)

Your link element should have an href attribute with the value styles.css.

assert.match(code, /<link[\s\S]*?href=('|"|`)(\.\/)?styles\.css\1/)



<!DOCTYPE html>