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Bash cd

Bash command: cd

cd - Change Directory It is used to change the current working directory.

Change Directory to the path specified, for example cd projects.


cd [dir]

There are a few really helpful arguments to help with this:

  • . refers to the current directory, such as ./projects
  • .. can be used to move up one folder, use cd .., and can be combined to move up multiple levels ../../my_folder
  • - takes you back to the previous directory you were working on. For example, cd -
  • / is the root of your system to reach core folders, such as system, users, etc.
  • ~ is the home directory, usually the path /users/username. Move back to folders referenced relative to this path by including it at the start of your path, for example ~/projects.
  • - can be used to move to the previous directory. For example, you are in /A, then cd to /B, use cd - and you are back to /A
  • ~[number] will cd to that entry from the output of dirs directories can be pushed or popped to the 'dirs' stack using pushd and popd respectively.
  • Typing only cd will move to the home directory works same as cd ~. cd $HOME will also move to the home directory.
  • Typing 'pwd' will show you which directory you are currently working in.


Change directory to projects folder:

cd projects

The cd command is the daily workhorse for navigating through your path, but closely related are the pushd, popd, and dirs commands, which maintain a stack of your directory movements and allow you to more quickly navigate through this stack.

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