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HTML5 Canvas

Canvas is a technology introduced in HTML5 which can be accessed by the <canvas> tag. It allows graphics to be drawn via Javascript, and is a powerful tool for interactivity on all modern web browsers. Learn how to draw shapes, manipulate photos, build games, and animate virtually anything following the links below!


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="100" style="border:1px solid #000111;"></canvas>
  1. In the above example, the "id=myCanvas" attribute is referred by JavaScript.
  2. The "width" & "height" attributes are necessary to define the size of the canvas.
  3. By default, <canvas> element has no border & no content. So, to add a border we use the "style" attribute.
  4. We can have multiple <canvas> elements on one HTML page.

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