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Heuristic Review

Heuristic Review

A Heuristic Review is centered around a set of heuristics: best practices agreed upon by industry experts. In a heuristic review, an evaluator will judge the design against a given set of heuristics, and attempt to identify any issues with the design before recruiting actual users to test the design. For example, take a look at Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics.

A heuristic review can be conducted by anyone. An industry expert will likely identify more issues than a novice, but a novice can use this method just as easily. Furthermore, a group of evaluators can identify a unique subset of issues; together forming a larger set of issues compared to a single novice.

When conducting a heuristic review, the evaluator should take care to search only for issues relating to the set of heuristics. This method won't necessarily provide any design breakthroughs, but it offers a quick and efficient way to detect critical missing pieces in a design.

A heuristic review should take place when low-fidelity mockups are available, which can lead to better, more thoughtful designs which can then be shown to real users.


Martin, Bella, and Bruce M. Hanington. Universal methods of design 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions. Rockport Publishers, 2012.