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Flex Property

Flex Property

flex property is a shorthand to specify a flexible item's size. flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis can be specified within this shorthand property.

This property has no effect if the element is not a flex-item. Flex item is an element that is a direct child of a container parent with display property as flex or inline-flex.


Possible variations in syntax listed below. flex-grow and flex-shrink take a whole number as value. flex-basis takes regular size units such as px, em, rem...etc.

flex: <flex-grow> <flex-shrink> <flex-basis>;
flex: <flex-basis>;
flex: <flex-grow>;
flex: <flex-grow> <flex-basis>;
flex: <flex-grow> <flex-shrink>;

flex-basis specifies the size of the element along main axis. Within a container, the main axis is defined by flex-direction. The main axis is horizontal when flex-direction is row. Vertical when the flex-direction is column.

flex-basis: 20px would set initial width of the element to 20px if the flex-direction is row. The same flex-basis would apply to height if the fle-direction is column.

flex: 20px would automatically mean flex-basis: 20px, as the shorthand property has only flex-basis as the property that can take a value with unit.

flex: 2 specifies flex-grow: 2 and the element would grow twice longer/taller than other elements with flex-grow: 1.

flex: 1 2 specifies flex-grow: 1 and flex-shrink: 2. The element grows to take up empty space in proportion with other elements with flex-grow: 1 but shrinks twice as smaller when compared other elements with flex-shrink: 1 when pressed against space.

More Information

  • flex property reference on MDN