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id title challengeType dashedName
615f34ecc1091b4fd5a8a484 Step 4 0 step-4


Within your head element, add a link element with the rel attribute set to stylesheet and the href attribute set to,700,800.

This will import the Open Sans font family, with the font weight values 400, 700, and 800.

Also add a link element to link your styles.css file.


You should have two link elements.

assert(code.match(/<link/g)?.length === 2);

Both of your link elements should have the rel attribute set to stylesheet.

assert(code.match(/<link[\s\S]*?rel=('|"|`)stylesheet\1/)?.length === 2);

One of your link elements should have an href attribute set to ./styles.css.

assert(code.match(/<link[\s\S]*?href=('|"|`)(\.\/)?styles\.css\1/g)?.length === 1);

One of your link elements should have an href attribute set to,700,800.

const links = [...document.querySelectorAll('link')]
assert(links.find(link => link?.getAttribute('href') === ',700,800'));



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Nutrition Label</title>

    <h1>Nutrition Facts</h1>
    <p>8 servings per container</p>
    <p>Serving size 2/3 cup (55g)</p>