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id: 59667989bf71cf555dd5d2ff
title: S-Expressions
challengeType: 5
forumTopicId: 302303
dashedName: s-expressions
# --description--
[S-Expressions]( "wp: S-Expression") are one convenient way to parse and store data.
# --instructions--
Write a simple reader/parser for S-Expressions that handles quoted and unquoted strings, integers and floats.
The function should read a single but nested S-Expression from a string and return it as a (nested) array.
Newlines and other whitespace may be ignored unless contained within a quoted string.
"`()`" inside quoted strings are not interpreted, but treated as part of the string.
Handling escaped quotes inside a string is optional; thus "`(foo"bar)`" may be treated as a string "`foo"bar`", or as an error.
For this, the reader need not recognize `\` for escaping, but should, in addition, recognize numbers if the language has appropriate data types.
Note that with the exception of `()"` (`\` if escaping is supported) and whitespace, there are no special characters. Anything else is allowed without quotes.
The reader should be able to read the following input
<pre>((data "quoted data" 123 4.5)
(data (!@# (4.5) "(more" "data)")))
and turn it into a native data structure. (See the [Pike]( "\#Pike"), [Python]( "\#Python") and [Ruby]( "\#Ruby") implementations for examples of native data structures.)
# --hints--
`parseSexpr` should be a function.
assert(typeof parseSexpr === 'function');
`parseSexpr('(data1 data2 data3)')` should return `['data1', 'data2', 'data3']`
assert.deepEqual(parseSexpr(simpleSExpr), simpleSolution);
`parseSexpr('((data "quoted data" 123 4.5) (data (!@# (4.5) "(more" "data)")))')` should return `[['data', '"quoted data"', 123, 4.5], ['data', ['!@#', [4.5], '"(more"', '"data)"']]]`.
assert.deepEqual(parseSexpr(basicSExpr), basicSolution);
# --seed--
## --after-user-code--
const simpleSExpr = '(data1 data2 data3)';
const simpleSolution = ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'];
const basicSExpr = '((data "quoted data" 123 4.5) (data (!@# (4.5) "(more" "data)")))';
const basicSolution = [["data","\"quoted data\"",123,4.5],["data",["!@#",[4.5],"\"(more\"","\"data)\""]]];
## --seed-contents--
function parseSexpr(str) {
return true;
# --solutions--
function parseSexpr(str) {
const t = str.match(/\s*("[^"]*"|\(|\)|"|[^\s()"]+)/g);
for (var o, c = 0, i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var n,
ti = t[i].trim();
if (ti == '"') return;
else if (ti == '(') t[i] = '[', c += 1;
else if (ti == ')') t[i] = ']', c -= 1;
else if ((n = +ti) == ti) t[i] = n;
else t[i] = `'${ti.replace('\'', '\\\'')}'`;
if (i > 0 && ti != ']' && t[i - 1].trim() != '(') t.splice(i, 0, ',');
if (!c) if (!o) o = true; else return;
return c ? undefined : eval(t.join(''));