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Prima di lavorare troppo sullo stile della pagina, dovresti usare la classe sr-only. Puoi utilizzare il CSS per rendere gli elementi con questa classe completamente nascosti alla vista nella pagina, ma ancora leggibili dai lettori di schermo.

Il CSS che stai per scrivere è un insieme comune di proprietà usate per garantire che gli elementi siano completamente nascosti alla vista.

Il selettore span[class~="sr-only"] selezionerà qualsiasi elemento span il cui attributo class include sr-only. Crea questo selettore e dagli una proprietà border con il valore 0.


Dovresti avere un selettore span[class~="sr-only"].

assert(new __helpers.CSSHelp(document).getStyle('span[class~="sr-only"]'));

Il selettore span[class~="sr-only"] dovrebbe avere una proprietà border con il valore 0.

assert(new __helpers.CSSHelp(document).getStyle('span[class~="sr-only"]')?.getPropertyValue('border-width') === '0px');



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Balance Sheet</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css">
          <span class="flex">
            <span>Balance Sheet</span>
        <div id="years" aria-hidden="true">
          <span class="year">2019</span>
          <span class="year">2020</span>
          <span class="year">2021</span>
        <div class="table-wrap">
                <th><span class="sr-only year">2019</span></th>
                <th><span class="sr-only year">2020</span></th>
                <th class="current"><span class="sr-only year">2021</span></th>
              <tr class="data">
                <th>Cash <span class="description">This is the cash we currently have on hand.</span></th>
                <td class="current">$28</td>
              <tr class="data">
                <th>Checking <span class="description">Our primary transactional account.</span></th>
                <td class="current">$53</td>
              <tr class="data">
                <th>Savings <span class="description">Funds set aside for emergencies.</span></th>
                <td class="current">$728</td>
              <tr class="total">
                <th>Total <span class="sr-only">Assets</span></th>
                <td class="current">$809</td>
              <th><span class="sr-only">2019</span></th>
              <th><span class="sr-only">2020</span></th>
              <th><span class="sr-only">2021</span></th>
              <tr class="data">
                <th>Loans <span class="description">The outstanding balance on our startup loan.</span></th>
                <td class="current">$0</td>
              <tr class="data">
                <th>Expenses <span class="description">Annual anticipated expenses, such as payroll.</span></th>
                <td class="current">$400</td>
              <tr class="data">
                <th>Credit <span class="description">The outstanding balance on our credit card.</span></th>
                <td class="current">$75</td>
              <tr class="total">
                <th>Total <span class="sr-only">Liabilities</span></th>
                <td class="current">$475</td>
            <caption>Net Worth</caption>
              <th><span class="sr-only">2019</span></th>
              <th><span class="sr-only">2020</span></th>
              <th><span class="sr-only">2021</span></th>
              <tr class="total">
                <th>Total <span class="sr-only">Net Worth</span></th>
                <td class="current">$334</td>


html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  color: #0a0a23;