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Comparison with the Inequality Operator

Comparison with the Inequality Operator

Problem explanation:

· Add the inequality operator != in the if statement so that the function will return "Not equal" when val is not equivalent to 99.

Hint 1

The inequality operator (!=) will return true if the first value is not equal to the second one without taking value type into consideration.

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Basic code solution:

// Setup
function testNotEqual(val) {
  if (val != 99) { // Change this line
    return "Not Equal";
  return "Equal";

// Change this value to test

· Run code at

Code explanation

The function first evaluates if the condition (val != 99) evaluates to true. If it does, it returns the statement between the curly braces ("Not equal"). If it doesn't, it returns the next return statement outside them ("Equal").
