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Uncomment HTML

Uncomment HTML

The comment topic is often a bit confusing at the start. Look at the example:

<!-- This is a commented block. 
It doesn't matter how long it is, if it has <h1>HTML elements</h1> in it or if it develops
few lines,
everything between the first weird series of character and the last is commented out -->

You can use comment in-line too: <!-- Uh, I does not exists! --> and here it is!

The only thing to consider is that when you see this set of char <!-- everything from there is commented out since you find the specular -->; these are the opening and closing tag of an HTML element!


Uncomment means take things out from the comment text: to uncomment the h3 element of the following sentence (which is all commented out):

<!-- <h1>Comment header</h1> <h3>Comment subtle</h3> <article>I am the text of the comment</article> -->

is as easy as:

<!-- <h1>Comment header</h1> --> <h3>Comment subtle</h3> <!-- <article>I am the text of the comment</article> -->

Notice how it has been added a closing comment tag (-->) before the h3 HTML element to match the opening comment tag at the start of the sentence and added an opening comment tag (<!--) after it to match the closing tag at the end: in this way you have created two inline comments, one before the h3 element and one after!.

If you want to uncomment everything is even easier:

<h1>Comment header</h1> <h3>Comment subtle</h3> <article>I am the text of the comment</article>

Just remove the opening and closing tag of the comment.