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title: Clojure Looprecur
You may need to understand [`if`](// and [`let`](// to fully grasp recursion in Clojure.
## `for` and `while`
Clojure does not have for loops or while loops. This makes sense, if you think about it. A `for` loop changes a variable, and that's not allowed in Clojure.
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
`i++` means that we add one to the variable `i` every time the loop finishes -- a clear example of a variable being mutated.
`while` loops are less obviously reliant on changing variables, but they are, just as much as for loops are.
var i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
`while` loops always have a condition, like `i < 10`, and will break if that condition is no longer true. This means that they have to have some kind of side effect (like adding 1 to `i`) so that the condition will eventually be false; otherwise, the loop would last forever.
## Recursion
Thankfully, Clojure does have one loops of some kind. These loops use recursion -- a function that calls itself. The simplest recursive algorithm is one to find a positive number factorial (5 factorial, for example, equals `5 * 4 * 3 * 2`).
(defn fact [x]
(loop [n x prod 1] ;; this works just like a 'let' binding.
(if (= 1 n) ;; this is the base case.
(recur (dec n) (* prod n)))))
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You'll notice that `(loop [n x prod 1] ...)` looks quite similar to a `let` binding. It actually works in just the same way -- here, we bind `n` to `x`, and `prod` to 1.
Every recursive function has a "base case". This is the condition that makes the loop stop looping. In this case, our loop stops if `n = 1`, and returns `prod`. If `n` isn't equal to 1, then the loop recurs.
(recur (dec n) (* prod n))
This `recur` function restarts the loop, but with different bindings. This time, `n` isn't bound to `x`, but is instead bound to `(dec n)` (which means `decrement n`, or `n - 1`), and `prod` is bound to `(* prod n)`.
So when we call the function, this is what happens:
(fact 5)
; Loop 1: 5 != 1, so the loop recurs with 4 (5 - 1) and 5 (1 * 5).
; Loop 2: 4 != 1, so the loop recurs with 3 (4 - 1) and 20 (5 * 4).
; Loop 3: 3 != 1, so the loop recurs with 2 (3 - 1) and 60 (20 * 3).
; Loop 4: 2 != 1, so the loop recurs with 1 (2 - 1) and 120 (60 * 2).
; Loop 5: 1 == 1, so the function returns prod, which is now equal to 120.
; => 120
The ingenious thing about recursion is that the variables themselves are never changed. The only thing that changes is what `n` and `prod` _refer to_. We never say, `n--`, or `n += 2`.
## Why use loop/recur?
You might be wondering why you would use `loop/recur` rather than simply defining a function that calls itself. Our factorial function could have been written like this:
(defn fact-no-loop [n]
(if (= 1 n)
(* n (fact-no-loop (dec n)))))
This is more concise, and works in a similar way. Why would you _ever_ use loop and recur?
### Tail Call Optimisation
If you use `loop/recur`, then the compiler (the software that turns Clojure code into JVM bytecode) knows that you want to create a recursive loop. This means that it tries its hardest to optimise your code for recursion. Let's compare the speed of `fact` and `fact-no-loop`:
(time (fact 20))
; => "Elapsed time: 0.083927 msecs"
; 2432902008176640000
(time (fact-no-loop 20))
; => "Elapsed time: 0.064937 msecs"
; 2432902008176640000
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At this scale, the difference is negligible. In fact, `fact-no-loop` is occasionally faster than `fact` due to the unpredictable nature of computer memory. However, on a larger scale, this kind of optimisation can make your code much, much quicker.
### Nesting Recursion Within functions
`fact-no-loop` works without `loop/recur` because the entire function is recursive. What if we wanted part of our function to use a recursive loop, and then the rest of it to do something non-recursive? We'd have to define two entirely separate functions. Using `loop/recur` lets us use a little anonymous function instead.
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