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Vue CLI is the Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development. The Vue CLI allows a developer to quickly scaffold a project and instantly prototype them.

Components of the System


The CLI (@vue/cli) is a globally installed npm package and provides the vue command in your terminal. It provides the ability to quickly scaffold a new project via vue create, or instantly prototype new ideas via vue serve. You can also manage your projects using a graphical user interface via vue ui.

CLI Service

The CLI Service (@vue/cli-service) is a development dependency. It's an npm package installed locally into every project created by @vue/cli.

The CLI Service is built on top of webpack and webpack-dev-server.

CLI Plugins

CLI Plugins are npm packages that provide optional features to your Vue CLI projects, such as Babel/TypeScript transpilation, ESLint integration, unit testing, and end-to-end testing. It's easy to spot a Vue CLI plugin as their names start with either @vue/cli-plugin- (for built-in plugins) or vue-cli-plugin- (for community plugins).

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